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image アイテム 説明 カテゴリ shop 価格 入手 実装日
Traditions of Summer - NanahaOnodera

Oh... Fancy meeting you at this desolate place, maybe it could be said that 'our hearts are in harmony.' Well, as a reward, take a piece of this snack.

浴衣, 裸足
Outfit 洋服屋 880着替券 limited time 2023-09-27
Bond - NanahaOnodera

Available after making a Bonding Promise with Nanaha Onodera

黒髪, 眼鏡, 黒ストッキング, フード付きマント
Outfit always 2022-01-26
Default - NanahaOnodera

Nanaha Onodera’s default look

黒髪, 眼鏡, 黒ストッキング, ハイヒール
Outfit always 2022-01-26
Default - KazuhaSaionji

Kazuha Saionji’s default look

銀髪, ポニーテール, ストッキング, スニーカー,
Outfit limited time 2021-12-22
Bond - KazuhaSaionji

Available after making a Bonding Promise with Kazuha Saionji

うごく, 和服, 銀髪, ポニーテール, 素足, ブーツ,
Outfit always 2021-12-22
Nocturne Cantabile (2023)

Instead of raising cups amid a ruckus, having some snacks in a quiet corner is much more comfortable.

Decoration, Illustration 写真屋 イベント報酬 limited time 2023-02-22
Perfect Holiday (2022)

Before a pajama party, a gal needs a makeover with friends.

Decoration, Illustration 写真屋 always 2023-01-16
Daybreak in G Major - AyakoMorikawa

A dan-dance with you? ...I do want to, but dancing would require me to put my hands on you, right? I'm afraid I'd bring you misfortune by doing so... I really wish you'd be the luckiest person in the world.

黒髪, 黒ストッキング, バラ, 人形
Outfit 洋服屋 1500着替券 limited time 2023-02-22
Default - AyakoMorikawa

Ayako Morikawa’s default look

素足, 帽子, 黒髪, 素足, パンプス, 手袋, 包帯, 人形
Outfit always 2021-08-26
Bond - AyakoMorikawa

Available after making a Bonding Promise with Ayako Morikawa

黒髪, メガネ, 黒ストッキング, ローファー, 包帯, 人形
Outfit always 2021-08-26
