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Why not take a breather and check out a festival at another school?
Following the recent upheaval at Abydos High School, Shiroko and Hoshino followed Sensei's advice and took a bus to Allied Hyakkiyako Academy for their festival.
Or at least, that's what they thought they were doing...
[Shiroko]Umm... This doesn't look like Allied Hyakkiyako Academy...
Shiroko stared at the school in front of her with a blank expression. Next to her, Hoshino yawned unconcernedly.
[Hoshino]Clearly, we're in the wrong place. Look. The pillar over there says this is Asaha High School.
[Hoshino]Ah, and it was shaping up to be such a nice day. Even you dozed off for a bit, Shiroko!
[Shiroko]I thought we were at Allied Hyakkiyako Academy. I'm sorry, I should have paid more attention to the name of the stop.
[Shiroko]I'll go see when the next bus arrives.
[Hoshino]Mm, don't bother. We wanted to go to a school festival. Here is just as good as anywhere.
[Hoshino]Looks like they're having a festival too. Why don't we go in and have a little fun?
[Shiroko]If you're sure...then I guess it would be okay.
[Hoshino]I'm sure. Shall we?
[???]Heehee, what a coincidence.
Just as Hoshino and Shiroko approached the gates, they heard a voice call out from behind them and turned to see two familiar figures.
President Rikuhachima Aru and Asagi Mutsuki, members of Gehenna Academy's infamous Problem Solver 68. Known as the outlaws of Kivotos, their four-member team is so close knit that they've been known to happily split a bowl of ramen between them. They are the inheritors of the Masked Swimsuit Gang's legacy and bill themselves as "reliable" and "trustworthy" when it comes to fulfilling some rather dubious contracts.
[Mutsuki]Good morning, friends of Abydos High School.
[Aru]Were you also summoned here?
[Aru]Oh, just a rumor I heard. It's nothing.
[Hoshino]Did Asaha High School hire you?
[Mutsuki]Yeah, we got a last minute call yesterday.
[Hoshino]Tough job?
[Aru]Nothing Problem Solver 68 can't handle. We never leave loose ends.
[Hoshino]Hm. How very professional of you.
[Aru](Heehee, I make us look so good.)
[Mutsuki]Aru prefers big jobs, but actually, things have been pretty slow lately. We don't have the luxury of being choosy about contracts right now.
[Mutsuki]Are you two just here to hang out?
[Shiroko]Yes, Sensei suggested we should take time to relax and check out another school's festival.
[Mutsuki]Oh, that sounds nice!
[Aru]Eh-hem! It's getting late, Mutsuki, and we shouldn't keep our client waiting. It's bad business. If you'll excuse us...
Aru flashed a perfunctory smile and set off toward the school. Mutsuki waved goodbye to Hoshino and Shiroko and followed.
[Hoshino]Hmph. Happy bunch, aren't they...? Shall we head in too?
So the Foreclosure Task Force and Problem Solver 68 joined the festivities inside Asaha High School.