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[player]How about we start with "Upside Down"?
[Anju Suzumiya]Question: What is that?
[player]It's a roller coaster ride, where we will dive and swirl from high above at high speed.
[Anju Suzumiya]Sounds interesting. KR-976 has accepted your proposal.
Upside Down
Upside Down was one of the most popular attractions of the amusement park. People loved it for its 60-meter vertical dive. Fortunately, we came early and the queue was fairly short. Soon, it was our turn to ride.
Anju Suzumiya and I sat in a cart. I thought she would fear a game like this, but she was just carefully observing the structure of roller coaster and rails with a lot of curiosity.
[player]Aren't you scared at all?
[Anju Suzumiya]Answer: KR-976 isn't afraid of heights. If PLAYER is scared, you can come to KR-976 for help.
Anju held my hand as she spoke. Her palm felt dry and warm. She really seemed not scared at all.
[player]Alright, sit back then. The ride is about to start.
After a loud and crisp ringing sound, our roller coaster started to climb up toward the highest point.
Anju was very excited throughout the ride. She even patted my arm in excitement when we reached the peak, telling me that I couldn't enjoy the ride with my eyes closed.
But I was so nervous—!!!!!//nWhen can I get out—?????
2 minutes later
Finally, we got off the roller coaster, but Anju still looked like she wanted more of it. To stop her from riding it again, I quickly pulled her away and headed to the next attraction.
A large building could be seen not far ahead. A giant, scary face was staring at us with its mouth open, which looked like the entrance.
[Anju Suzumiya]Question: What's that thing over there?
[player]Looks like a haunted house to me.
[Anju Suzumiya]Question: Are there really ghosts in the haunted house?
[player]Of course not. Even if there are, they are just the staff in disguise. Are you interested?
Anju seemed to have hesitated for a split second, but I wasn't too sure.
[Anju Suzumiya]Question: Is PLAYER scared of the haunted house?
[player]It depends. A jump scare may get me, but once I know everything is fake, I won't be afraid anymore.
[Anju Suzumiya]If the staff jump on you, PLAYER will definitely be very scared. We are not going.
[player]Anju, you aren't scared of ghosts, are you?
[Anju Suzumiya]KR-976 is a product of science and w-will never fear n-non-scientific existence.
From what I know of her, she's lying.
[player]Anju, if you want to take a look inside, I don't mind it. I'll be fine.
[Anju Suzumiya]For the health of PLAYER, KR-976 r-refuses to do so.
I never thought Anju Suzumiya would be scared of ghosts. If that's the case...