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Treat Ein to a meal


I pat my wallet - I've been quite well-off recently, so I'll treat him to a meal. I step up to Ein and pat him on the shoulder before making my generous proposal.
As they say, every meeting we have is preordained by fate. I'll treat you to lunch today.
Wow! PLAYER, you're such a good person... Umm, but doesn't it seem like I'm living off you then? My old man will give me a beating if he finds out.
A son is not bound by his father's orders when he is not living at home.
That might be true, but I still feel a little embarrassed. Is there anything I can do for you?
I can't think of anything right now. Let's think about it while we eat.
*Rumble* My tummy is rumbling this time. I was on my way to scrounge a free meal at the Mahjong Soul Shrine, but I missed their mealtime because of my unexpected encounter with Ein.
Well... why don't we have something to eat first then? There's a fabulous ramen place around here.
Ein leads me to an inconspicuous ramen shop on the next street. The shop isn't that big, and the tables and chairs look weathered with age, but the thick aroma of the ramen soup fills the shop, inexplicably giving it a slightly homey atmosphere.
Do you know what the highest praise that can be given to a restaurant in One Han City is?
Absolutely amazing?
No, it's: "The food reminds me of home."
Then what would be considered a bad review?
The food tastes the same as the food at home.
One Han City's culture sure is deep and profound...
As we speak, Ein leads me nimbly through the long, narrow aisles and sits down at an empty table. He then pulls out a menu from next to him and hands it to me.
Are you a regular here?
I come here every few days. If you don't know what to order, I recommend the signature tonkotsu ramen.
Trust me, it'll remind you of your home.
Then let's have two signature ramens...
Oh? You've brought a friend with you this time? Good work, for a guy who's always alone! I'll give you two free marinated soft-boiled eggs today.
I look up in response to the sound and see a burly man wearing an apron featuring bear designs that doesn't suit his style standing next to us.
If it wasn't for the pair of brown sunglasses he was wearing and the large tattoos exposed under his rolled-up sleeves, I might actually believe that he's the owner of this ramen shop.
Oh, right. I'm having all sorts of troubles with my part-time job today. About those errands I agreed to do for you, can I do them for you tomorrow instead?
The burly man makes the OK gesture at Ein and leaves without speaking.
Is he really the owner of this ramen shop?
Haha, PLAYER, your reaction is the same as mine when I first met the owner.
Although he was involved in some shady things in the past, he is now the owner of this ramen shop.
Does he personally cook all the food here?
Of course. Don't look down on this ramen shop. This is his hunting grounds, just like how your hunting grounds are mahjong dojos, PLAYER.
A hunter never misses in their hunting grounds.
You flatter me. I can carelessly lose 32,000 points in my hunting grounds.
Haha, are you sure that isn't part of your plan to lure in enemies? We hunters have a saying: "Skilled hunters often appear as prey."
PLAYER, you're probably someone who is brave and resourceful like that.
...Geez, I don't know what to say about you.
Your food is ready! My dear customers, please enjoy the signature tonkotsu ramen you ordered.
Two big bowls appear in front of us after the owner speaks in his deep voice. The milky-white soup base is filled with noodles of even thickness, sprinkled with finely chopped green onions, and has a mouth-watering aroma.
The edge of the bowl is lined with moderately thick slices of tender and juicy pork. It's difficult to find another shop in One Han City that can rival this one based on the portion size alone. Suddenly, the owner's face looks more amiable and friendly to me because of this bowl of noodles.
Ah! It's so hot!
Having a bowl of the owner's signature ramen at the end of a busy day is one of the happiest moments in my life.
You're so easily satisfied.
I know some other places that are affordable and delicious. I'll treat you to a meal at one of those places next time.
Ein, it looks like you know One Han City very well.
Yes, because I love this place.
Why is that?
This city is sufficiently tolerant and fair, and those who work hard won't be picked on because of their origin or appearance.
This place is also big enough with plenty of hunting grounds. Each hunter can run to their heart's content and display their abilities here.
I hope my tribespeople can come here and take a look in the future. The nature of a hunting ground shouldn't be defined, and no hunter should be underestimated.
I don't feel very strongly about this because I live here every day, but listening to your words makes me feel so hot-blooded and excited about being a good citizen of One Han City!
Hot-blooded? ...Ahhhhh! PLAYER, you're feeling like that because you've spilled soup all over yourself! {var:Shake}
Owner! Owner! Bring us some towels!
Eh? Ahhhhhh!
After some fuss and confusion, I finally wipe most of the soup off my clothes, and the amiable owner refills my soup for free.
This is why it's a bad idea to listen to passionate speeches while eating. It's so easy to knock over bowls and dishes when you get excited.
Although things didn't go completely smoothly at our meal, the delicious food still makes me happy.
Ahhh, I'm so full. You're the reason I feel alive today, PLAYER.
I wouldn't go that far. After all, we're such good friends. True friends are those who can share their joys and sorrows with each other.
You're right. True friends are those who can share their joys and sorrows with each other.
By the way, have you decided what you need me to do for you?
Umm... not really.
Haha, I knew it. Fortunately, I'm prepared for this.
Ein pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to me. It looks like the piece of paper he was writing and drawing on in the restaurant for a long time.
I receive it from him and see that it's a "free employment voucher" with the following words on it: The employer, PLAYER, can use this voucher to get Ein to perform one job for free. The task will be completed properly without any mistakes. Ein
Haha, why does it look like you're selling yourself to me?
Tsk, when you put it like that, it does sound like I am, haha.
But you can only use this once, so think carefully before using it. Please don't use it for something like making a pair of fox-fur gloves.
...I'm not Eliisa.
I know, I know. Of course, you're not Eliisa. You're my best friend, PLAYER.
My face turns red with embarrassment after hearing something this cheesy during the day, even if it's true.
What are you thinking of doing next? Do you want to play mahjong with me at the Mahjong Soul Shrine?
Why would I play mahjong when I'm cursed with bad luck? Do I look like I want to deal into a Thirteen Orphans and then a Nine Gates? I've decided to spend the day safely at home today.
Ein's ears droop again after thinking of his tragic bout of bad luck today. I don't want to make things difficult for him, so we go our separate ways.
One hour later
Ron! Thirteen Orphans, woof! Thanks, PLAYER.
Eight minutes later
Ron, nyaa! Big Three Dragons, nyaa! Master is great! Thanks, Master, nyaa.
Six minutes later
Ehehe, Ron! PLAYER, thanks for offering me this Nine Gates.
Forehead covered in cold sweat, I touch the "free employment voucher" I received from Ein in my pocket. This guy... Could he have passed his bad luck to me? I don't want that to happen!