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Stay away from any strange cooking method.


[player]Nobody cooks red braised pork belly with chili!
[Miki Nikaidou]Hmm, a lot of people say that. When I saw the recipe, I felt a bit awkward because I didn't know which type you were...
[player]Red braised pork belly gained its name from the red shiny look and crispy yet smooth texture made with soy sauce and sugar. Adding a spicy flavor is redundant in my opinion. Honestly, I don't even think spicy is a flavor - it is just a type of pain.
[Miki Nikaidou]Now that you've said so, I will cook it to your liking.
Miki Nikaidou walked into the kitchen with a mysterious smile.
Half An Hour Later
I waited anxiously for half an hour before Miki Nikaidou took out her dishes one by one from the kitchen.
[Miki Nikaidou]Based on your preferences, I have made a dinner that you will like!
I carefully examined the many plates of charred substances of irregular shapes. Countless questions began to arise in my head.
What went wrong? I tried to recall my previous answers to Nikaidou's questions. How was she able to interpret my preferences so wrong?
Suddenly, I remembered Ichihime's panicked expression before she ran away. Now I understood why she said "run!" to me.
Meanwhile, Miki Nikaidou picked up a black piece with chopsticks and placed it in my bowl. She smiled at me.