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Choose the path on the right to enjoy the scenery


As the saying goes, no two leaves are exactly the same. In the case of scenery, even the same scenery will look different every day.
Besides, I'm very fit, so I can afford to be willful.
Ein, let's take the path on the right.
Sure thing, but remember to tell me when you get tired. The "princess carry" is quite trendy lately, right? If you like, I'm happy to offer that service, haha.
I start shuddering at this overly beautiful image and shake my head quickly to get this image out of my mind.
Ahem, the light has turned green. Let's go.
After turning at the intersection, I see colorful flowers blooming on both sides of the road, proudly displaying themselves amidst the greenery. At the corner of the street not far away lies a small artificial lake, its surface glistening like golden ribbons in the sunlight.
If it isn't because Ein is walking faster and faster, I would definitely have the chance to enjoy this!
After several minutes, I finally give in and tug his tail, which makes him stop moving suddenly.
Ein, you're walking too quickly.
Oh, I'm sorry... I'm used to doing that.
Is it because you're afraid you'll take too long while making deliveries?
Haha, it's not that. It's mainly because I feel like I can hear my old man scolding me whenever I start slowing down.
Ein, is your old... father really strict?
I almost called Ein's father "old man" like he does. Fortunately, the virtue of elegance reminds me to always be polite.
Not really. He's quite amiable most of the time, but he is the leader of the tribe, so he is stricter and more demanding of me. That's why I developed a habit of doing things faster and better than others since I was a child.
So it's a good thing based on the outcome.
That's right. I really need to thank my old man for training me to have such good physical strength. If it wasn't for him, I might not have been able to win the favor of my employers in One Han City.
I really like my work as a delivery staff. The feeling of moving quickly through the city is very similar to the feeling of hunting in my hometown. It makes me want to keep moving faster and faster. To be able to run as fast as the wind would be the best thing ever!
Actually, it's good to stop what you're doing occasionally and adopt a slow and leisurely pace in life.
A slow... and leisurely pace in life?
That's right. That's the theme of most variety shows now, and we should follow fashion trends closely. For example, if you look at both sides of the road here, you might see different scenery from what you're used to seeing.
As if he understands the message behind my words, Ein takes a deep breath and slows down. He slowly turns his neck and looks at the mottled shadows of trees on both sides of the road and the white clouds floating in the sky.
Time seems to slow down when Ein's eyes finally fall on the path in front of him. I watch him slowly open his hands to caress the gentle wind and listen to the gurgling of water with his ears.
The scenery around him seems to imbue his clear eyes with more color, making them look as dazzling as sparkling gems.
Look! The cloud over there looks like two people who are wrestling.
I think the cloud looks more like you. Yes, that's right.
Am I that fat?
It's about right if I factor in the fluffiness of your fur.
As I speak, I deliberately pull on Ein's big furry tail, which makes him jump away quickly to protect his tail.
Stop! My fur will fall out if you do that!!!
You take such good care of the fur on your tail that your tail won't go bald after being pulled once or twice.
Ein and I laugh and talk as we walk on the path beside the flowers. Now that he's no longer obsessed with rushing, his pace also slows down.
I pass by this road often when I'm doing my part-time job, but it's my first time seeing all this beautiful scenery today.
It's because you have a pair of eyes that are so good at discovering beauty.
Haha, the most beautiful thing I've discovered is... Hmm, wait a minute... What's this?
I turn around to look at what he is looking at and see an advertisement posted in the window of a shop on the street.
New teddy bear merch will be available for sale from 8:00 a.m. on the 30th of this month? Ein, are you interested in this type of merch?
It's my employer who's interested. Speaking of which, you know her too.
We have so many common friends, haha. Is it Chiori?
She does own a lot of this merch, but my employer is actually her maid. She has hired me to collect all sorts of teddy bear merch information and pays me a generous wage.
I clap my hands in surprise when I remember that Riu Kujou had mentioned that Chiori Mikami was very sad after losing her handbag. Fortunately, a special, kind person took Index home afterwards.
Could you be that kind person?
What kind person?
The kind person who found Chiori's handbag for her.
Oh, you're talking about that incident. That was because the request to find the missing item stated that the finder would be thanked generously. I'm just a worker who's trying to earn more Coppers.
Oh, we're here.
The somewhat weathered signboard of the dessert shop appears in front of us after Ein cries out joyfully.
This dessert shop is very plainly decorated, and I've never noticed it before, probably because of its remote location.
However, the furnishings of the shop are quite elegant, and the spacious and bright layout complements its warm, soft color combination very well. Guests have also left comments and photos on the walls, which adds to the cozy ambiance.
The warmest thing of all to me is the price of the exquisite desserts.
What do you think? The desserts here are affordable and delicious, right?
Dessert Shop Owner
Oh, it's you, Ein... I was just thinking that the voice sounded familiar...
The elderly woman who owns the shop comes out to greet us after hearing customers enter. Judging from her familiar tone, I guess that Ein is a regular customer here.
Is this your friend? Haha, this is the first time Ein has brought a friend here.
This sounds really familiar. Are you going to say that it's been a long time since Ein has been this happy next?
Hahahaha, I might be old, but I still watch television. Who has time to worry about being happy or unhappy every day? Ein here is happy every day.
Indeed, I've rarely seen Ein look depressed or unhappy, and he also cheered himself up pretty quickly earlier. He is an optimistic, cheerful, and sunny boy.
The best time to arrive is just in time. I have a batch of new desserts that are fresh out of the oven. Ein, why don't you and your friend help me taste test them?
Thanks, it's our pleasure.
Ein takes me to sit down at a table by the window. The sweet fragrance permeating the shop heightens my expectations for the new dessert.
The cake is sweet but not too heavy, and the cream just melts in your mouth... I give it the highest rating that can be given in One Han City: It's not too sweet.
This one is for you.
As I am indulging myself in this dessert, Ein hands me something that feels hard. I open my fingers to see a necklace with a sharp object hanging on it.
What's this...?
It's a gift to thank you for teaching me a new way to experience life. The fang on this pendant is mine. I... hope you don't mind.
Ein starts acting unusually reserved, as if he will take the pendant back if I don't want his fang. However, I'm someone who won't let go of anything, be it a duck or a fang, that falls into my hands, so I accept it quickly and nod in appreciation.
Thanks, I'll take good care of it.
One hour later
Time passes leisurely, and Ein and I leave the dessert shop after finishing our shopping.
Do you have any other part-time jobs to go to after this?
Nope, I'm done for the day.
Oh? Then what about dinner...
Ein smiles and shakes his phone to clear up my confusion.
I've received my pay for providing information about the teddy bear merch. Shall I take you to go hunting after this?
Hunting...? But I'm thinking of going to the Mahjong Soul Shrine.
I know.
You showed me another way to experience life in One Han City, so it's time for me to show you another way to experience mahjong.
Are you ready, PLAYER?
When he mentions mahjong, Ein starts exuding an aura of confidence and strength. At this moment, he looks like he is worthy of being the future successor of his tribe.
Of course, but I won't go easy on you.
I won't admit defeat easily in anything related to mahjong.
However, the game that Ein, Ichihime, Wanjirou, and I play at the Mahjong Soul Shrine on that day is a story for another time.