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Miki Nikaidou would probably poison me to death with food if I ask her this question...


[Miki Nikaidou]You suddenly look very pale... Are you thinking of something that would make me punish you? Hehe! [player]How did you... [Miki Nikaidou]Oopsie, I was only guessing. Well, you can tell Sister Nikaidou now. What were you thinking? [player]I was thinking... You have been through many relationships, haven't you? [Miki Nikaidou]Relationships... huh... Miki Nikaidou seemed to be thinking about something. She gazed around my face back and forth. [Miki Nikaidou]Yeah, I have had many! [player]M-many?! [Miki Nikaidou]About twelve or thirteen... Hmm... or fourteen? Fifteen? There were too many and I lost count. [player]Did you like every one of them? [Miki Nikaidou]Of course. I'm always serious and give everything I have when I am in a relationship. Each and every one of them! [player]Would you still contact them after you separated from each other? [Miki Nikaidou]Only kids do that. Grownups will never disturb each other's life again after a break-up. Anyway... why are you so curious about my relationship status? Are you trying to be my twenty-third partner? Why is that strange number growing again!? [player]Nope. From the number "twenty-third" you said, I have a feeling that our relationship won't last long. [Miki Nikaidou]Wow, do I look like such a flirty man-eater to you? I'm always very dedicated. Every relationship of mine lasted over a year, you know? Over a year? All twenty-two of them? Miki Nikaidou was always calm and confident, but she suddenly looked a bit agitated from my questioning look. [Miki Nikaidou]Well... each of them lasted over a year, but it was possible to have multiple relationships in the same year... [player]And you just said you were dedicated to every one of them... [Miki Nikaidou]Um... that's because... Looking at her shifty eyes, a bold guess suddenly occurred to me. [player]Nikaidou, you haven't had so many relationships, have you? Or... could it be that you have never had any at all? Miki Nikaidou was avoiding eye contact. She definitely wasn't telling the truth.