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Garden of Memories

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Welcome to Asaha High School Festival! 朝葉高校学園祭へようこそ!

Why not take a breather and check out a festival at another school?
Following the recent upheaval at Abydos High School, Shiroko and Hoshino followed Sensei's advice and took a bus to Allied Hyakkiyako Academy for their festival.
Or at least, that's what they thought they... more

First Time Playing Mahjong 麻雀初体験

[Shiroko]*stomach growling*
[Hoshino]*yawns* Guess we ought to eat, huh?
By the time Hoshino and Shiroko finished exploring the school, it was nearly time for lunch.
The hall was filled with the tantalizing scents of home-cooked food wafting from a nearby classroom that had... more

The Way of Outlaws アウトローの作法

After thoroughly enjoying their lunch, Aru and Mutsuki decided they had plenty of time to explore the school.
[Aru](I didn't expect the snacks to be so good. Kayoko and Haruka would love it if I won some tickets and brought something back for them.)
[???]We need energetic,... more

The Heart Pounding Beauty Pageant ドキドキコンテスト

By the time Shiroko and the others arrived at the courtyard, the place was packed with spectators.
[MC]The Asaha High School Cosplay Beauty Pageant starts in just half an hour! And I have good news for all of you! There's still time to sign up!
[MC]Fabulous prizes await! Sign up... more

Dream's End 夢の終点

As they wait for the bus home, Shiroko takes out the prize she won.
[Shiroko]Here, this is for you. Sensei said you like whales.
[Hoshino]That's why you entered the competition? Wow! Thank you, Shiroko! This is so...mature of you!
[Shiroko]I'm glad you like it.... more