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MikiNikaidou's Story

物語 エンディング Body アイテム 絆レベル
Tenhoukaku 天和閣

"You dishonest liar!"
"Yeah. My family heirloom has been passed down 18 generations. How can it be a fake?"
A huge crowd was making lots of noise in front of a jewelry shop. Two men in suits, who looked like father and son, caught the most attention as they argued... more

Agate メノウ

"Squeak—" A plump hedgehog with a few red fruits on its back tried very hard to climb up the lower hem of Miki Nikaidou's dress. However, its short legs really didn't have enough strength to pull itself upward, so it was still at the original position after a few minutes,... more

Mahjong competition 麻雀大会

Miki Nikaidou loves Mahjong and is great at it. However, sometimes she cannot tell if she enjoys Mahjong itself more, or the players' various emotions on the table: confusion, perplexity, joy or anger.
A few years ago, she participated in a Mahjong competition held by Mahjong Soul... more

Dinner 夕食 End1.君のためなら

* What a great question to highlight the importance of sugar! OR Hmph! The original taste of tomato is the best! OR Why would someone even be bothered by such a question?
* Sugar without doubt! OR What devil will add sugar to fried eggs?
* Sweet is the traditional best! OR Life is... more

Sphere of Courage 絆レベル4
夕食 End2.綺麗な花には棘がある

* What a great question to highlight the importance of sugar! OR Hmph! The original taste of tomato is the best! OR Why would someone even be bothered by such a question?
* Sugar without doubt! OR What devil will add sugar to fried eggs?
* Sweet is the traditional best! OR Life is... more

コイン8000 絆レベル4
Date デート End3.なにかを失ったような

* She's probably at Mahjong Soul Shrine OR Go to National University of Fuuchi
* I heard she often went out with that guy recently
* I am quite curious too. Agree with Kana Fujita's suggestion
* I heard she often went out with that guy recently... more

コイン12000 絆レベル5
デート End4.夕日と蜜の味

* I heard she often went out with that guy recently
* Eavesdropping isn't good...
* She always mocks me. Why don't I do it to her this time?
* If this really bothers me so much, I should make it clear
* Tell Miki Nikaidou that she means a lot to you

Moonlight Lucky Bag 絆レベル5
Experience 経験 End5.君のことが好きだ

* Hold her hand so we won't be separated OR Holding hand is a bit awkward. Let her grab your clothes instead
* Pick a ramen with light chicken broth OR Pick a ramen with thick soybean paste broth
* Curious about Miki Nikaidou's relationship status OR Miki Nikaidou would... more

Sunshine Lucky Bag 契約
経験 End6.二人だけの秘密

* Hold her hand so we won't be separated OR Holding hand is a bit awkward. Let her grab your clothes instead
* Pick a ramen with light chicken broth OR Pick a ramen with thick soybean paste broth
* Curious about Miki Nikaidou's relationship status OR Miki Nikaidou would... more

Summon Scroll 契約