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Lobby Interactive Voice 1

Lobby Interactive Voice 1の音声

Displaying 1 - 90 of 90
  • Ichihime Master, where is my lunch?
  • MikiNikaidou Hmm~? Did you say you don’t know where to look? (laughter)What shall I say. You can look at anywhere~ that~ you~ like~ to~
  • KanaFujita What’s the trouble of being an idol? Work has taken too much game time away from me, I guess!
  • ChioriMikami Hey, check this out! This dress and that dress, which one suits Chiori better?
  • MaiAihara Ah, that one! Don’t touch it! ...
  • Nadeshiko Instead of being upset about one loss, how about revising the log and scoring a handsome win in your next match?
  • YuiYagi ...What’s up?...
  • RiuKujou This goes here, that goes there. Come on, I swear I will beat you if you mess things up again next time.
  • Xenia Sigh... our school vacation is coming. By then, I’ll be taken to that boring house again and I’ll be trapped in it for days and days... so sad...
  • Kaavi Telling your fortune in love is probably the most meaningless thing to do. Because no matter what the result is, my client will still go to confess. Humans are so predictable this way, why should I bother to tell fortunes.
  • NatsukiShinomiya Mahjong is fascinating. As addictive as good wine.
  • Wanjirou Humans always let their emotions influence play style. How weak... Oui oui oui! If you keep interrupting with small wins, I will bite you-woof!
  • SoraIchinose Mathematics is the foundation of this world. There's no such thing as "luck", only "probability" exists. Based on data from your previous games, your chance to win against me is only about 39.8%.
  • HidekiAkechi Victory matters a lot, but the process is equally as important.
  • Keikumusume What a refreshing morning. Let's keep up the hard work today!
  • Sara Little kitty--, little kitty--. Oh my, where did you go? I'm so concerned... Dear guest, could you please help me find my cat?
  • HanaNinomiya Even if you always come to talk to me... I don't have anything to offer... you know?
  • NanaShiraishi It's round and soft... Hmm, no matter how many times I play with them, I can't have enough... Oops? Junior, the look on your face is very interesting. Are you... thinking of something weird? *Giggles* I'm talking about volleyball! You really should behave yourself.
  • HinataTakanashi Phew... Oops, sorry, I think I fell asleep while taking care of the flowers... It's too warm here, hehehe...
  • HarunaIgarashi Haruna is going to feed some street cats. Wanna join me?
  • AnjuSuzumiya Please don't have any unrealistic fantasies about an artificial intelligence. No matter what you are thinking, it won't come true... But if you only wish for a Mahjong game, KR-976 doesn't mind fulfilling it.
  • Joseph Compass, knife, rope... Ah, of course, I know we don't need these on Mahjong table. But it's always good to get prepared when it comes to treasure hunting, isn't it?
  • OsamuSaitou Mahjong? I can play with you after work, but you need to put away your phone now. If you can't finish the work on time, you may have to stay late instead of enjoying Mahjong.
  • SawakoKitami You look a bit pale. Did anything happen to you? You can tell me if you have any troubles. Maybe I can't help much, but if saying it out can help you to relax, I'd love to make you a tea and listen to all your worries!
  • Ein Huh? If these ears really bother you, I don't mind you touching them. Wanna try?
  • MomoHina Mr. Rabbit, would you like to go to Mad Hatter's tea party with me? There will be Ceylon tea and tiramisu in the afternoon tea! But March Hare and Dormouse are also there, I wonder if anything strange will happen...
  • ZanTsukimi Got some troubles? You are too young to drink. Have some candies instead. Life will be less bitter.
  • KiraraFujimoto Thanks for helping me get rid of that weird man. C'mon... I just don't get it. Why can't these men hit on someone else? I'm about their daughters' age!
  • Kaguyahime You really like Mahjong a lot. Let the goddess teach you some principles of winning. First, never declare Nine Different Terminals and Honors! Second, Follow-up Riichi is the best way to make your enemy panic! Have you remembered... What's that look on your face? Do not question a goddess. Hurry up, go play a few games and report back to me. Uhehe...?
  • RenKisaragi S, sports day? That's the job of the director of sport. Each department of the student council has distinct area of duties, so I don't normally get involved in the sports day even when I'm the vice president... Am I trying to avoid the topic? No way. If you have no other things to do, how about helping me to find the president?
  • UsumiIshihara Those who smile at you may not be good guys, and those who are harsh on you may not be bad. Ren is just too serious... What about me? Of course I'm a good one. Bad guys can't make good desserts. "Desserts don't lie", every pastry chef knows that!
  • Eliisa Howl! How was it?! Did Liisa Liisa sound fearsome?! Even Shaun got scared, hehe! (Baa--)
  • ChihoriTerasaki Mahjong is all about studying people. Studying other players' thoughts takes you farther than practicing playing. The most powerful weapon is to have the next move.
  • SakiMiyanaga Whoa, sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you... Hmm? Wait, did we just meet not long ago?
  • NodokaHaramura Why did Saki and I become friends? She is good... and... Incredible...
  • KoromoAmae Touka said Koromo could find a lot of friends to play together at Mahjong Soul Shrine. That's why I came here, but I didn't expect to meet so many incredible creatures.
  • TeruMiyanaga I really crave Unozawa-senpai's pancake. It's so delicious. Too bad that she's gone to a professional team in Saitama…
  • FuJi No one walks away after breaking the rules here!
  • QiXi Love is like an exam, you'll get better the more you read and prepare. That's why I've bought all you humans' best-selling love guides. Risk free!
  • YumekoJabami Why am I being cold to Ikishima? Because I simply don't like her. I wish to enjoy the process rather than settled results.
  • MarySaotome Ew, a cat... I don't really hate them. It's just that they remind me of some unpleasant experiences.
  • MidariIkishima Ah... Yumeko is the best... Tsk, don't eavesdrop when I'm talking to myself! I'll kill you!
  • KirariMomobami The reason why I created the school's system? I just wanted to build a "water tank". My personal "aquarium"... Hmm? You want to know what the "water tank" is? I thought you wanted to know about the system. Hehe... You are interesting.
  • ReinaNanami Would you like to try Geisha coffee today? It’s one of the most demanded in our shop. Blended with a fruity aroma and sweet milky fragrance, it is a perfect choice for an afternoon drink!
  • A-37 Hands off me... Don't make me say that twice.
  • HibikiHimekawa Ah, such a boring round. Who should I knock out from this game?... I'll just pair my tiles into a Yakuman and knock out all of them.
  • Ryan Rabbits? Cute animals like rabbits have always been magicians' favorite props. Not only are they easy to hide, but they also please the audience. That's why I really like them. How about you, my dear onesan?
  • AyakoMorikawa I don't have any human friends in school, so I often go to the old school building during lunch break. I have... Lots of nice friends over there.
  • NatsuhikoTakigawa Obviously, you can't see how tough my muscle is through my clothes. But I'm pretty strong, alright. I could run 800 meters with you on my back without breaking a sweat. Wanna give it a shot?
  • ShigeruAkagi A devil's child? Keke... What's that? Who told you that? Yasuoka?
  • IwaoWashizu Foresight. I beat those stupid politicians, bankers, and fake prophets, becoming the one to rule them all with my exceptional foresight.
  • KazuhaSaionji Today's warm-up shall be a 10 miles jog... Let's get running. Don't you dare to stop, that's a disgrace to a samurai!
  • NanahaOnodera Platonic love… Forgive me, I don't agree with that. I can't feel the affirmation with only spiritual connections. In terms of love, it must be a mixture of both mental and physical love.
  • Sammir Hmph? There's dirt on my clothes? My apologies. I was so absorbed in my expeditions that I couldn't be bothered by that. I promise I'll pay more attention to my appearance next time we meet.
  • KaguyaShinomiya Hayasaka and I are not merely of master and maid. In fact, we grew up together like sisters. My home feels cold and distant, so she is far closer to me than my parents.
  • MiyukiShirogane Ah! Perfect timing. Here's a question for you, if 8*8=4,8*8=32, and 9*9=40, then what is 19*19? Sigh... Your answer is 0, too? Are you for real? What in the world is happening?! Please tell me there are answers other than Go!
  • AiHayasaka Someone nearby who looks like me? You must be talking about that girl, Hasaka. Well, I've seen her before, and we kind of resemble each other. Speaking of which, rumor has it that encountering your doppelganger might get you into hot water. Oh no, maybe I inadvertently did something dangerous!
  • KeiShirogane Erm, I have to deliver 200 newspapers to buy this dress, while that one requires 240 newspapers... Ah, which one should I choose? Hmm? Delivering One Han City Entertainment Weekly this month comes with a bonus? Nice, that's good news! If I can deliver 500 more newspapers every day this month, next time I'll be able to go on a shopping spree with Moeha!
  • Yuzu Did I not make it on time? This is the downfall of the Witch of Justice... Because a delayed justice is justice denied... Gulp... In this place's language, this is like hesitating about declaring Riichi and missing out on the Ippatsu deal-in from the next player, and then there's no point to declare Riichi again... What's with that attitude, ay? You disagree with me?!
  • Zechs How dare Ein act all bossy in front of me? He was born just an hour earlier. Hmph, just wait. I will become the best swordsman and shave his fox tail.
  • LilyKitahara Mahjong is such a dangerous game. One mere Mahjong tile can result in slaughter without bloodshed, and one bad move can seal your fate. The same goes for you, my charming little toy, hehe~
  • HisaTakei It can be a bit of a headache to play against someone who's good at defense. If your rival is on guard against you, you should try to guess what's on their mind and then plan your strategy accordingly. Well, if that doesn't work, just rely on Tsumo. There's always a way.
  • MihokoFukuji You can type without looking at the keyboard? People who understand how to use computers are just so impressive... *Sigh* If I were an IT pro like you, I would be able to help everyone do research for the club. Right now I can only rely on the juniors of the club for that. It'd be nice to know how to use a computer...
  • AkoAtarashi Ahh... So tired... I can barely feel my hands anymore. The last time I was this exhausted was still back when I was traveling around. But if I want to become stronger, this is still far from enough... Alright, one more round!
  • TokiOnjoji Being able to foresee the future doesn't mean victory is guaranteed. Even if I could influence all the discarded tiles, I still wouldn't be unable to prevent a Tsumo. Perhaps this is the "inevitable doom" Ms. Kaavi spoke of.
  • FuyumiShinomiya This eye mask? Oh, it's my brother's hobby to make me wear it. I only have one brother, so I need to take care of his feelings every once in a while. I won't wear it in class though.
  • QingLuan A destined encounter may not be a good omen.
  • AyaneKisaragi Hmm? Why are you staring at Smokey? Could it be... No, I can give you many things, but Smokey isn't one of them. As a soft pillow, Smokey is a perfect partner for the beds in the infirmary! However, I heard that my cousin took home a black cat that looks just like Smokey. Let's visit them together when we have time. I'm curious about how similar they look.
  • Mirai The topic of love... is slightly difficult. I haven't conducted any research on it... but don't be discouraged. I'll work hard, and I'll definitely invent a compatible love partner for you one day!
  • LelouchLamperouge Asaha High School? I heard the president there is just like President Milly of Ashford Academy and likes to plan special events like the Gender Role Reversal Festival or Elementary School Students' Days. But surely there aren't events like "making the world's largest pizza" during the School Festival there, right?
  • C.C. Who am I? You don't need to know.
  • SuzakuKururugi You want to know if I'm a soldier or a knight? No, I'm a soldier, a knight, and a student... It's a little difficult to explain.
  • KallenKouzuki Good day. The weather is so good today... Argh!!! I'm so annoyed! I shouldn't have said I was sick to be absent today!
  • Ransei Master, I've investigated that man called A-37 who has been coming here recently... He is super suspicious. Not much information can be found about him in One Han City, and there's a murderous aura around him... It almost feels like he can win 20 consecutive Hanchan matches... Master, should I eliminate this threat as soon as possible?
  • Ling What's wrong with being a shut-in? You don't get inconvenienced by others and don't inconvenience others. This environmentally friendly way of living is the best.
  • KuroneToujou A few days ago, a naughty child sneaked out to play again and is with a young person right now. Can you find it for me when you have time? By the way, that child is black all over.
  • Hannah The boss makes such delicious food. Why does everyone avoid it?
  • Musa Chat? ...No.
  • Illya Something I'm good at... I'm good at running. I won't lose even if I race against boys my age. But... it seems like this strength is becoming less and less obvious since I met Miyu. I only managed to barely win the last time I competed against Haruna... Ahahaha...
  • Miyu When I went to Éternité earlier, I saw that the workers were really busy, so I borrowed a uniform and helped out. Illya was also really happy to see me dressed up like this. Miss Nanami also said I'm welcome to help out from time to time. She pays a nice salary, which may not be as high as Miss Luvia's, but I might still consider her offer.
  • Kuro Um... It's nothing. My mana is running low and Illya forgot to replenish it, so I'm feeling weak. I'll lie down in bed while I wait for her. If you see her, please tell her to come back sooner.
  • Gil Lily Kitahara... Is that the head of the church in this city? Tch... no matter which world, those who run the church are not normal people.
  • EveKrist Mahjong... is very complicated. You can't win by knocking down your three opponents with force, and you can't deal damage to them by playing the tiles in your hand. Your move might even backfire on you. In fact, it feels like you use mental magic attacks instead of physical attacks. It's such a terrifying and mysterious way of competing with others.
  • LinLang Ah—Ah—Ah—Ah— The performance is over. Now give me five cups of milk tea without any pearls. The opportunity to listen to my singing doesn't come cheap.
  • YuanFeng Your eyelid is twitching? According to ancient beliefs, a twitching left eyelid is an omen of fortune and a twitching right eyelid is an omen of disaster... So, congrat... Um, it's your right eyelid... Well, I'm telling you, my friend, these superstitions are all baseless.
  • Shiroko ...You look troubled. Can I help you?
  • Hoshino Ah! The weather is so nice! It's a sign of good things to come. For example... starting the game with a good hand. Heh.
  • Aru That Strix organization said it has a big job for me. They have such good taste.
  • Mutsuki What game should we play today? Rock, Paper, Scissors? Kick the Can? Or... How about mahjong?
  • Kutsuji Even trash has its own value... Just so you know, I'm actually referring to people. For example, these people are obviously a group of scum, but they are much better at gathering information than honest people.