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Recommend watching the chick flick


It's a little strange for a couple to watch a live-action hero movie like Masked Hero on a date. Like what Nana Shiraishi said, the right movie to watch at a time like this is a chick flick, so we'll watch "A Romantic Holiday" together as planned... Hmm.. Mmm... That was close. I almost yawned out loud. This movie's pace is so slow that I'm getting sleepy. Zzz... Zzz... ...Geez, Nana Shiraishi has beaten me to it and fallen asleep at some point. I can even hear the faint sound of her breathing while asleep. Seeing that she is sleeping so soundly, I pinch the back of her hand gently. Ouch, that hurts... Seeing that Nana Shiraishi is now awake and about to say something, I quickly place my finger against her lips to remind her to stay quiet. After that, I grab my phone, make it as dim as it can get, and write a text message for her. (Text Message) You shouldn't really fall asleep even if the movie is really boring! They might realize something if we get so bored that we fall asleep instead of enjoying the romantic atmosphere. Nana Shiraishi gets what I mean. She turns so that her back is facing Jill, then she also makes her phone as dim as it can get like me. (Text Message) Oh no! I fell asleep just then. What should I do?! (Text Message) Jill seems to be very focused on watching the movie, so she probably didn't notice that you fell asleep. The important thing is that you can't fall asleep again now! (Text Message) Got it! Just like being stranded on a snowy mountain - you'll be a goner if you fall asleep! (Text Message) Well, I couldn't go as far as to say that you'll be a goner... (Text Message) Tsk, tsk, tsk. You don't understand. That's the mindset we need to survive until the end in today's challenge of pretending to be a couple! (Text Message) I hope a certain someone who has already fallen asleep once will be able to remember this then. (Text Message) I just let down my guard in a momentary lapse of concentration! Don't worry, I won't fall asleep again! (Text Message) ...But if, if I accidentally fall asleep again, please don't leave me alone. (Text Message) Then you better pray that I'll still be awake if that happens. It doesn't take long before this "what if" situation happens. In just five minutes, I start to hear a familiar breathing sound next to me again... ...(whisper) I'm going to pinch you now. Ouch! Judging from how I need to pinch her every five minutes to keep her awake, I don't think I need to worry about falling asleep myself. Hey, why do you always drool everywhere whenever we watch a romance movie together? And you don't respond either when I ask you to pass me a tissue. Yaaaawn... This movie is too boring. I think it's already great that I could stay awake for the first five minutes of it. I'm impressed with your patience, PLAYER. You actually managed to watch the whole thing without falling asleep. You have my respect. I-It was okay. The movie does have a slow pace, but the story is quite well-written. By the way, I'm surprised that you didn't fall asleep, Nana. You're always the first the fall asleep whenever we watch romance movies. Well, I'm watching it with a special person today. Isn't that right, PLAYER? Ouch... Ah, yes, yes, you're right... This one pinch from Nana Shiraishi probably hurts more than all the pinches I gave her combined, but I can only endure the pain because she would have been able to sleep peacefully without any feelings of anxiety or pain if we noticed that Jack had fallen asleep sooner. It's almost time to have lunch. Is there anything you want to eat? I'll search for a suitable restaurant nearby. You don't have to worry about that. I've got lunch sorted. Ta-da! I brought bento boxes. Eh? You brought bento boxes? It's an iron rule of shojo manga to prepare bento boxes when going out on a date! Wow! You brought bento boxes for our date. That's so traditional. This doesn't even happen often in shojo manga now. Eh, r-really? That's right. But this is great. It looks like I asked the right person to go on a double date with us today. Ta-da, I also brought bento boxes! Nana, welcome to our big family of girls who go on dates the traditional way. ...Wow... Long live tradition! Jill! Oh... you just found another companion. Are you really so happy that you're crying? Ah, I'm starving. Don't just show me the food. Let's sit down and eat it. I remember there's a nice park around here. Let's sit there and eat. After arriving at the park and sitting down, I open the bento box Nana Shiraishi prepared for me and am impressed by what I see inside it. Ohh?! The presentation is amazing, and it looks so delicious. PLAYER, why are you acting like it's the first time you've seen Nana's bento boxes? Doesn't she usually make them for you? I remember that she always makes them for her little brother. Well... she's always so busy, so I haven't been asking her to make them for me because I don't want her to work so hard. What's more, her bento boxes feel nicer and more delicious when I only get to eat them when we're on a date. Oh? Are you saying that it isn't delicious if you eat it all the time? I didn't say that. Let me try it first. Hold on, don't be so impatient. Umm... Nana, what are you... I don't bring a bento box for you every day, so of course, I want to feed you the first bite. Come on, open your mouth. Ah... I see! So you brought bento boxes because you wanted to act all lovey-dovey. We won't get in your way then. Jack and I will go over there, so you can be as lovey-dovey as you want. ...(whisper) I-Is it necessary to go so far...? (whisper) Of course! Isn't this the classic development in shojo manga? Quickly, my arm is getting sore.