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Propose to watch the live-action hero movie


...I'm sorry, Jill, but I'm more interested in another movie. Can we watch that one instead while you watch this romance movie? Eh? Th-That's not good, right? We agreed to watch the same movie together. That's okay. PLAYER, which one do you want to watch? I want to watch the new Masked Hero movie. I'm a diehard fan of this series. I remember that Nana loves Masked Hero too. Bird of a flock fly together, huh? We'll watch the movies separately then. I also want to watch the Masked Hero movie. You get over here now! You better stay awake throughout the movie too. You'll be in trouble if you don't hand me a tissue when I'm crying! And so, the two couples entered separate cinema rooms after having their tickets checked... Junior, is this really okay? Even if we both like Masked Hero, wouldn't it be strange if a couple watches a live-action hero movie together? Are you sure Jill won't get suspicious? There's nothing to worry about. A date is about doing something we both like to do or want to do, right? Think about it, if we're both not interested in that romance movie, or even fall asleep, then Jill would feel even more suspicious. You have a point. Also, don't forget to call me by my name during this time. I'm afraid you'll start calling me junior again after we finish the movie by habit. Oh, right... Although I try to comfort Nana Shiraishi by telling her not to overthink things, she still looks uneasy and keeps looking at the doors of the cinema room from time to time after sitting down. Fortunately, she is soon broken out of this uneasy state as the big screen lights up and she quickly focuses on the movie. Voice on the Screen You want me to retreat? Never! I'm here to protect the children's dreams! Final Judgment Form! PLAYER, look! That's the ultimate form of the hero in this movie. It looks so cool, right?! Yes, it is very cool. The seats are shaking really strongly, so you better be careful in case you fall off it. As the story reaches its climax, Nana Shiraishi and the children around her get more and more excited. They cheer for the masked hero on the screen, giving the cinema room a lively atmosphere. The special seats designed for this 4D movie shake more and more violently as the battles get more and more intense, and I even start to wonder if I'm riding a roller coaster. Ouch... my back hurts... Let me make a correction. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster and getting a full-body massage at the same time. The seat shakes and vibrates from time to time, and the vibrations make me feel like I'm one of the villains on the screen getting beaten up and rolling on the floor... The movie was great, and I got the full-color poster. I'm super satisfied now! Hahaha, I'm glad that you're happy. We're also finished over here. Hmm? PLAYER, why do you look a little tired? I'm alright. I just feel a little too relaxed after getting a full-body massage. You got to sit on massage chairs in your movie? That's so nice! We should have watched the Masked Hero movie too. Our one was so boring that I fell asleep. I would've slept more comfortably if we had massage chairs too. How dare you even mention that?! Umm... be careful. Your elbow is just a few centimeters away from my kidney... It's almost time to have lunch. Is there anything you want to eat? I'll search for a suitable restaurant nearby. You don't have to worry about that. I've got lunch sorted. Ta-da! I brought bento boxes. Eh? You brought bento boxes? It's an iron rule of shojo manga to prepare bento boxes when going out on a date! Wow! You brought bento boxes for our date. That's so traditional. This doesn't even happen often in shojo manga now. Eh, r-really? That's right. But this is great. It looks like I asked the right person to go on a double date with us today. Ta-da, I also brought bento boxes! Nana, welcome to our big family of girls who go on dates the traditional way. ...Wow... Long live tradition! Jill! Oh... you just found another companion. Are you really so happy that you're crying? Ah, I'm starving. Don't just show me the food. Let's sit down and eat it. I remember there's a nice park around here. Let's sit there and eat. After arriving at the park and sitting down, I open the bento box Nana Shiraishi prepared for me and am impressed by what I see inside it. Ohh?! The presentation is amazing, and it looks so delicious. PLAYER, why are you acting like it's the first time you've seen Nana's bento boxes? Doesn't she usually make them for you? I remember that she always makes them for her little brother. Well... she's always so busy, so I haven't been asking her to make them for me because I don't want her to work so hard. What's more, her bento boxes feel nicer and more delicious when I only get to eat them when we're on a date. Oh? Are you saying that it isn't delicious if you eat it all the time? I didn't say that. Let me try it first. Hold on, don't be so impatient. Umm... Nana, what are you... I don't bring a bento box for you every day, so of course, I want to feed you the first bite. Come on, open your mouth. Ah... I see! So you brought bento boxes because you wanted to act all lovey-dovey. We won't get in your way then. Jack and I will go over there, so you can be as lovey-dovey as you want. ...(whisper) I-Is it necessary to go so far...? (whisper) Of course! Isn't this the classic development in shojo manga? Quickly, my arm is getting sore.