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Eat it yourself


F-Forget it. I can eat it myself. Oh? It's not such a big deal even if I feed you. That's so not cute. So why did you hesitate for so long? Is it because you're embarrassed about me feeding you in front of others? More or less... Hehe, you're finally starting to get embarrassed too. PLAYER, you've been acting the same as usual so far today, so I feel like I've lost because I'm the only one who has been getting nervous because of this date. You're being competitive about something strange again... but I'm really embarrassed about you feeding me, so I surrender. Now let me have a good taste of your cooking. What should I try first... I know, I'll try this meatball. Nom, nom, nom... Urgh?! Water, water... PLAYER, did you choke on something?! Here, drink some water. Glug... Relax, I didn't choke on anything. This meatball is so spicy. Oops, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that the food I make is a little spicy. A little spicy? Everyone's constitution is different, and Nana Shiraishi and I should have quite a different idea of what we consider as being "a little spicy." I fan my tongue, which is still tingling painfully, and don't have the courage to keep eating the meatballs for now, so I reach out for the vegetables next to me with my chopsticks. Nom, nom, nom... Eh, this familiar nose-scrunching feeling is from mustard? Yes, my mother says that kale is only nice when it's drizzled with a mixture of soy sauce and mustard. Which means the yellow thing on this fried pork cutlet is also... yes, it's also yellow mustard. Ahem, sorry, but can you pass me the water again... I look at the bento box and realize that every food item in it, including the dessert, is spicy in its own way. Even the tender white rice tastes faintly of pickled peppers, which makes me completely speechless for a while. Hmm... can a spicy dessert still be called a dessert...? ...Nana, do you love eating spicy things? That's right. Me and my whole family like eating spicy foods, but the food I've made today is a little mild because I'm worried that you can't eat food that's too spicy. Mild... Can I try a bite of yours? I suspect that Nana Shiraishi prepared my bento box as a prank, but after tasting hers, I have to honestly admit that I'm just too weak to enjoy the delicious bento box in front of me, which she regards as being mildly flavored. Jack's Voice Jill, you make such delicious food. What will I do if I get spoiled by your cooking? While I'm drinking water to relieve the spiciness, I hear Jack praising Jill's cooking behind me, so I turn to look enviously at the delicacies they are eating. After that, an incredible scene enters my eyes. It's so delicious... I can't stop eating. You need to make less food next time, or else I'll get fat and won't look handsome anymore. Oh, you always know what to say. Eat as much as you like. Before I even start to comment on the indescribable food that is releasing purple bubbles in the bento box, I want to say that food shouldn't make you look livid and pop your eyes out no matter how delicious it is, right?! But even so, the happy smile on Jack's face at this moment is genuine. This... I guess this is the power of love. When I turn my gaze away from that chaotic yet sweet scene and look back at the bento box in my hand, I can't help but imagine Nana Shiraishi bustling about while she prepared these bento boxes. Under her gentle smile that melts into the sunshine, I feel ashamed of my earlier cowardice. (whisper) It's just a little spicy. It's not a big deal. Nana worked hard to prepare this, so I must eat everything... ...Hmm? PLAYER, your forehead is covered in sweat. Is the food too spicy for you? No way! This is mildly seasoned, so it isn't spicy at all. I'll be okay. Sweating is good for the body. Mmm-mmm, delicious! You're so thoughtful, you know? It's been getting colder recently, so it's a perfect time to eat spicy food. coughs A-Are you okay? I'm okay... The food is just too delicious, haha... so I ended up eating too quickly. I'll be okay after drinking some water. Are you sure you're okay? Your face is completely red now. You don't need to force yourself to eat everything if it's too spicy for you. No! Keep eating! Don't stop! These tears I'm shedding after eating this food are proof of my happiness! What I have in my hands isn't just a simple bento box. It represents love! LOVE! What I need to respond to this love is... the courage to rise to the occasion and take the bull by the horns! (whisper) Don't be scared. No matter how spicy it is, at least... at least it shouldn't kill me! When I stand up with swollen lips to clean the bento box, Jack also stands up with a pale face. His eyes seem a little dilated, but he is still smiling happily. Yo... my friend, have you finished your bento box...? Of course... I ate everything... My friend, you deserve this. Jack gives me a thumbs up, and I smile back at him in response. Life sure is amazing. After eating one meal, the man in front of me and I suddenly appreciate each other like old friends. As I support his trembling body, I hope that I won't need to call an ambulance later... After having lunch and passing the test of love with my and Jack's lives on the line, the four of us stroll around while we think about where to go next. (whisper) Nana, it would be best to go to sing karaoke or something. If we walk around on the streets for too long, there's a high chance that we'll meet an acquaintance and get found out. (whisper) You're right. Let's do that. Jill, shall we go to sing karaoke? Okay, but I just saw a fortune-telling stall and want to have my fortune told first. ...I have a bad feeling about this. Welcome. Is there only one fortune-telling stall in One Han City?! (whisper) Wh-What should we do?! Will Kaavi expose us? (whisper) D-Don't panic yet. She doesn't know that we're pretending to be a couple, so let's just not ask her to tell our fortunes... Hello, we want to ask you about our love fortune. Nana, would you also like to have your fortune told too? N-No, I'll be fine... That won't do. The future is so unpredictable. The more you know in advance, the more you can do to protect your relationship! We're here anyway, so let's both have our fortunes told. A couple... ... ... Kaavi looks at Nana Shiraishi and me, making us both feel frightened under her gaze. Fortunately, she doesn't really say anything. Instead, she lowers her head and fiddles with the tarot cards on the table as she starts telling Jill's fortune. ...The Lovers is upright, which means that your romance will become more intimate. This is a good sign. You drew The Lovers card when asking about your love fortune. You've got good luck, Jill. How can you call it luck when it's destiny. It's your turn now, Nana. Okay... After seeing Nana Shiraishi and I sit down, Kaavi puts away the tarot cards and places a crystal ball in the center of the table. Why aren't you using tarot cards this time? It's important to use the right fortune-telling method for each person to reveal the right answer that destiny has in store for them. Please wait quietly for your fortune to be told. ...Oh, this is interesting. Wh-What can you see? I can sense the rapport and intimacy that you two share... I can see your present, but I can't see a shred of your future because a layer of fog is obscuring my vision. It's been a while since destiny has eluded me like this. Does this mean that Nana's relationship won't go well? Can you try to tell their fortune again? It's rude to forcefully tear off the veil of fate, but... I can take some steps to actively approach it. ...What advice can you give us? This is an amulet my master gave to me, and I've kept it at home for a long time now, but I suddenly thought of taking it with me today for some reason. Now that I think about it, maybe it wants to find a more suitable owner for itself. Okay, I'll buy it. How much does it cost? Its price will be determined by the one who is hungry for answers. After all that, it turns out that what she wants is money... Since Kaavi didn't expose us right away, I paid her some hush money, which was about double what I paid her for an amulet the last time. Hehe... nice doing business with you. Huh? Sorry, I need to take a phone call. Hello... Huh? Right now? Sorry, I don't think I can come right now... What is it? Please wait a moment... My friend in the swimming club said they need one more person for their training match and asked if I can help out... It doesn't matter though. I'll get them to ask someone else. You should go since they are waiting for you. But aren't we on a date? It's not good to just leave you here like this. Just go, or else you'll keep worrying about whether they managed to find anyone and won't enjoy yourself anyway. We'll continue our date another day. I guess you're right... I'll listen to you then. I'm sorry, Jill! I need to go to school right now. I'll buy you a drink another day. Just go. It's not like you haven't suddenly left us while we're out before. Even if she is helping others out, it's still kinda insensitive of her to leave halfway through a date. Aren't you angry at all? It's alright. I'm already used to it. She has such an enthusiastic personality, and that's also what makes her so likable. Wow, that's so thoughtful. Although it's good to be considerate of your girlfriend, PLAYER, you don't have to be so understanding all the time. Haha, then would it be better if I acted jealous? A lover who gets jealous is cuter. By the way, if you don't chase after her and cheer for her, all that effort you two put into pretending to be a couple today would be in vain. ... She knows? This is bad. I wonder what gave it away. What should I do now...?