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...How did you find out? Oh? You're not going to try to explain? Since you brought this up, I'm sure you've noticed something that doesn't add up. There's no point trying to say anything otherwise now. Well, instead of saying that I noticed anything, it's more like Nana just sucks at acting. She was so embarrassed that her ears were completely red when you held her hand at the beginning. If you really are dating, there's no way she would get that embarrassed, right? Okay then... but is that the only thing that gave us away? PLAYER, you acted really natural, but you also gave it away when we were having lunch. Even a classmate like me knows that Nana makes really spicy food, so if you really are her boyfriend, you wouldn't have been taken by surprise by her spicy food. But this act wouldn't have been possible if she didn't bring you with her today. To be honest, you've done really well already. If you had left and gone to school with her just then, I might have thought that you two had just started dating and ignored the things that seemed strange to me. While it's true that couples don't need to go everywhere together, there's no reason why you wouldn't leave with her in this situation. I mean, you wouldn't be intentionally staying here to be our third wheel, right? ...Sigh, I got careless. I guess it is indeed unnatural to let your own girlfriend leave alone while you stay with another couple. What's worse is that I just met you today, so it's even weirder for me to stay here. Why didn't you expose us earlier if you noticed that we were just pretending? Because it's amusing, of course. Hahaha, it's really fun to see you and Nana rushing around trying to trick us. Oh... by the way, it's kinda of my fault that you had to spend so much on that amulet. Let me pay for half of it. No, you don't need to. Think of it as my just deserts for trying to trick you. Let's just walk around randomly for a little longer and then go to pick Nana up from the school together later. Even if you're just pretending to be a couple, it's still true that you're on a date, and it would be too sad for your girlfriend to have to go home all alone at this time. You're right. I'll take this advice from a real couple to heart. Let's go then. By the way, why haven't you said anything this entire time, Jack? Why are you in a daze? ...PLAYER, so you and Nana aren't really dating?! ... ...He's a slow idiot. Just ignore him. He actually admitted he was tricked by me, which made my efforts seem somewhat worthwhile. I really want to cry now. My friend, you deserve this. ...Hmm? Jill, why have you come? I came especially with your guy to pick you up. Shouldn't you run up and give your boyfriend a big hug? O-Of course I'm happy, but I don't think it's necessary to hug him... Jill, you can stop teasing her now. Nana, we don't need to pretend anymore. Eh... I'm sorry, Jill! I didn't mean to trick you. I did this because... You don't need to apologize to me. We had lots of fun today, didn't we? As for your reason for doing this, PLAYER already told me when we were on our way here. I'm sorry, Nana. I'll stop introducing guys to you. Really? You should have just told me directly if I was making you feel uncomfortable. Or did you think I would get angry at you? If I knew you already had someone so nice as a potential boyfriend, I wouldn't have tried so hard to introduce you to guys. Are you talking about PLAYER? Huh?! Who else? Think about it. Most people would get angry if their date left them during a date, let alone support their willful desire to help others. I think PLAYER is quite a nice person. You two should just start dating for real. J-Junior, don't listen to what Jill is saying. She's just joking! Whether I'm joking or not depends on how things develop between you two. Well, we'll be off now. You two can take your time and have a good chat. ...Oh, by the way, Nana, have you already thought of an explanation? An explanation? Don't you already know the truth? I do, but what about everyone else? One Han City is both big and small. Are you really that confident... that we were not seen by anyone we know today? Several days later What should we do?! When we were dating, Hana, Ransei, Eliisa, and... in short, a lot of people saw us holding hands while walking around! When I was cleaning the playground, they gathered around me and kept asking me about it. What should I say to them?!{var:Shake} Hahaha... this is such a coincidence. I'm also trying to think of my response to a bunch of text messages filled with question marks... As we speak, my phone vibrates again on the table, and I have even less courage to reply to the message when I see that the sender is Ren Kisaragi...