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Garden of Memories ドキドキコンテスト ドキドキコンテスト By the time Shiroko and the others arrived at the courtyard, the place was packed with spectators.
[MC]The Asaha High School Cosplay Beauty Pageant starts in just half an hour! And I have good news for all of you! There's still time to sign up!
[MC]Fabulous prizes await! Sign up now!
[Hoshino]Are you interested, Shiroko?
[Shiroko]Mm... Not really. I think I'd prefer to watch and—
[Shiroko]Actually, I think I will compete. I'll sign up now.
[Hoshino]Hm, what changed her mind?
[Ichihime]Maybe one of the prizes caught her attention, nyaa.
[MC]Time flies when you're having fun. And so it has! It's nearly time for the finals!
[Hoshino]*yawn* Did I fall asleep again? What'd I miss...?
[Ichihime]Nyaa... I-I fell asleep too...
[MC]Let's bring out our final two contestants, both last-minute entries! First to the stage is the beautiful blue contestant, Sunaookami Shiroko!
[MC]And now for the ravishing red contestant, Rikuhachima Aru!
[MC]Is this the first time you two have been on stage with each other?
[Aru]On stage? Yes, but we've had some...behind-the-scenes dealings in the past.
Aru sauntered across the stage in front of Shiroko, brandishing her gun and flicking her hair.
[Aru]You entered the competition too, hm?
[Aru]Well, you wasted your time. Problem Solver 68 is going to win this pageant.
[Shiroko]...I won't lose.
[Aru]Is that so? Well, then we'll just have to do our best and let the chips fall where they may.
[Aru](How is she so calm...?)
[Aru](I didn't expect to face her in the finals... But considering we're not wearing special costumes, I'm honestly surprised either of us made it this far.)
[MC]Such calm demeanors for such a fierce the calm before the storm! This is what we've all been waiting for, folks!
[MC]But before we start, we have a surprise for everyone. It's everyone's favorite idol and our special judge for the day, Kana Fujita! Please welcome her to the stage to perform a mysterious new song!
[Kana Fujita]Hi, everyone! Are you ready to have fun?!
While Kana Fujita warmed up the audience, Shiroko and Aru retreated backstage to prepare for their next appearance.
[MC]As I said, time flies when you're having fun! But don't worry. The fun isn't over yet. Get ready for...the finals!!!
[Hoshino]Uh, is it just my imagination, or did they not actually play any music...?
[Ichihime]I guess the new song is just as mysterious as they claimed, nyaa.
[MC]And now I have a few special, final-round rules to announce. Does everyone have a wristband like mine?
[Hoshino]Huh? When did I put this on?
[Ichihime]Nyaa? Nyaa, nyaa?! I don't remember putting this strange thing...? Nyaa! I-I can't take it off, nyaa!
[MC]I don't remember putting this on, but...who cares?! All that matters is that we're wearing them. You see...these aren't your ordinary wristbands. They'll be reading your heart rate to decide your vote!
[MC]They are carefully calibrated to detect the contestant you prefer the most based on your unique heart rate. You'll truly be voting for the winner of the pageant with your heart of hearts!
[MC]Now, the contestants flipped a coin to see who would come out first, and the red contestant won. Let's welcome Rikuhachima Aru!!!
At the MC's announcement, Aru confidently strutted onto the stage followed closely by two students carrying props.
[Audience A]Is she doing some sort of performance?
[Audience B]That's a massive brush. Is she doing calligraphy or something?
The two students laid out a piece of paper, and Aru raised her brush into the air like a spear.
[Aru]Watch this. Hah!
The audience abruptly fell silent, mesmerized by Aru's elegant, majestic strokes across the paper.
After several tense moments, she stepped back and set her brush aside. The students raise the paper for the audience to see that she has scrawled "One Evil Deed A Day" across it.
[President of the Calligraphy Club]Incredible calligraphy!
The president of the Calligraphy Club was unable to contain her excitement over Aru's work. Her wristband began to beep... Then a few more began to beep... And soon a wave of beeping swept across the audience. At that, Aru triumphantly took the microphone from the MC.
[Aru]Thank you for your support. And I'd like to add that "One Evil Deed A Day" is the primary objective of Problem Solver 68! Be sure to remember us if you ever need to tie up some loose ends. You can reach us via...
Aru only entered the pageant to advertise for Problem Solver 68!
[Aru](Excellent! That is just the reaction I was hoping for from the crowd. Mutsuki's idea to promote ourselves turned out to be very effective.)
[Aru](I bet we'll have a steady stream of business after this. No more worrying about surviving from one job to the next. We'll be enjoying a luxurious office in no time!)
[Hoshino]Her calligraphy is really good. In fact, she might even be able to make more money doing that instead of taking contracts. That said... This is supposed to be a cosplay competition.
[MC]Thank you for such a wonderful performance, Aru. I don't know when this pageant became a talent show, but the crowd loved it, so who am I to question things?
[MC]Now, without further ado, let's welcome our next contestant, Sunaookami Shiroko!
[Aru](I wonder what she prepared... Huh?! That's her cosplay outfit?!)
Just as she was exiting the stage, Aru spotted Shiroko out of the corner of her eye. She strolled confidently onto the stage wearing her favorite gun and a blue balaclava with the number 2 on it. She looked exactly like a bank teller's worst nightmare.
[Ichihime]Nyaa? What's with that strange costume, nyaa?
[Hoshino]It's...hard to explain. Let's just call it...youthful nostalgia.
Shiroko strutted to the front of the stage and brandished her gun. Most of the audience was confused, but it wasn't long before the Military Fan Club's wristbands began beeping.
[Military Fan Club Member A]A stone cold beauty sporting a balaclava and a gun... I-I can't control myself anymore!
[Military Fan Club Member B]Her eyes are as clear as crystal!
[Shiroko]Yes. This is a robbery. Stick 'em up!
Her mysterious words carry a magical power... Soon, beeping fills the venue.
[MC]Th-This is completely unexpected! Let me check the results... I can't believe it! It's a DRAW!
[MC]We're in a pinch now. How will we decide the winner?
[President of the Calligraphy Club]The calligrapher should win!
[President of the Military Fan Club]Nobody could beat that ravishing robber!
[MC]Well, I'd hate to be on either of your bad sides... How about this... If you're both amenable, let's name them both as champion!
[Aru]I don't mind. I already got what I wanted.
[Aru](To think it would actually end in a draw...)
[Shiroko]I don't mind. But what about the prize...?
[MC]Both contestants agree! Then I officially declare the win—Aah!
Before the MC finished speaking, a loud explosion rocked the area as the victory balloons over the stage erupted in a blinding flash of light and billowing smoke. Chaos enveloped the venue.
[Shiroko]*cough cough* What's going on?!
[Aru]Is someone attacking us?!
[???]I'm the only one who deserves to be crowned the champion!
The smoke cleared to reveal Kaguyahime standing proudly in the center of the stage, pointing her folding fan directly at the results screen.
[Kaguyahime]See that? The entire audience is awed by my appearance. It's obvious that I'm the champion.
[Ichihime]Nyaa! You stupid rabbit, you're causing trouble again, nyaa!
[Kaguyahime]Look at that board! I won fair and square! Do you have a problem with that, shorty?
[Ichihime]You stupid rabbit, you didn't even participate in the preliminaries, nyaa!
[Kaguyahime]Hehehe! How do you know? Did you watch the preliminaries?
[Ichihime](Nyaa... It's true... I...missed the preliminaries, nyaa.)
[Ichihime]B-But they didn't announce you as a contestant in the finals, nyaa!
The pair began another one of their infamous arguments right there in front of everyone.
[Aru]Can anyone explain what's happening?
[Wanjirou]It's nothing new. Just their usual pointless bickering, woof.
[MC]Wow! This is...unprecedented! Kaguyahime really did get the most heart rate votes, so she technically IS the champion.
[Ichihime]Shiroko is the champion! There's no way the stupid rabbit is the champion, nyaa!
[Shiroko]Um, actually, I don't really care if I'm the champion or not...
[Ichihime]No? In that case, let's decide things with a game of mahjong, nyaa!
At Ichihime's insistence, the battle for the Asaha High School Cosplay Beauty Pageant championship would be decided by a game of mahjong between Aru and Shiroko.
[Aru](Odd dispute aside, I feel far more free and comfortable playing mahjong than competing in a beauty pageant!)
[Aru]Aha! You did that to ruin my Ippatsu! Good move.
[Shiroko]If I'm playing, I need to give it my all.
[Shiroko](The ranking will determine who gets the prize. I need to get second place...)
Thanks to their earlier games, Shiroko and Aru had a deeper understanding of Riichi mahjong.
True to form, Aru was determined to win once and for all with one big hand, like a sniper making a headshot. Shiroko, on the other hand, planned to earn small amounts of points in rapid succession, like the rapid fire method offered by an assault rifle.
The two beginners still had a lot to learn, which meant the two veteran players, Ichihime and Kaguyahime, had a distinct advantage.
[Shiroko]Ron, 2,000 points.
[Kaguyahime]Shorty?! I finally managed to Damaten with a big hand too!
[Ichihime]I refuse to let a stupid rabbit win so easily, nyaa!
Thanks to Ichihime and Kaguyahime focusing more on foiling each other's plans than winning, the veterans and beginners found themselves neck-and-neck in points. Gradually, the game got more serious...
[Kaguyahime]...Hehehe, your efforts are futile, shorty. Victory is mine!
[Shiroko]I have the same number of points as Problem Solver 68's boss...
[Aru]It's your victory. There's nothing I can do about it. My choice of seat determined my luck just as much as the draw of the tiles did.
With that, Kaguyahime called Riichi and won the game with three Ura Dora. Shiroko placed second, Aru third, and Ichihime last.
[Ichihime]Shiroko, I couldn't help you become the champion, nyaa...
[Shiroko]It's all right. I was actually after the second-place prize all along. Thanks for helping me, Ichihime.
[Ichihime]I'm glad you got the prize you wanted, but I'm still not happy about the outcome, nyaa!
[Kaguyahime]Hehehe! That look of defeat suits you, shorty.
[Kaguyahime]Cheer up. It's not like you have to award the prize to me yourself.
[MC]Eh hem! Actually, the prize is from the cat priestess.
[MC]Didn't you read the leaflet? The champion's prize is a blessing from the priestess of the Mahjong Soul Shrine.
[Kaguyahime]Huh?! A blessing from the priestess of the M-Mahjong Soul Shrine? I don't want that!!!
[Ichihime]What are you saying, you stupid rabbit, nyaa?! I worked really hard for nearly a day to prepare for this blessing ceremony, nyaa!
[Kaguyahime]How do I know your "blessing" isn't going to help other people intercept me when I have a big winning hand?
The cat and rabbit launched into another fierce argument. With a huff, the MC turns to Shiroko and Aru to award the second- and third-place prizes.
[MC]For second place, a beautiful whale sculpture.
[Shiroko]Thank you.
[MC]And for third... a special ramen ticket!
[Aru]Thank you! Now I have souvenirs for my friends AND dinner for myself. Oh! Speaking of friends, where is Mutsuki?
[Mutsuki]Looking for me?
[Aru]Huh? Where have you been? Why are you only appearing now?
[Mutsuki]Someone said they wanted to do something big, so I went to help out. Hehehe!
[Aru]Ah, so that's what all the pyrotechnics were about!
[Mutsuki]Haha! Did I give you a fright, Aru?
[Aru]Actually, you did, yes. It was impressive. In fact, I think you earned part of the champion's prize.
And so ended the highly anticipated Asaha High School Cosplay Beauty Pageant. As the day faded into night, the school festival slowly came to an end...