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Garden of Memories 夢の終点 夢の終点 As they wait for the bus home, Shiroko takes out the prize she won.
[Shiroko]Here, this is for you. Sensei said you like whales.
[Hoshino]That's why you entered the competition? Wow! Thank you, Shiroko! This is so...mature of you!
[Shiroko]I'm glad you like it.
[Hoshino]Shiroko... Did you have fun today?
[Shiroko]Yes. We got to experience so many new things.
[Hoshino]In that case, let's organize our own school festival sometime.
[Shiroko]Yes, that would be...exciting!
Shiroko, Shiroko...
We're nearly back. Time to get up, Shiroko.
The next stop is Allied Hyakkiyako Academy.
Shiroko emerged from her daze to find herself standing at the gates to Allied Hyakkiyako Academy.
[Hoshino]You don't usually doze off in broad daylight, Shiroko. Is it because the weather is so good today?
[Hoshino]You slept so well. Did you have a good dream?
[Shiroko]...Yes, I had a very happy dream about a school festival.
[Hoshino]Well, your dream is about to come true then. Nonomi, Ayane, and Serika are already inside waiting for us to start today's festival. Let's hurry up and join them.
The two hold hands and walk side-by-side into the lively atmosphere of Allied Hyakkiyako Academy...