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It's more like a painful lesson than gossip. You should know that this year's high school league preliminaries have begun. Just a few days ago, the captain of the "undefeated dream team" from the neighboring city made a wish at Mahjong Soul Shrine before playing against the school next door and ended up losing the next day.

I have heard that the team of the school next to us is a dark horse this year... So what wish did he make?

...It sounds just like what a winner would say, but that might not be the reason he made that wish.

Who knows? But the other guys on the team have recently banned me from going to Mahjong Soul Shrine.

PLAYER's picture

In that case, I wish that I'll get to see Haruna wearing pajamas. I bet you'll look super cute!

PLAYER's picture

Although you want that, isn't it too late to make a wish now? I thought the draw results have been announced.

Argh! I just checked the organizer's homepage and it's true! I can't believe I missed such an important piece of information!!! Argh, I really want to have a pillow fight! PLAYER, will you play with me?

週刊エンタメ一飜's picture

[tag]#LazyPajamaParty[/tag] [The Lazy Pajama Party that will solve your sleep problems has begun!]
According to the recently published Sleep Research Report on One Han City Residents, about 21% of respondents have varying degrees of sleep problems. In the most prominent cases, they are in a poor mental state and have difficulty concentrating in mahjong matches during the day, play retaliatory Hanchan West in the middle of the night, etc. If things go on like this, the vicious cycle will seriously affect the physical and mental health of citizens. To create a healthy and comfortable living atmosphere in One Han City, something like the Lazy Pajama Party organized by Samu Corporation was born, and 20 participants are selected on CatChat. According to our research, there are events such as bedtime stories, pillow fights, and more prepared at the party to remind people to vent their stress and enjoy sleeping. It can also help people expand their social circle and meet like-minded mahjong players, making it one of the most participate-worthy events in One Han City. We'll continue to monitor the progress of this event. Please follow [tag]@One Han Entertainment Magazine[/tag].

ハゲじゃないし's picture

QAQ Editor-in-chief, I... I want to take a leave...

ハゲじゃないし's picture

That's okay. Editor-in-chief, you can just pretend you didn't see anything.

I thought that playing a South Wind Round in the middle of the night is already the limit. It seems that the sleeping problem is quite serious.

PLAYER's picture

"Top 10 Pajama Party Scenes That Will Make You Say OMG!"

The title isn't bad at all. I can think of a position that's perfect for you when you report to the magazine tomorrow. Hehe! Talent! You're jealous, aren't you? Start training with me tomorrow, and you'll be able to be like me too!

Oh, thank you for the advice, Miss Kaavi. These two options are even more attractive and difficult to choose from now.

PLAYER's picture

Let me think carefully about which one I should vote for!

Hmm, Liisa Liisa also thinks it's super annoying not to be able to find a suitable style for Shaun in the shops of One Han City... Do you want to make them yourself?

N-Ninja pets? Hmm... This seems like an amazing thing. Doesn't that mean I can communicate with the Red Panda Squad with my heart?

青青子衿's picture

Ahhhh! I was drawn! I get to go to the pajama party! Please smuggle in the members of the Red Panda Squad. I want to pat them until they become bald!

Hey! P-Please don't do anything that'll hurt the Red Panda Squad!

夏の虫's picture

In comics, witches all seem to be tall and well-endowed. If that's true... the mysterious fortune teller in One Han City seems to be more in line with the image.

アイスレモン's picture

The last time I met someone so reckless was last time.

According to the Law of the Witches No. 25, taking action against law-abiding civilians is prohibited. You need to be extra careful in the upcoming days. Don't let me catch you violating the rules!

Umm... PLAYER, how long do you think my nightdress is? Your imagination is a little scary. Such a fearsome imagination is usually a breeding ground for evil!

PLAYER's picture

An idea, you can use invisibility magic to "smuggle" in the members of the Red Panda Squad.

PLAYER's picture

[No. 25 above clearly says that "taking action against law-abiding civilians is prohibited."

Thank you, Hinata. Hmm, if there's anything that is too difficult to handle, you can ask my uncle for help. He should be at the café these days.

I heard Mr. Kobyashi who comes to play mahjong at the shrine say that... it was because he confessed his love to his crush during a truth or dare game at a pajama party organized by his company that he managed to get married to his wife.
I think this story is so romantic... A pajama party may be a good opportunity to confess your love to the person you like.

七夕's picture

I see! I've found another way to get couples to get together. You humans sure are careless to not include this in the book "99 Tricks of Confessing."

Yes, please leave one for me. I'll get it from you tomorrow... Thank you for running around everywhere for me. I feel bad about it.

PLAYER's picture

Mai, is there someone you want to confess your love to?

Um, Master, you should know the answer to this question...

Master, are you also interested in this event? Next time... If you want to participate in it, please choose me as your partner...

PLAYER's picture

Reina, have you already found a teammate for the pillow fight?

Pillow fights aren't really my thing. Fortunately, the organizer thoughtfully prepared a story-reading session instead. Although the kids love my bedtime stories, I still get a little nervous when I think about speaking in front of so many people I'm meeting for the first time.
Since there's still time, I should review the storybooks and choose one that is most suitable for the reading session.

One of the staff brought it here for me. If you need any help, you can reach out to them too.

That's not what I mean... Um... It's nothing... I haven't heard these types of fables in a long time. It should be nice to hear them once in a while. I'm looking forward to it.

I've read this book. There's a story called "The South Wind Round between the Fox and the Hyena." It's really memorable.

I see, so that's what Miss Onodera meant. Thanks for your reminder. It's not too late to change directions now.

Although I'm sitting in the classroom, my heart has already flown to the pajama party.
Why do I still have to attend tutoring classes alone in this classroom even though school is already over?

I'm sorry! I didn't see you. I thought you had already gone home.

PLAYER's picture

According to my calculations, it's because a certain someone failed another subject, right?

I heard that the stud farm in the suburbs can provide Shaun with the freshest fodder. Mr. Wolf, will you go there with me?

Eh... I can't believe it! Our Team Yuzurenai lost in the semi-quarters and didn't make it to the finals. The Witch of Justice has failed again...

I already had a bad feeling when I saw the opponent insist on wearing a rabbit headband. I just didn't expect... Sigh...

The pillow fights in the other groups are far more tragic. Team Yuzurenai had to take down many pillows to get to the final eight.

It looks like Master really wants to take part. Why don't we just organize a pillow fight competition at the Mahjong Soul Shrine, nyaa? [tag]@Wanjirou[/tag]

Eh... PLAYER, I'm surprised that you're against our team name. I'm just as surprised about that as us getting knocked out in the final eight!

The consequence of exercising too much is how your muscles usually protest after you wake up... My hands are shaking so much I can't do any latte art.

Urgh... Even a friend of justice gets sleepy. You need to get enough sleep to be able to step up when you're needed.

You care about that so much? Do you want me to tell you your fortune? I can give you a 1% discount since we're classmates.

一人で南風戦's picture

The lovely red pandas healed my heart that was hurt by the painful defeat I just suffered. I think I'm ready again. South Wind, four players, 2,100 points. Play with me!

PLAYER's picture

The members of the Red Panda Squad all look a little... rounded... Are they overweight? (Oh no, can I even say that?)

(I think it should be okay...) (Looks guiltily at the sleeping Red Panda Squad) (Hesitates) What about... we weigh the members of the Red Panda Squad later tonight?:

PLAYER's picture

So Samu Corporation is the organizer of the lazy pajama party?!

PLAYER's picture

What amazing rewards. It would be better if Jade is given out instead of Coppers though.

The six of us went to eat at a restaurant, but the waiter gave us seven pairs of chopsticks.
After realizing the mistake, the waiter apologized sincerely for getting the number of people wrong and took away two pairs of chopsticks.

After that, the waiter gave us a set of knives and forks because there was a Westerner who couldn't use chopsticks with us.

I silently wipe off the cold sweat on my forehead. QWQ Thanks... I'm not so scared now after seeing your reply.

...There's a question I've wanted to ask you for a while now. Are the vice president and Miss Kisaragi from the infirmary really siblings?

PLAYER's picture

Posting a ghost story so suddenly... Blink if you've been kidnapped.

Are you sure you can see it if I blink now? Please don't suddenly tell a ghost story in the comments.

PLAYER's picture

So... Who is that person who seems invisible sometimes but can't be ignored at other times?

Translate this for me: PLAYER, shouldn't you be worried about whether we're okay first? This is a SUPER SCARY incident!

PLAYER's picture

Um... Are you okay then? (Something is strange about this.jpg)

茂武's picture

What's the logical relationship between the title and contents of the file and the "lazy pajama party?

PLAYER's picture

What's the logical relationship between the title and contents of the file and the "lazy pajama party?

Warning! Warning! No evenly-matched opponents found. PLAYER, please expand the scope of the search.

... Really? Wearing a mugshot of me while participating in a pillow fight and taking a beating? This love is a bit deep, ahaha.

Haha, to avoid being hunted by ferocious beasts during my previous adventures, I even smeared bedbug juice all over my clothes... Urgh... That's definitely a memory I don't want to recall.

PLAYER's picture

Well, where's George?

Pillows and fighting—
The combination of these two words that have nothing to do with each other has miraculously healed people's hearts.
Even being sandwiched between enemies doesn't mean you'll get hurt. In the worst-case scenario, you'll fall headfirst onto a soft bed.

Haha, fate is a really magical thing. I only made that realization recently when I was going through photos.

A gentle way of fighting... I like how descriptive this short phrase is. Mr. Saturne, which word in this phrase are you really interested in?

PLAYER's picture

When was this photo taken? It doesn't look like it was taken around One Han City.

I participated in it and I received a "Pillow King" title ribbon personally from the local mayor, which was a wonderful experience. When we meet up next time, I'll read you a poem about these memories.

Ehhh... I never thought this 7 Pin that I randomly picked would remind you of such a tragic story. My witch's instinct is sinful indeed.

So this is a present from Yuzu? I love it. It feels so warm and cuddly in my arms, and it looks perfect for when I want to take a nap on my desk in the morning.

Hey! You've known PLAYER for so long. Why haven't you learned to be flexible and lovable at all?!

That's not possible. Smokey will always be the most comfortable to hold in one's arms when sleeping. But the position of PLAYER, who is currently second best is slightly threatened. Do you want to do something to strengthen your position?

I just swiped to this CatChat, nyaa. I saw in the comments that there was a dessert buffet at the pajama party. I'm suddenly regretting not participating in the event, nyaa... I'm hungry, nyaa.

I can prove that this is indeed the dessert station at the event. The chestnut cake in the upper right corner of the photo tastes quite special. Aha! I suddenly have an idea for a new dessert at Éternité!

So the priestess likes desserts. I'll make some extra desserts and take them to Mahjong Soul Shrine for you next time.

It's because the afternoon tea Master ordered today gave me such a good appetite, nyaa...

Woohoo! I knew it! Master is the best, nyaa! I'll come after I finish this last pancake. There's only one bite left, nyaa!