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Repeat after me loudly: Éternité's summer sale is back and better than ever! We have new summer specials! We have gorgeous staff uniforms! We have three lovely young waitresses! Come visit us now!

Yes! Because this version is so cute. It's definitely not because Catchat messages are difficult to write(?).

That's right! Come and have a wonderful summer with our youthful and energetic waitresses (me and the two ladies above me)!

어머머, PLAYER 씨의 사심이 여기까지 느껴지네. 전 종업원, 철벽 방어 준비 완료! 헤헤

PLAYER's picture

I get all that, but what's with the bold tone all of the sudden...?

Oh, PLAYER, you noticed. Hehe, actually, this is the handiwork of a new part-time employee. Everyone wants the marketing text to have the energy of summer.

PLAYER's picture

You look so good I thought this was taken just after you opened in the morning! This is amazing! How did you do this?

Well, it seems okay to me, but since that's what our junior is saying, it feels wrong to not get some benefits while I can. Why don't you come and take a group photo for us tomorrow? I mean, we don't always wear such cute uniforms!

My skirt was a little messy in the original... Let me see... Oh, my break is over. I better get back to serving customers. Chat later.

I just knew you would like this uniform, PLAYER. It also indirectly explains why so many people were staring at me today. You've got a good eye I can trust, PLAYER.

O night that hides behind day, I summon thee to be my garment of destiny, so that on weekday afternoons when that deadly force need not be unsealed, ye can guard the order of the world alone and eternally.

PLAYER's picture

...It sounds like a cat with quite a personality.

The cocktail-style cold-brew special drinks you provided yesterday were really popular, Mr. Shinomiya. You should come over more often when you're free.

I couldn't find you anywhere, Shinomiya! So you were at Éternité. I upgraded the last one. You'll be satisfied this time!

PLAYER's picture

Coffee in the morning and alcohol at night—only children need to make choices.

Why do I get the feeling of a conspiracy from this answer? Don't worry though, a good man knows when to pretend to be stupid and enjoy the happiness of being chosen.

Who stole my sleep? Oh, I know... It's because I didn't want to waste anything and drank all the coffee I made to practice latte art.

Ah! I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the time... Nana, you should sleep in tomorrow morning. You can come in later —I won't dock your pay.

Don't tell me you fell asleep after replying to my message! Damn... Will I have to survive this quiet night alone after all?

ただ一人佳奈ちゃんのために's picture

Ahhhhhhhh! Which café is this? I'm coming to see you!!!

一番のファン's picture

Catchat has become harder and harder to use. I'm using eye protection mode, but Kana is still shining like the sun!

佳奈ちゃんの追っかけ's picture

I'm sleeping on a 300-square-meter big bed when 500 handsome butlers standing outside my room shout in unison: "Master, your favorite Kana has posted a message on Catchat. She is so beautiful and dazzling today that I guarantee you'll go crazy over her!"

PLAYER's picture

So you are the one responsible for making me miss out on the mulberry special drink today?!

It's your fault for getting there too late, PLAYER. It's common sense to queue up for such a delicious summer drink as soon as you can.

嫉妬が俺を変えた's picture

Everyone, look—it's this person again! This mysterious person always appears in Kana's comments section and always manages to get Kana to comment!

嫉妬が俺を変えた's picture

Everyone, look—it's this person again! This mysterious person always appears in Kana's comments section and always manages to get Kana to comment!

So in other words, is this some sort of amazing ninjutsu?

PLAYER's picture

Hmm... Maybe it's because they haven't played mahjong with you before.

In that case, if you're free, shall we play mahjong together after we close the store today? Sure enough, I still need to put in more effort to improve my concentration.

Things are currently... progressing in the way I'm hoping they will, I think. PLAYER is starting to pay more attention to me, and I'm becoming an outlier among urban ghost stories.

PLAYER's picture

Although you're not wrong, something seems off about that.

I can feel the overflowing disappointment... Don't worry! I'll be back soon. Wait for me!

PLAYER's picture

I want to get it, but I'm stuck at the dojo. It feels like this game is especially long and slow...

It's surprisingly good. In that case, Can you provide some coffee to the customers who come to watch our performance?

Ah, what a greedy adult. But if it's you, onee-sama, greed is just another way to express your love. I'm going to give you a surprising magic trick. Let's start counting down ten minutes from now.

I have to deal with twice as many takeout delivery orders now because staff A suddenly quit.
Sigh... I've even started to lose hair... Oh well, I might as well focus on working hard for now!

Ah! (Liisa Liisa makes a high-pitched scream) The Furry Conservation Association reminds everyone to love all furry things. Liisa Liisa can't accept Ein losing hair!

...I thought you discovered a good hunting ground. Have you fallen so low that you'll work so hard for something like this? Y-You've even started to lose hair...

PLAYER's picture

Ah! (makes the same sound as Liisa Liisa) Let me see your tail! Is it still okay?

Huh? Shouldn't you be asking about my physical and meh first?

PLAYER's picture

I'm relieved that you're so proactive. Does this mean you're prepared to wear a maid costume and say those phrases the maids say?

PLAYER's picture

Has the gift I gave Zechs been rejected already?

I finally got the chance to go outside to buy a cup of coffee, but the café I always go to has a promotion going on, and there are an insane number of people lining out... I really wanted to joke the queue has crashed...

姫川後援会's picture

OH MY GOD! Hibiki-sama has left home! Hibiki fans will get changed now and come to look for you!

Are you the one who made me get killed by the tower just now?!

It's average—far worse than the drip coffee Riu made last year, but I won't make a fuss about it since there are only two days left in the promotion.

I'm imagining Momo wearing this year's uniform. You'll look super cute. How about you come and work with everyone else here at the store next year?

PLAYER's picture

I've got photos of Chiori very seriously practicing how to play truth or dare last year.

PLAYER's picture

But I remember that you were also a little sad in the last few days last year.