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The presents of autumn have become the gifts of winter.
With some effort, even inconspicuous fallen leaves can become something eye-catching.

I never realized you are so good at handicrafts, Ninomiya. This looks as exquisite as the things they sell in stores. Why don't we put you in charge of the Christmas tree in the student council's office this year?

Haha, you saw right through me. But this type of Christmas tree seems to be better and more meaningful. Hmm... I've made my decision. We'll get Ren to help you make it!

...On second thought, I think I'll be able to finish it by myself. Don't worry, president, I promise I'll finish it before Christmas!

The vice president arranged me to sweep the fallen leaves you know. While you're having fun, I have to deal with dust, sweat, and scars... *sobs*

Aren't you curious though, Hana? Like how can there still be fruit as red as that in this season? The vitality of plants is really amazing.

WHmmm... The woolen star at the top of the tree looks kinda familiar. Is that... Shaun?!

I'm surprised you noticed that. Maybe I should call you E. Hawkeye Liisa instead.

Haha, what my brother is saying is that the 24th of this month is his birthday, and he wants to get everyone's blessings. Of course, it'll be even better if there are gifts.

Kukuku, how can a gift bestowed upon a hero by the Heavens be described with a word as simple as "gift!"

Okay, whatever... The gift bestowed upon you by the Heavens has been placed at home in advance. Remember to go home early after work on your birthday. Mom and I chose this gift together, and she said you'll like it.

Hahaha! See? Plenty of people still remember your birthday. Just look at this lively comment section!

I was going to play some mahjong tonight, but if you say it like that, how can I not come?

I wish you a happy birthday in advance too!

Thanks, but instead of an early "happy birthday", what I want more is to see you on my birthday. How about spending Christmas Eve with me?

By the way, you don't need to thank me because I've heard that too many times. Remember to say something novel when the day comes, hmph.

What a lovely pattern. If I was Santa, I would definitely take this stocking.

Between me and a stocking, you actually chose a stocking? How dare you, peasant! You're not getting a Christmas gift this year!!

Hee-hee, it doesn't matter even if I don't draw a "great blessing!" Haruna already knows how to writing it like this. So, what do you think? Great, isn't it?
Everyone should have a "great blessing" in such a joyful time, so I'll finish making them before the New Year!

This one is for you, PLAYER. Are you moved? Hehe, the Kitty Warriors are already searching for PLAYER's location. Haruna's great blessing is ready to deliver!

Finally got some days off, so I invited Nadeshiko to go to the hot spring with me, hehe!
Senpai looks so beautiful in the yukata, but I'm keeping her beauty all to myself! I'm not sharing with you guys!

No!!! I usually pay great attention to my image, you know? But it's not often that I get to hang out and have fun with you, so might have... indulged myself a bit. Please don't post that one QAQ

Am I here too early? The first comment somehow isn't made by Kana's fan club?

Oh, by the way, I just got the tickets to the New Year's live show from my manager and have sent one to you. Don't be late for my New Year's performance, okay? Your seats are so close you can see me winking at you.

The New Year is coming, and so is the time to give back!
To thank all my fans for supporting me this year, we'll be holding a CatChat lucky draw event. Without further ado, here are the rules.
Draw Rules:
Follow Hibiki Himekawa's live stream account and repost this message with your New Year's wish. 20 lucky fans will be drawn from the live stream, and Hibiki Himekawa will help you make your New Year's wishes come true. The lucky fans will also receive a New Year's red envelope and a set of photos signed by Hibiki Himekawa.
Event Time:
From now until 23:59:59 on December 31, 2022.

I'm... Hold on, why do all of you have an ex... Damn, then I have no choice but to have the pair I ship now break up tomorrow to get a set signed by Hibiki!

Something bad happened today, and I've been feeling so low all day. Hibiki's CatChat event is probably the only good news I've received today... I don't know if I'll be drawn, but this news alone is already enough to cheer me up.

Oh, this girl... I want to cry...

I hope the fan club can manage the messages to keep strange wishes from being mixed among them. Hibiki must have spent a lot on this luckydraw... The more I think about it, the more worried I am. Gotta send her more donations tonight!

My two favorite game streamers are interacting? I'm so excited!