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Ask about students


The dojo has its own students. That detail caught my attention. The dojos I usually go to only let people play mahjong there. I've been invited to go to the North Wind and West Wind dojos managed by Lily Kitahara and Kazuha Saionji several times before, but even then we only played mahjong together at the same table. I never noticed that they could accept students. [player]What do you mean when you say it has its own students? Do you mean that you can teach others to play mahjong there? [Kurone Toujou]Yes. Of all the dojos in One Han City, only the Four Winds dojos, namely the East Wind, South Wind, West Wind, and North Wind dojos are qualified to teach others to play mahjong. [Kurone Toujou]Each of these dojo is divided into two parts. You must be so focused on playing mahjong every time that you haven't noticed this. After ordinary guests enter the hall from the main entrance, a receptionist will guide them to a mahjong table to play games. [Kurone Toujou]The dojo's own students enter through the side door with an access card and go directly to the place where they will be taught. Each dojo teaches students in a different place. For example, the East Wind dojo is designed as a traditional wooden building with only three floors. [Kurone Toujou]There is only an ordinary dojo on the first floor. The students are taught on the second floor, and even I go there to review game logs for everyone occasionally. [Kurone Toujou]As for the third floor, let me keep that a secret from you for now. I'll introduce it to you when you visit the East Wind dojo one day. [player]In that case, I'll definitely come to have a look when I get the chance. [player]Is the same thing taught at each of the Four Winds dojos? [Kurone Toujou]They pretty much teach the same skills. What makes them different is their concept of mahjong. [Kurone Toujou]The East Wind dojo advocates that one should enjoy the process of playing mahjong without caring too much about the result. Um... Our students say that we have more of a "Zen-like" approach to playing mahjong. [Kurone Toujou]The South Wind dojo advocates that mahjong competitions are a commercial means and believes that there's nothing you can't resolve by playing mahjong. [Kurone Toujou]The West Wind dojo advocates that competition is a means to continuously improve and hone one's mahjong skills. This dojo often invites the other three dojos to have competitions. In fact, we just had a mahjong contest a few days ago. [Kurone Toujou]The North Wind dojo advocates that mahjong is the embodiment of desire and that the purpose of competition is to win. [Kurone Toujou]As each dojo has a different concept of mahjong, the students that gather in these four dojos are also different. The only thing that is the same for all of them is that they all work hard for their own ideals. [Kurone Toujou]If you want, you can join one of our dojos based on your mahjong-related beliefs. I think you would be a powerful addition to whichever dojo you join. During the remaining time, Kurone Toujou and I chat a lot about mahjong, and I learned a lot from her insights on mahjong. Before I know it, it's already time for the afternoon tea to end, and a staff member is already at the door. Kurone Toujou is both skilled at reading people's moods and finding things to talk about. I get the feeling that any person can have a very pleasant time here with her. I think this is what makes her so charming and why everyone wants to have afternoon tea with her. I get up and prepare to leave. When I say goodbye to Kurone Toujou, she suddenly asks me about my clothes. [Kurone Toujou]The tulle design at the seams of the clothes you're wearing today is very novel... It looks like a custom order instead of a common branded item bought on the market. [Kurone Toujou]Can you tell me which famous designer did this? [player]You can even tell that? [Kurone Toujou]Hehe, how embarrassing. Many esteemed guests come to Countless Springs every day, so my familiarity with all kinds of luxury brands is essentially one of my basic abilities now. However, the brand design you're wearing isn't something I'm familiar with. [player]It's from a store called Chaque Jour. It's quite popular in One Han City recently. [Kurone Toujou]Thank you for sharing this information with me. I simply must go shopping at a shop that can make such good designs. When I finally leave Countless Springs, Noah is already waiting for me at the entrance. After returning to Chaque Jour with her by car and changing into my own clothes, I get ready to tell her everything I saw and heard today. Suddenly, she carefully removes something from the shoulder of the clothes I just changed out of. [Noah](Text message) This is a spy camera. It has recorded everything that happened today, so you don't need to report anything back to me. Just as I'm about to ask her when she planted the camera on me, I suddenly remembered that she patted this exact spot on my shoulder just before I went to see Kurone Toujou. I feel like saying something, but then I stop myself. After swallowing the things I want to say to her, I decide to give up. I should have already gotten used to the way Strix does things over these last few days anyway. The good side of this is that I won't need to report on this to Kutsuji in person. After I return home, I decline a bunch of mahjong invitations and collapse on my bed, probably because I'm so tired and relieved after completing the task. Suddenly, I receive a text message from Kutsuji. [Kutsuji](Text message) I'm very pleased with your performance today. I'll come and pick you up to complete the last part of the transaction in a few days. To be honest, I actually don't know what useful information he got from this process. The closer I get to these legendary Four Greats, the more mysteries there seem to be. Moreover, these mysteries collide and merge with each other to create new mysteries. Perhaps I'll find out the truth of all these things one day. I gradually fall asleep with this thought in mind.