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Run away to the school


We'll hide in the café first and observe for a while. Once Yuzu passes by, we'll wait until she has left for a while before we turn back. We can use this method to mix things up and get Yuzu off our trail, but we can't guarantee that we won't run into her again later. ...I know! Shall we hide inside Asaha High School? Would that work? Although the school rules do specify that pets aren't allowed on school grounds except under special circumstances, today's not a school day, so the security guards might not stop Yuzu even if she brings a dog into the school grounds. Don't worry, I already thought of a good idea before suggesting this to you. Let's go. She really will catch up to us if we keep dilly-dallying. ...Granny, since you have trouble walking, you should get someone to accompany you when you leave home next time, or else it'll be very dangerous when you cross the road alone. Hehe... thank you. You're such an enthusiastic girl. But I didn't manage to read the street sign properly just then. Can you help me cross the road again? Thank you. I-Is that so? I'm sorry! I'll help you cross the road now. Hehe... The last time someone carried me on their back was when that old man was still young... Sorry for keeping you waiting. Let's go! We're just two streets away from the school. Okay, but we're wasting too much time helping others while we're running. Aren't you worried that they'll catch up to us? I can't help it. I can't ignore anyone who needs help. Yuzu hasn't caught up to us even though we keep stopping. I wonder if it's because we're lucky or because we're being rewarded for doing good deeds. Hehe, I'm sure it's the latter! Let's go. We'll arrive at the school after passing through this street. Nana, are you inside? Come out. I'm sorry, Ren Kisaragi asked us to help him out at school. Are you also here to help? Argh?! The v-vice president is inside...? Oh no, I was so busy chasing them that I forgot this is the student council's office... Arf! Shush! O-Orio, you have to be quiet here. Let's go and play somewhere else. Ren Kisaragi is asking if you brought a dog onto the school grounds. N-N-No such thing! I'll get out of your way now! Hehe, our vice president sure is intimidating. First we run inside the student council's office, and then we scare Yuzu off by pretending the vice president is here. That sure is a good idea. I told you I had a good idea. It's best not to leave too soon. We'll wait until we're sure that Yuzu has left the school first. It just happens that we can see the school gates through this window here... Nana Shiraishi and I chat for a while and wait until some time has passed after Yuzu leaves the school before we exit the student council's office and go home. By the way, why are you afraid of dogs? Were you bitten by a dog or something? How did you read my mind?! You're right. A dog bit me when I was little, and I've been scared of dogs ever since. You can tell me that not all dogs will hurt people, and I also understand that, but... I wasn't thinking that. As they say, "once bitten, twice shy." To make it worse, you were bitten when you were little. Children's mental endurance is inherently weaker, and traumatic events they experience tend to leave a big shadow in their hearts. I can still remember the vicious eyes of the dog that bit me, but I remember that it wasn't hostile at all before it bit me... Because of that, no matter how friendly a dog looks, I still can't bring myself to touch it. Sigh, I'm so useless. Don't be so hard on yourself. If you're scared of something, then you're scared of something. Humans are such complicated beings. You don't need to force yourself to overcome this weakness. Just go with the flow. ...Hehe, I feel a lot better after hearing you say that. Woof! Wh-Where's that barking sound coming from?! Have Yuzu and that dog returned?! Relax, that Alaskan's bark is much more intense. Look, several dogs are quarreling over there. That was terrifying... It's always a good thing to stay away from quarrels whether they are between humans or dogs... This is strange. Why are those two children standing next to the dogs? Judging from the frightened expressions on their faces, they must have been scared by the quarrel between the dogs, so they are just standing there and don't dare to move rashly. (whisper) Nana might recall some unpleasant memories if we stay here any longer, but we can't just leave these two children like this. What should I do...? ...Woof? Oh... you threw the rock? Hmm-hmm... Woof! Woof, woof, woof! L-Let's run! They're coming here! Little children, you should run away too! Thank you! We didn't manage to catch a break after escaping from the Alaskan because now we're being chased by some street dogs. Aren't you afraid of dogs? Why did you draw their attention?! I acted without thinking when I noticed that those two children were scared. Anyway, stop talking and focus on running! Woof, woof, woof!!! I can tell from the sound that they don't come in peace. Sigh... I rather be chased by that Alaskan! Huff... Huff... Huff... For how much longer... are they going to keep chasing us... Nana Shiraishi's breathing is becoming more and more rapid. I presume she has been consuming more stamina than usual because of the nervous state she has been in today. What's more, she has been running from Yuzu and the Alaskan all day already, so she should almost be exhausted no matter how fit she is. Nana, do you have the stamina to climb a tree? You can climb up a tree while I draw them away! No... I-I'm out of energy. I can't run anymore! D-Don't stop! Oh no, I need to think of something fast... Arf! In our moment of despair, a muscular figure stands between Nana Shiraishi and the street dogs - it's the Alaskan that was with Yuzu! After seeing this huge beast suddenly jump out in front of them, the street dogs decisively stop, none of them daring to step forward rashly. They just stare at the Alaskan and growl uneasily at him. Woof... Woof... ...Arf! Arf, arf! Woof... grrr... They all run away with their tails between their legs... Phew, if they get all aggressive, then we would be outnumbered and in for a tough fight no matter how fierce this Alaskan is. Fortunately, they were wise enough to leave. Orio-- Ah? PLAYER, Nana, why are you here? We accidentally disturbed a pack of street dogs on our way home. Fortunately, this Alaskan appears in the nick of time, or I don't know what would've happened to us. No wonder Orio ran off so excitedly when we were passing by the park. So he smelled your scent and came over here. Is Orio the name of this Alaskan? Thanks a lot, Orio. Your keen sense of smell saved us. Arf... After seeing the street dogs run away, the Alaskan made a disappointed cry for some reason. After that, he picks something up from the ground and walks toward Nana Shiraishi. I-It's coming over to me! Junior, stop him for me!!! The Alaskan stops in front of Nana Shiraishi and starts shaking his head softly instead of getting closer to her. ...Yuzu, does Orio have some business with Nana? How did you know? Yes, Orio has been chasing after Nana to return the thing in his mouth to her. The thing in his mouth... Eh? Isn't this my spare hair tie? You dropped it when you were running away. Orio has been chasing after you to return this to you. I... I see... Probably because he can sense that Nana Shiraishi doesn't dare to get close to him, Orio places the hair tie on the floor like a gentleman. Nana Shiraishi thinks quietly for a moment after picking up the hair tie before finally looking at Orio with a blush on her face. I'm sorry, I thought you were chasing after me to tease me. Thank you for bringing this back to me, and... thank you for protecting me. Junior, can you stroke his head for me? I want to do it myself, but I'm still too scared... That's alright. Let me do the honors. It's already a big improvement that you were able to thank him face-to-face instead of turning and running away in fear. You did an excellent job. Thank you for your hard work today, Orio. Arf, arf. Let me convey your thanks to Orio... ...Arf, arf. Argh? It's a misunderstanding? What did Orio say? Nana said Orio protected her, but Orio doesn't seem to understand why Nana said that. Eh... Did I not express myself clearly? I've been listening to your conversation for a while now. Since you're confused, let me translate for you, woof. Wanjirou, what brings you here? When I was taking a walk, I saw several young dogs crying and howling about a "chimera" in the park. I was curious, so I walked over here to take a look, woof. In the end, there's no chimera here. It's just this Alaskan bro. Young dogs are so ignorant, woof. I'm not going to make a fuss over why they know what "chimera" is but can't recognize an Alaskan. Can you tell us what Orio said? That's easy, woof. Brother, what did you mean when you said they have a misunderstanding, woof? Arf, arf, arf, arf... arf! Woof, so that's it. Let me tell you exactly what this brother said, woof. So those street dogs were making trouble for you just now? I'm so surprised. I thought you were playing, so I came here to ask you to let me join in. No wonder they ran away so quickly, woof. So that's why he didn't think he was protecting Nana Shiraishi just now... Wait a minute. How did he say so many things with just a few barks?! You humans don't need to know so much about the dog language. Anyway, that's what happened, woof. ...Hahaha, he looks so bold, but he's actually this simple-minded? Argh, Alaskan Malamutes are a breed with a stark contrast in appearance and temperament. Orio is even more simple-minded than others of his kind. He would think people are playing with him even if they are scolding him. Fortunately, he's quite big and strong, so others don't dare to mess with him. Don't worry, Nana. Orio can hit it off with anyone, likes to run around, and is usually very docile. If you play with him more, you'll definitely be able to overcome your fear of dogs. That's what I thought too. Okay, it's not really possible right now, but I'll try my best to accept him and get along with this big friend of ours. Arf, arf! He says you feel like one of his kind and wants to get along with you, woof. One of his kind... What's that supposed to mean? One of his kind... Pfft! Enthusiastic, hits it off with people, loves to run... Orio managed to notice these similarities after just meeting her once, which means he has a keen sense of smell and also has a keen intuition. Nana Shiraishi looks at us laughing out loud with confusion, then she tilts her head and closes her eyes to think deeply for a moment. When she opens her eyes again, she makes an expression of sudden understanding. The next thing I know, I feel a sharp pain coming from my arm. S-Stop! Everyone is laughing, so why are you only twisting my arm?! It's because you're laughing the loudest! You're not allowed to laugh! Arghhh! I told you already that you're not allowed to laugh...