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Those words were a little harsh and were tantamount to rubbing salt in the wounds that caused Hideki sadness. Although Hideki doesn't seem to be angered by Levine's words, I can still feel that he isn't happy right now. My body starts moving, and I call out directly to the rider who is about to leave. [player]Stop! [Levine]What can I do for you? Levine is polite and courteous to anyone other than Hideki. He takes off his hat and performs a standard knight salute, but that doesn't make me any less mad. [player]You should apologize to Hideki Akechi. [Levine]Apologize... to him? Excuse me, can you tell me why? [player]Don't you think your words were a bit excessive just now? [Levine]But I was just speaking the truth. I know the Akechi family is not a family I can afford to offend, but I'm just expressing my opinion on this matter. [Levine]Raising a horse shouldn't be something that the rich do on a whim. A rider who chooses to give up affects not only himself but also a horse that could have shined on the racetracks. Levine looks down on me condescendingly from where he is on the back of his horse. His shadow overlaps with the horse's shadow on the ground. [Levine]You have to admit that this is a very selfish thing to do, right? Of course not! You don't know the whole story! As I prepare to refute him with these words, I am interrupted by a large boom that fills the air as workers drop the goods they are carrying, which makes a loud noise when it hits the ground. This is a trivial matter that no one would care about elsewhere, but this is a serious problem at a stud farm. The horses in every corner of the training grounds are frightened and neigh restlessly. Thankfully, the trainers are with the horses at all times and calm them down quickly. But.. there's one exception— [Levine]That won't hurt you, Red Lightning! Look, someone has already picked up the cargo! Levine hasn't established enough trust with his new horse yet. Even though he points out the thing that gave the horse a fright and pulls on the reins to divert its attention, his efforts do little good. This maroon horse called Red Lightning doesn't calm down completely, and things would be even worse if Levine isn't an experienced rider. Red Lightning keeps making tiny movements, each of which implies that it is in an anxious state, which isn't good news. Hideki pulls me behind him quickly to protect me from the horse's hooves. I notice that the workers in the distance are coming here, and I hope that Red Lightning doesn't go out of control before they arrive. Red Lightning [Red Lightning]Huff, huff... Tick—tock—tick–tock At this extremely tense moment, I hear a very rhythmic sound. I look towards the source of the sound and see that it is coming from Hideki's mobile phone. He has turned up the volume on his phone to ensure Red Lightning can hear it. [Hideki Akechi]Levine, adjust its rhythm. [Levine]...I don't need to you tell me that! Then a miracle happens just like that! Red Lightning gradually calms down after he starts following the fixed beat. Hideki keeps the music going until everything returns to normal. [player]What... was that? [Hideki Akechi]I just used a mobile metronome app. [Hideki Akechi]A fixed beat can help horses make every step rhythmically, which helps the rider calm the horse's emotions. That's why experienced riders usually install a metronome app on their mobile phone in case of an emergency. [player]I see. [Levine]I didn't think you would remember that... Red Lightning has calmed down and becomes docile again. Levine dismounts, comes up to us, and looks at Hideki with a complicated expression. [Hideki Akechi]Of course, equestrianism is an important part of my life. I'll never forget it. [player]Ahem, actually, Hideki comes to the stud farm very often. If he didn't, you wouldn't always run into him, right? [Levine]... This "Mr. Unhappy" is a really simple person. The anger in his eyes has disappeared now, and the change in his expression shows that he has accepted our words and his heart has started to waver. However, he doesn't immediately shake hands and make peace with his "rival." With his head lowered, the rider asks in a muffled voice the issue he has been struggling with for many years. [Levine]If that's the case, why did you suddenly give up on equestrianism...? I trained extra hard so that I could compete with you again, yet you never participated in another competition... [Levine]Many people told me that you're not like me and that winning an equestrianism competition is just another glory to add to your resume, not what you really pursue... [Hideki Akechi]That's not true. Hideki interrupts him, steps forward, and looks him in the eyes. [Hideki Akechi]Perhaps some people really do learn equestrianism to enrich their resume, but I've never thought that way. [Hideki Akechi]A family member of mine fell ill, and I had a lot of coursework to do. I just didn't have time for everything. I thought about it for a long time before I made this decision, and I apologized to the coach and Silver Snow for this. [Hideki Akechi]I regret that I can't continue to compete with you on the racetrack, but I don't regret my decision. Levine, I owe you an apology. [Levine]Urgh... Is this how the people in your family talk?! That's so cheesy! He backs away suddenly and makes exaggerated movements to hide his emotions. [Levine]Um, well, I'm sorry. [Hideki Akechi]Huh? [Levine]I misunderstood you earlier and mocked you for so long. I won't do that anymore... [Hideki Akechi]When I visited Silver Snow last time, I heard that you have a great chance of competing in an international equestrian event. I hope you do well. Probably because he isn't accustomed to interacting so peacefully with Hideki, "Mr. Unhappy" freezes for a moment and keeps opening and shutting his mouth. In the end, he turns awkwardly to touch Red Lightning. [Levine]I'll definitely become the champion! Just wait for my good news! [Hideki Akechi]...Okay. Levine mounts his horse again and leaves in the opposite direction at a faster speed than when he approached us earlier. Now he is trying to run away from Hideki. [player]At least he recognizes his mistakes and apologizes sincerely. [Hideki Akechi]The world would be a better place if everyone could say what they are thinking directly like you, PLAYER. Thank you. [player]Why are you thanking me? [Hideki Akechi]I always thought that I'll be the one protecting you when we're together, but you stood up for me today. [Hideki Akechi]If I came alone today, Levine would continue to misunderstand me. It's because of you that we can untie the knots in our hearts. [player]Ahem, I didn't think that much about it... I just know that he was wrong, and I had already come forward before I realized it. [Hideki Akechi]Yes, I know. Either way, I'm very happy today. Hideki's face seems a little red, but he doesn't avoid my gaze like before. Instead, he takes the initiative to look at me and acquiesces that I've entered his personal zone. [Steed]Neigh— I can't tell which horse started neighing first, but all the horses in the training grounds start expressing their joy in their own way soon. Hideki and I also see a shining brilliance in each other's eyes. In my heart, I think to myself that it was the right thing to come to the stud farm with Hideki. Several months later [Worker]Please wait! A customer has left a gift for you two. After our first visit to the stud farm, Hideki and I have come here to ride horses together every month. When we finished our ride today as usual and were about to go home, a worker hands us a beautiful gift box. [player]It's for us? Are you sure? I basically haven't interacted with any customer here other than Hideki, so I'm a little surprised when I hear what the worker said. [Worker]Yes. The person who asked me to give this to you described your appearances in great detail, so there's no way I've made a mistake. [player]Okay, thanks... Hideki accepts the gift and thanks the worker. I step forward and open the box to find a pair of equestrian hats in different colors. The tall hat has no wrinkles, and the length of the tongue and rope is just right, appearing simple yet elegant. Someone who can choose this as a gift must be very familiar with equestrianism. [player]I wonder who gave us these gifts. [Hideki Akechi]There are two letters under the hats... This one seems to be for you. [player]Let me see... I open the letter to see some flamboyantly written lines on the piece of paper—I bought this gift for you along the way to thank you for last time. Also, you really suck at horse riding. Next time, you should get someone else to teach you. Someone like me, a professional rider who is about to win the world championship. It's obvious that the person who wrote this letter and is so obsessed with being a champion is the "Mr. Unhappy" we met earlier. [player]Is this a gift to thank me for helping to absolve your misunderstanding? He has good taste... but how dare he say that I suck at horse riding! His way of talking is still as infuriating as ever! [Hideki Akechi]Don't get angry, or else you'll become the next "Mr. Unhappy." [player]Hmph! Hideki, you should make him remember what it feels like to be the runner-up the next time he comes to the stud farm. [Hideki Akechi]Well... This challenge is a little difficult, but if that's what you want, PLAYER, I'll think of a way to make it happen. Hideki smiles subtly. Not even he thought it would be possible for his former "rival" to become his friend. With Hideki's permission, I read the letter Levine wrote to him. "As a representative who is participating in the FEI World Equestrian Games on the international stage, I already have higher goals and stronger opponents, but you can't lose either!" At the end of the letter, "Mr. Unhappy" even drew a very abstract gesture that looks like he is cheering for Hideki but also seems like he is showing off his own achievements. Tsk, what an awkward friendship you two have.