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The Maid, Sickly

category story ending Body item bond level
RiuKujou's Story The Maid, Sickly The Maid, Sickly Unlock the Ending - Where the Heart Lies * Milk tea OR Salted black tea
* Riu, you need to rest properly when you're sick. You can't overcome it by just enduring it.
* Wake her to eat
Summon Scroll 契約
The Maid, Sickly Unlock the Ending - Need No Words * Milk tea OR Salted black tea
* Riu, you need to rest properly when you're sick. You can't overcome it by just enduring it.
* Let her continue to sleep
Sphere of Light 契約
The Maid, Sickly Unlock the Ending - What the Cold Brings * Milk tea OR Salted black tea
* Persuade her to rest by reminding her that Chiori Mikami told her to
Sunshine Lucky Bag 契約