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  • SawakoKitami Voice when obtained Hello, Sawako Kitami here. Nice to meet you! I hope we can get along very well!
  • SawakoKitami Login Voice - Normal Did you also come for me today? Good timing, I just finished all my work. I can stay with you until dinner. What would you like to do?
  • SawakoKitami Login Voice - Max Bond 絆レベル5 I've been waiting for you, but I'm not feeling bored. Actually, this has become a habit of mine. It feels like you always come to see me at this time, hehe!
  • SawakoKitami Lobby Interactive Voice 1 You look a bit pale. Did anything happen to you? You can tell me if you have any troubles. Maybe I can't help much, but if saying it out can help you to relax, I'd love to make you a tea and listen to all your worries!
  • SawakoKitami Lobby Interactive Voice 2 Hoho, kitchen is like the battlefield for housewives. No one can survive without a few secret dishes!
  • SawakoKitami Lobby Interactive Voice 3 絆レベル1 Mahjong is such a fun sport. The only problem is I easily get addicted, so it does bother me a little... Do you also feel the same? Like, knowing the time is late, but just cannot control yourself and start another game? Hehe, looks like I'm not the only one who finds it hard to resist the charm of Mahjong.
  • SawakoKitami Lobby Interactive Voice 4 絆レベル2 This morning, I saw my kid waking up on his own and suddenly felt like he was a bird leaving his nest. Somehow this made me a little sad. Am I being very stupid? I should have felt happy that he has grown up, hehe.
  • SawakoKitami Lobby Interactive Voice 5 絆レベル3 Aha! As a housewife of the new era, I don't spend all my time taking care of my husband and kid. I have my own hobbies too. For example, painting, playing piano, or making handmade toys for the kids in the neighborhood. My days are always very full!
  • SawakoKitami Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 It's true that sometimes I forget about time because of Mahjong, but my routines are mostly very regular. Breakfast, house cleaning, lunch, nap, taking a walk, grocery shopping and dinner... You should also do the same. Good life routines ensure you a healthy body!
  • SawakoKitami Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I have a lot of hobbies and they often change. But I also have some long-term ones, like card games and board games. When I'm free, I would study how to play them. I may not look that way, but I'm actually very good at it. Wanna have a game?
  • SawakoKitami Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Mahjong or afternoon tea? You're such a kid. You know, as an adult, I would choose to have both. Well, give me one sec so I can make some tea and snacks, then we can play Mahjong together!
  • SawakoKitami Receiving Gift - Normal You even brought a gift for me. That's very kind of you.
  • SawakoKitami Receiving Gift - Preferred I knew you were a special one.
  • SawakoKitami Bond Level Up Voice 1 絆レベル1 Recently, I got very interested in flower art. Not only it cultivates my mind, my taste in art has also improved a lot while learning it. Next time, I can give you one of my works if you don't mind.
  • SawakoKitami Bond Level Up Voice 2 絆レベル2 Over the last few days, I tried making some snacks for the neighbors and they seemed to love them. Some even came to me everyday asking how I made them, so my afternoon suddenly becomes very busy. But I do feel very happy to be able to help others.
  • SawakoKitami Bond Level Up Voice 3 絆レベル3 Recently, I invented a few new recipes and also improved my miso soup. It's still an ordinary miso soup like every other household makes, but I still want to give it a unique taste that belongs to my family only. Would you like to come to ours and have dinner some time?
  • SawakoKitami Bond Level Up Voice 4 絆レベル4 My name? Right, you have always called me "Ms. Kitami". That does feel very distant. Just call me Sawako from now on, and I will also call you by your first name. Is that okay?
  • SawakoKitami Bond Level Up Voice 5 絆レベル5 Wow, it's been so long since we met each other. I didn't realize time passed so fast! It still feels like we met only yesterday. It's true that people can often forget about time when they are with someone that shares a common interest!
  • SawakoKitami Bond 契約 If you are tired, you can rest on my thighs, hehe! You don't need to be overly polite. After all, you have been doing me a lot of favors, so sometimes let me do something for you in return!



  • SawakoKitami New Year 契約 Happy New Year! Here, a red envelope for you! I didn't mean that you're a child. Rather, I think PLAYER is a very gentle and reliable person. After knowing you, I've had so many wonderful memories that I can also learn something from. I wish that in the new year, my memories will have you in them!
  • SawakoKitami Valentines Day 契約 Here's a Valentine's Day gift for you! What? What do you mean what's in it? How could it not be chocolate? It's a raw chocolate I've made meticulously since morning, and I've added some special Sawako maple syrup. This will definitely be the most unique chocolate you have today.

