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We were supposed to have drinks tonight, but now I can't make it because of this last-minute errand, sigh... I wanna have a good drink while enjoying the sea breeze, too. 2021-07-28
A rare holiday, should I go find some big news or take a good rest? 2021-10-02
Considering what a trouble maker you are, walking around with you is no relaxing feat, hehe~ But since you've invited me, don't even think about running away. So set a time. 2021-10-02
Those kinds of crowded places are very accident-prone, hehe~ In that case, come help me find a big scoop! 2021-10-02
Are you really not considering an editorial position in our magazine? With your experience and talent, you'll surely shine in this industry! 2022-09-11
The title can still be improved. 2023-07-26
Tonight is a bad time. Tomorrow? 2023-07-26
? 2023-07-26
The title isn't bad at all. I can think of a position that's perfect for you when you report to the magazine tomorrow. Hehe! Talent! You're jealous, aren't you? Start training with me tomorrow, and you'll be able to be like me too! 2023-07-26
Big news scoops seem to follow you wherever you go. Shouldn't you reflect on the reason? 2023-07-26
The process of creating a good article is also very interesting in itself. 2023-10-31
It's an exclusive article on One Han City Amusement Park's Halloween haunted house attraction. 2023-10-31
Ahaha... I'm afraid I'll be spending the night here in the office. You should just enjoy your night out at the amusement park. Don't worry about me. 2023-10-31
Aren't you at the amusement park? Since you have time to look at your mobile phone, I bet you're lining up for something right now. 2023-10-31
Be careful on your way here then. 2023-10-31
It's great. I've got ten boxes of apples here. Are you interested in wrapping them up too? 2023-12-22
Ah... Why do I feel like I'm watching my daughter getting married after growing up? 2023-12-28
Low EQ: We had a wonderful afternoon together. High EQ: Every second we spent together was a wonderful time. 2023-12-28
I was doing interviews on New Year's Day, writing articles on the second day, and printing on the third day... I'm starting to wonder if I really did go on holiday. 2024-01-04
Sigh, where can you find a boss who isn't evil nowadays? 2024-01-04