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Displaying 1 - 100 of 11882
  • 2,489v Yuzu Receiving Gift - Preferred What do you mean by "bribe"? I will not condone... such... an act... in the face of justice. Say, if I take this bear plushie back home, will the Red Panda Squad toss it to the side?
  • 2,168v LilyKitahara Receiving Gift - Preferred I'd rather get you as a present, hehe! You'd be cute in a little red bow.
  • 2,055v AiHayasaka Receiving Gift - Preferred Oh?! Isn't this the newly-released version? You're the best. Since you have given me such a precious present, I have to bring my A-game as a return gift. Get excited!
  • 1,860v KaguyaShinomiya Receiving Gift - Preferred Thank you, you got me a wonderful gift. No need to be nervous. Expensive gift or not, it's the thought that counts.
  • 1,578v C.C. Receiving Gift - Preferred A gift? I'll consider it if it's a pizza.
  • 1,138v KeiShirogane Receiving Gift - Normal This is for me? Why, thank you! I mean, that's the least I can do to help you. Don't break the bank for me next time.
  • 1,107v Ichihime Lots of Dora Lots of Dora
  • 943v EveKrist Receiving Gift - Preferred I hope my love for stuffed animals won't make you think that I'm neglecting my duties... I know that they don't seem to suit me very well since a swordsman should look tougher, but... thank you anyway.
  • 916v KallenKouzuki Receiving Gift - Preferred It's my turn to get you something next time. I like to keep things even, so can you tell me what you like?
  • 770v ワン次郎 絆レベルアップ1 You look like a newbie, but that's okay. Let me teach ya.
  • 754v 軽庫娘 絆レベルアップ1 If I could only fall in love once in my life... What? It's not what you think! This is the title of a song!
  • 678v Ransei Receiving Gift - Preferred Although I love ramen, from now on, my favorite food is the cookies Master gives me!
  • 643v A-37 Receiving Gift - Preferred Your safety is the best gift.
  • 589v 一ノ瀬空 絆レベルアップ1 We may not have known each other for a long time, but you surely don't look like the kind of bad guys they talked about... Thank you for coming to see me.
  • 536v A-37 Pure Four Quads Pure Four Quads
  • 485v Ransei Receiving Gift - Normal Master, I'm worried about the gift you gave me so suddenly. Are you about to implement the stick-and-carrot teaching approach?!
  • 456v MiyukiShirogane Receiving Gift - Normal Thanks. What's the special occasion today?
  • 435v サラ 絆レベルアップ1 I don't often see a guest like you. You never missed any of my performances. If my dance can bring you happiness, that will be great.
  • 423v MihokoFukuji Receiving Gift - Preferred Are... Are you sure? Such a precious gift should be gifted to someone important, like your mother maybe... Alright. Since you insist, I'll take it. Thanks, and do not bring any food with you tomorrow. Let me prepare something delicious for you as a return present.
  • 404v MiyukiShirogane Receiving Gift - Preferred Oh?! This... This is something I've wanted for like forever... Geez, how could I repay you…?
  • 387v HarunaIgarashi SP - When discarding a Dora Oh snap! I accidentally played a Dora... Can I take it back... Obviouisly not, hahaha...
  • 379v Yuzu SP - When discarding a Dora Chill out. Using sorcery to steal Dora is considered cheating! No way that's allowed!
  • 378v LinLang Ron Ron, omurice!
  • 361v LinLang Kita Kita, soft-boiled eggs!
  • 354v 八木唯 絆レベルアップ1 ...not really that touched...
  • 336v Ichihime Receiving Gift - Preferred A gift? Is it something yummy?
  • 326v 小野寺七羽 契約を結ぶ What's the use of these things? Think about this: don't proper clothes and settings make you more comfortable while listening to my recitation? Have you already decided which book to listen to... Hmm? Your face...Hehe, what's with the rush? We have plenty of time to be together from now on...
  • 322v ShigeruAkagi SP - When discarding a Dora I can hear... the three different sounds of discarding...
  • 315v AiHayasaka Bond I respect my lady because she's my master, but I will not be constrained by so-called social status. It's just like she said, we grew up together like sisters... Even if the useless old buffoon comes to visit, I will still not give up on such forbidden thought. My biggest hope is that my lady will be able to find the love she deserves. I will always be by her side until Miss Kaguya discovers her other half, and I can feel at ease.
  • 294v Ichihime Ron Ron! !!
  • 291v SakiMiyanaga Receiving Gift - Preferred What a great gift. Can I really have it? Wow, I feel so lucky today. Thank you.
  • 290v 小野寺七羽 プレゼント・好み Are… Are you sure that I can have this? Such a fine book. How should I even repay your kindness… You want to hear me read it out for you? Yup, sure thing.
  • 286v KeiShirogane Bond Are you interested in astronomy, too? I know nothing about stars, but gosh, I love watching them. I particularly enjoy stargazing with my telescope because when I do that, I realize my troubles are nothing among the vast skies. That's how I achieve my inner zen. Would you like to try it yourself? I might be a newbie in this, but I have a few stories about stars that I'd like to tell you.
  • 281v FuJi Tsumo Tsumo! Great luck!
  • 269v MiyukiShirogane Bond I like watching the stars. I can't help but be awed by those beautiful shining things, but at the same time, they seem so alone. I hope that one day... I can reach out to the far-flung stars and get my hands on their priceless rays.
  • 267v FuJi Ron Ron! What luck!
  • 263v Xenia SP - When discarding a Dora Give up my Dora? No, I think you misunderstood. This is a declaration of war!
  • 246v KazuhaSaionji Finishing a game in 1st place Please don't all stare at me...
  • 240v LinLang Tsumo Tsumo, a large ramen!
  • 233v FuJi SP - When discarding a Dora Aha, how dare fortune slip from my hands!
  • 230v Yuzu Receiving Gift - Normal Gulp... It looks like you have some serious misunderstandings about witches...
  • 227v AiHayasaka Receiving Gift - Normal Are you giving me this so you can find an excuse to date me? Hahaha, just kidding. Don't sweat it. Thanks anyway.
  • 225v Ichihime Riichi Riichi
  • 223v FuJi Receiving Gift - Preferred Since you're so sincere, I guess it might be inappropriate for me to be perfunctory. Let's proceed with mahjong. I'll show you how I live up to my name.
  • 222v Zechs Receiving Gift - Preferred Wow, wow... Ahem... Why would you give me this...? Although I don't think we're there yet... I guess I'll reluctantly take it... Huh? Don't be shy? You're the one who should be shy! Didn't Ein tell you that people in our hometown only give clothing as a way of confession? Besides, you gave me women's clothing! Could you get any dumber?!!! I will never wear it!!! Never!!!
  • 217v Eliisa Dora 1 Sheep
  • 207v YuiYagi Tsumo Tsumo, all of you, give me points.
  • 205v Eliisa SP - When discarding a Dora Uwaa-- Help, Mr. Wolf! Dora, Dora is gone!
  • 199v HibikiHimekawa Ron Ron. Congrats, hehehe...
  • 196v KeiShirogane Receiving Gift - Preferred Ah... I mentioned it, so you just went and brought it? Thank you so much... It's not often that I get a gift that I really like. You better be looking forward to my return gift. I might have to deliver more newspapers, but if a little extra effort can help me repay your sincerity, it'll be worth it!
  • 187v SakiMiyanaga Bond I feel like my heart has bloomed like the flowes on the range.
  • 185v Yuzu Bond Spirits of Southern Winds, when you descend, I ask you to tie the knot of faith, which is made of rootless sauropus plant, the white flames of shumi, and the unyielding mercury lamp, between PLAYER and me. From this day onward, PLAYER shall be under the wings of my justice. Consequently, we shall treat each other with respect, love, and righteousness—Magic, Oath Established.
  • 180v Ichihime Pure Four Quads Pure Four Quads
  • 180v HibikiHimekawa Bond Hmm… Is… Is this enough? I've put it on just as you asked… What?! What's with that request? You… Fine, Hibiki lost, so Hibiki will do anything you want!
  • 175v LilyKitahara Receiving Gift - Normal Are you being sincere?
  • 175v Yuzu Ron Ron, the judgment of justice!
  • 171v ReinaNanami Chii Chii
  • 171v AnjuSuzumiya Receiving Gift - Preferred KR-976 likes this gift. For today only, I can make an exception and allow you to call me Anju. As for tomorrow onwards... That will depend on your performance.
  • 168v Joseph Kita Kita
  • 167v Eliisa Tenpai (Ready Hand) Tenpai! Hoho-- Liisa Liisa is fighting!
  • 163v 二階堂美樹 ツモ Tsumo. Oops, sorry~
  • 159v IwaoWashizu Bond This? This feeling... Speed, and power. This... This is the strength I had when I was young! It's back! My prime is back!
  • 157v Ichihime Bond Level Up Voice 5 Master, is Ichihime sick-nyaa? Recently, whenever master is not around, Ichihime would become very restless and want to scratch all the cardboards into pieces. But as soon as master appears, all the problems seem to go away. Hey, master, do you know the reason? Otherwise, Ichihime would have to make a doll of master and carry it like Chiori does, nyaa!
  • 156v Keikumusume Ron Ron!
  • 156v Sammir Receiving Gift - Preferred This is the most meaningful gift I've ever received on my journey.
  • 154v Kaguyahime Receiving Gift - Preferred Oho! That's a lot better. Seems you have learned a lot. Don't be too proud though, keep bringing me better things. Uhehe!
  • 154v ChihoriTerasaki Receiving Gift - Preferred Looks like we've been keeping an eye on each other. Now you've discovered my little secret!
  • 152v SawakoKitami Bond If you are tired, you can rest on my thighs, hehe! You don't need to be overly polite. After all, you have been doing me a lot of favors, so sometimes let me do something for you in return!
  • 150v FuyumiShinomiya Receiving Gift - Preferred Wow! This is the latest style, and it has such good tailoring! Thanks! I don't know what to give you to thank you for this. Why don't I help you prepare breakfast tomorrow?
  • 148v Ichihime Pon Pon (Call for Triplet)
  • 146v Ichihime Bond Level Up Voice 4 I am very rebellious, so make sure you keep a close eye on me. Otherwise, I may run away from you anytime-nyaa.
  • 145v 四宮夏生 契約を結ぶ Sorry that I have kept it from you all along, but this is who I really am. It's the truest form of myself that I have always suppressed. So... Hahahaha! You should feel honored! You're the only person who knows the true identity of "White Night"!
  • 145v LilyKitahara Bond Level Up Voice 1 You want to know about my past? Hehe, I can hardly remember the last person who asked me that. Let's see how you fare this time.
  • 145v Keikumusume SP - When discarding multiple identical tiles in a row Take this.
  • 144v Sammir White White
  • 142v ChioriMikami Pon Pon
  • 142v Ichihime Dora 12 Dora 12
  • 141v Sara Kita Kita
  • 141v YuiYagi Pon Pon
  • 139v SawakoKitami Receiving Gift - Preferred I knew you were a special one.
  • 137v 相原舞 契約を結ぶ These two pieces of ceremonial attire are called maetengan (crown) and chihaya (robe). Apart from rituals, t-they are only worn at wedding ceremonies... Um... Master, you really don't get it. *Sobbing* ...Eh? Do you think Mai looks beautiful tonight? Master... you always do this to me. That's why Mai... Ahehe...
  • 136v ReinaNanami Bond It's all because of your company that I can get over my mental block and manage to stand up again. I may still be full of flaws, I will try to live up to your expectations as always.
  • 136v Sammir Bond I've decided to stay by your side until you grow tired of me. When that happens, I'll embark on a new journey... Because my journey feels more joyous with you in it. It's a journey my heart yearns for far more than a journey alone.
  • 136v Ransei Bond Master, what does this contract mean...? Are you entrusting yourself and your secret skills to me from now on?! I haven't studied any ninjutsu related to living humans before, but I will do my best to respond to your trust... Huh? You mean you aren't entrusting your body to me...? I-I see! Although I'm a little sad that I haven't received your full trust, I'll give everything I have to my training in the future!
  • 135v 三上千織 契約を結ぶ D-don't look! Even if you won, you are not allowed to look! Idiot! Pervert! Fool! Who, who told you it would be fine to just praise Chiori's dress!? Chiori's cuteness is unquestioned! Your approval is not needed at all... What did you say? "I will never see any girl more adorable than Chiori, so I want to admire as much as possible"...? ...Hmph! Fine, C-Chiori is very kind, you can appreciate me just a little longer.
  • 132v KaguyaShinomiya Receiving Gift - Normal ...To be frank, are you looking to win my favor by gifting me this off the cuff?
  • 130v TokiOnjoji Riichi Riichi. A turn later... I've seen it.
  • 129v NatsuhikoTakigawa Sextuple Yakuman Sextuple Yakuman
  • 128v MikiNikaidou Sextuple Yakuman Sextuple Yakuman
  • 128v Yuzu Tsumo Tsumo! The heaven's wrath!
  • 128v Ichihime Bond Miki said once we made a bonding promise, master would buy unlimited snacks for Ichihime-nyaa! But wasn't master already Ichihime's master long ago? If that's the case, what does this bonding promise really do, nyaa?
  • 126v ReinaNanami Double Riichi Double Riichi
  • 124v 軽庫娘 契約を結ぶ I wish... we'll be together forever! That's a deal!
  • 122v Joseph Sextuple Yakuman Sextuple Yakuman
  • 122v TeruMiyanaga Nine Gates Nine Gates
  • 121v NatsuhikoTakigawa Receiving Gift - Preferred Is this for me? Haha! Should I post this to my team's group chat to make the guys jealous?
  • 119v YuiYagi Ron Ron, give it to me.
  • 118v ShigeruAkagi Sextuple Yakuman Sextuple Yakuman
  • 118v YuiYagi Terminals in All Sets Terminals in All Sets
  • 118v Ichihime Kita Kita


Displaying 1 - 100 of 156
