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Maybe in the evening


Maybe in the evening [player] Well, how about going hunting at night, or foraging for mushrooms and stuff? Ah, but maybe it's better not to pick random mushrooms? [Joseph] Even if there weren't any mushrooms, there are always safe foods, like fruits. Let's eat our fill, then we can walk around while thinking about tonight's dinner menu. [player] Good idea. Speaking of which, is there anything I should look out for when foraging in the wild? [Joseph] Let me see... My own experience tells me that we need to pay particular attention to the "Green Eyes". [player] Green eyes? What's that? [Joseph] It's something I ate on a previous expedition. I have no idea what it was, so can only name it by the impression it had on me. [Joseph] I lost my pack at the time, and was so hungry that I had no choice but to eat it. I was almost delirious with hunger, and while I ate it and survived, I also went momentarily insane. [Joseph] I have no idea how I made it to a nearby village, but the villagers said I'd be talking nonsense for several nights, and burning up with a terrifying fever. I'd been having constant nightmares, the sort that your mind chooses to forget, to prevent you from breaking down. The only thing that I remember from those dreams is chewing on some kind of unspeakable food... [player] ...Is this, some kind of travel folklore? [Joseph] You could look at it like that. It's less terrifying to think of it as a fictional story. Anyway, that incident taught me that I have to be rational at all times. Otherwise, even if I survive, worse things could befall me. Listening as he finishes his personal story, I suddenly feel like the bread I hold has gone stale. Joseph makes it sound simple, with no description to evoke terror. But something that can make this great adventurer, who is always challenging his limits, turn pale must be some "food" that I would shun just by looking at it. I'm even a little hesitant about the original plan of searching for food in the wild at night... [George] Screech, screech-screech! [Joseph] Hahaha! Don't be so impatient, buddy. It's still early. We have plenty of time to finish eating before heading out. Hey, partner, do you fancy going with George to visit his family later? [player] Visiting family eh? So this jungle is...? [Joseph] I think you've already guessed it. This is where I first met George, and it's also the very first place I explored. [player] So this place is... Your beginning. [Joseph] Yes. This is where my career as an explorer began. The beginning of Joseph the Adventurer. [player] Well, that's a revelation! I should say I'm... honored? The location of my first expedition is the same as yours, and you are a great adventurer. That is really an honor. [Joseph] Honor...? Ha-hahaha! [player] What's with the laughter? Did I say something funny? [Joseph] It's nothing. I just suddenly felt a surge of happiness. It's great that you like this place. [Joseph] You know, I had a hard time thinking about where to take you. And in the end, I decided on this place, as this is where I fell in love with adventure. [Joseph] This isn't the most interesting place I've ever been, but it's the most significant... I believed here you would understand—the way you understood me the other night—how I felt being here back then, and perhaps fall in love with this place yourself. [player] ...Thank you for taking me into your "past", Joseph. I really love it here. [Joseph] Don't mention it, partner. Looks like our buddy George is getting a bit antsy, shall we go visit his family? [player] Very well! Lead the way, George. [George] Screech, screech! George leads us to the territory of the eagles and, in order not to fluster his kin, Joseph and I wait at a suitable distance, watching the antics of the eagles through binoculars. Afterward, I follow Joseph to a village he knew, and trade with the locals for dinner. We've only been to these two places, and suddenly it's already dark! We follow the river which runs through the forest, enjoying the scenery on the way, and make our camp at the base of a huge tree. We'll rest here tonight, and explore new places in the morning. [Joseph] Are you okay with roughing it here, partner? [Joseph] Beds in the village aren't as soft as those in the city, but they still beat sleeping outside. [player] You can't call this roughing it! Sleeping outside is the only way to really have that adventurous vibe. What I'm more concerned about is, are you sure it's okay that we don't light a fire? No wild animals are going to bother us? [Joseph] The way I see it, this is just showing respect to nature. Fire scares the beasts of the jungle and, as guests, we ought not to do anything that offends our hosts. [Joseph] Relax. Even if something were to happen, I'd be awake in a flash and we'd be running. As your guide, it is my duty to keep you safe. [player] Okay. I'll follow your lead then. Seeing that the seasoned explorer has decided to show nature the respect it deserves, I, a mere novice, should better heed his words and follow suit. [player] By the way, are jungle nights always like this? I always thought it'd be pitch black. [Joseph] Brighter than you expected, right? Hahaha! I can see you pretty clearly, partner. [player] I can see you too, Joseph, very clearly. Is it the moonlight? [Joseph] Yes, the moon... And all those countless little guys sparkling around it. Even without artificial lighting, the jungle has its own luminescence. See? The weather's been good today, so they're extra dazzling! I lift my head and look where Joseph is pointing. In the clear, clean night air, I can see myriad twinkling stars forming our very own galaxy. I fear that such clear skies can only be seen in the few places still left untouched by industrial civilization. It's such a rare sight that for a moment I cannot tear my eyes away. [player] The night sky... isn't quite how I remember it. The night sky reflected in my eyes is not just so dark a blue making it almost black. As I gaze out into the depths of the cosmos, I seem to see ineffable colors... Almost mesmerized, I whisper a phrase I'd once read, years ago. [player] Two prisoners looked out beyond their barred window. One saw the muddy ground... [Joseph] While the other saw the starry sky. [player] Ha, haha... Isn't it funny? That saying has nothing to do with right now! [Joseph] Looking at the sky, I can't help but think of phrases related to the stars, and feel compelled to recite them. I don't worry about their meaning, it's simply the joy of saying them. [player] You do this too? [Joseph] Yes! Often, actually. Even if it's pretty weird, knowing that someone else does it too makes it less weird! [Joseph] I love looking at the stars, partner. Every time I'm in the field, I always find a place to sit and stargaze, just like we're doing now, to clear my mind. [Joseph] There's no being distracted by the beauty of the present, no worrying about past troubles, no concern about what the future may bring. For some reason, just sitting and looking like this always fills me with joy. [player] Really...? Yeah, don't think too much. Just take it all in. I kind of understand how he feels. If I stare out at the starry sky for long enough, I do seem to feel my distracting, hurried thoughts gradually slowing down. It's like I'm pouring them out, emptying my head. [player] It just goes on and on... I wonder what's right at the end of the galaxy. [Joseph] Hahaha! Curious, no? I often wonder about that too. I think and think, and then find myself unable to resist the urge to get up and follow the stars. [player] What would I find... if we follow the stars? [Joseph] Who knows? There are always too many unknowns on a journey. But even so, I never fail to be captivated by the stars, and always find myself somehow following their guidance. [player] But then you'll discover something, right? Is this your secret to finding treasure? [Joseph] Hahaha! You can think that if you like, but most of the time nothing turns up. [player] Really...? Isn't that a little depressing, Joseph? [Joseph] Yes. I'm just an ordinary guy, so of course it's a little disheartening when things don't go my way. [player] But you don't stop. You keep going. [Joseph] Oh? Why do you think that? [player] Because... You're always looking at the stars. [Joseph] ...Hahaha! You really do understand me, partner! It's more like it's hard for me to imagine that he will stop than I understand him. [player] After all, you are the freest man I have ever met. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of mud could slow you down. [Joseph] Because I just can't stop, hahaha! The starry sky has no end, nor does the journey. You find one treasure, and then another... You'll always find something, as long as you don't stop. [player] That's right. I bet there are as many treasures hidden in the world as there are stars in the sky! [Joseph] That's exactly it! Oh, just thinking about it makes me too excited to sleep, and doesn't leave me any time to be depressed! How about it, partner? After wandering for a whole day, what treasure did you find? [player] Treasure...