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No treasure found


No treasure found [player] I didn't find anything that I'd call treasure. But it doesn't matter, as it's like you said: We're in no rush, there's always tomorrow, right? [player] Even if we return empty-handed after this whole expedition, so what? There's always the next adventure, and if I keep following our great adventurer all over the place, I'm bound to find treasure one day! [Joseph] Well said! We're partners now, after all, so there's plenty of time to go adventuring. The more we explore, the more chance there is of having a serendipitous encounter. [player] I remember you told me before, that your grandfather used to say that the joy of adventure lies in serendipitous encounters. Does your Riichi tendency when playing Mahjong also for seeking such encounters? [Joseph] This, perhaps, is my greatest pleasure in Mahjong! Every Riichi is an adventure for me, and that moment of pleasure can keep me at the Mahjong table for hours. [player] My hands start to itch whenever I talk about Mahjong... I wonder what Ichihime and that lot are up to. When we get back we can tell them all about our adventure while we play. [Joseph] We'll have plenty of time to tell them all about our interesting encounters. But now, it's getting late. We should probably get some rest, partner. You get some sleep, I'm going to finish this cigarette first. [player] Alright. Don't stay up too late, Joseph. Just as I'm about to lie down, George's shrill screech comes from overhead. [George] Screech, screech-screech! Screeeeeech! [player] What's the matter? It's not some dangerous beast, is it? [Joseph] Shh—don't panic. Try not to move. I'll go see what's up. Joseph swiftly climbs the tree, whips out binoculars, and looks around in all directions... [Joseph] Oh, by my Grandpa... Partner, I think I'm seeing things... [player] What do you see? Please don't tell me it's a bunch of razor-clawed beasts heading straight for us?! [Joseph] If it was, you'd already be on my back as we run away! I see... Actually, I think it's better if you see for yourself. I follow him uneasily. It's probably just due to my jitters, but I feel the darkness becoming ever more oppressive, so dark it scares me. Then, when I see the familiar, warm light, I understand why Joseph is so surprised... [Joseph] Do you see it, partner? Or am I hallucinating? [player] Pretty bad if it's a shared hallucination, because that would mean those mushrooms we had with dinner were extremely hallucinogenic... The steps I know so well are right in front of me. They are, without a shadow of a doubt, the steps of the Mahjong Soul Shrine. This doesn't make sense... No sense at all! How can the staircase of Mahjong Soul Shrine be here, in the middle of the wilderness?! [Joseph] I never expected Little Idol's rumor to actually be true. [player] Rumor? There are so many rumors flying around the Mahjong Soul Shrine, which one do you mean...? Oh, do you mean the urban legend about the shrine appearing to those who seek it? But... The shrine entrance just appears right here simply because I had the thought of playing Mahjong? Isn't that... a bit too ridiculous?! Don't tell me just because I'm Ichihime's nominal "owner", I therefore have this kind of privilege... [Joseph] These steps seem real enough, not like an illusion. Shall we head up and take a look? [player] You really want to go up...? What if it truly is a hallucination? [Joseph] Then take it as a rare opportunity to explore the dream world, hahaha! [player] What do we do if we go up, and it really is the Mahjong Soul Shrine? [Joseph] Well, obviously we'd go find the cat-eared priestess and that lot to play a few rounds! My hands have been itching ever since I saw this gate. Come on, partner! [player] Eh... Okay. Fine. No matter if it's just a hallucination, or some kind of terrible new danger, it is always safer to follow Joseph. But let's say I do finally get safely to the shrine, what then? I'm not sure I'll even have enough energy left to play, after a whole day's adventuring. [Joseph] Hum hmm hum! Huh, already so content that he's humming? With so much energy, I wouldn't be surprised if he was up for playing all night. Going out on an adventure, only to stumble onto the stone stairs that take me home. Is this another one of those serendipitous encounters...? Phew, I don't even have the strength to complain. [player] Forget it. There's no point thinking so much, best to just keep looking at the stars. Hmm, now that's a nice sight... [player] Oh yeah, Joseph, if we're heading back to One Han City like this, shouldn't we call the people who were to take care of our back trip? [Joseph] Oh, thanks for reminding me. I'll make a call. [Joseph] Hmm... No one's answering, maybe they're asleep. I guess I'll try again tomorrow? [player] Just don't forget.