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Mahjong is the favorite activity of the citizens of One Han City. Whether the sun is blazing or rain is falling, everyone's mood brightens as long as they can play mahjong together with friends.


Mahjong is the favorite activity of the citizens of One Han City. Whether the sun is blazing or rain is falling, everyone's mood brightens as long as they can play mahjong together with friends. For this reason, mahjong dojos are the most popular entertainment venues in One Han City. They are places where you can find people of all ages ranging from the elderly to three-year-old children, and even... Kana Fujita, an energetic idol who has just finished losing weight and is about to perform in a concert. [player]The concert is in less than two weeks. Is it really okay for you to come out and play mahjong, Kana? [Kana Fujita]PLAYER, does seeing me make you unhappy? The girl sitting across from me isn't wearing any weird disguises this time. Her eyes are bright, her lips are rosy red, her long pink hair is casually draped behind her, and her eyebrows and eyes are full of vitality unique to someone her age. She looks even cuter than usual right now when her cheeks are puffed up while feigning anger. [player]No way! You misunderstand me. I just didn't think I would see you again until the concert. I mean... your manager probably won't let you come to a mahjong dojo at such a critical time. [Kana Fujita]Hehe, you wronged me this time. I've come because of you. [player]For me? [Kana Fujita]Yes. I saw on your CatChat that you'll be coming to the dojo this weekend, so I've come to give you your VIP ticket... Ta-da! This is the ticket! Are you surprised? You're the only person to receive a ticket from me personally other than my boss. I take the ticket from Kana's hands and look over it carefully a few times. I bet the large grin on my face betrays my current feelings. [player]Kana, thank you so much! In the future, you can just call me and get me to pick it up from your company. You don't need to make a trip here just to give it to me. [Kana Fujita]No way! If I do that, I won't have an excuse to get time off from my manager so that I can play mahjong. [player]...? [Kana Fujita]Ahem... Um... [player]So you really have come here to play mahjong! [Kana Fujita]Shush! Don't be so loud. Although it isn't very likely, if someone from my company happens to hear us while passing by and tells my manager, it'll be really hard for me to get out of the office in the future. [Kana Fujita]Anyway, let's not fixate on the details. You know what? It's been almost two months since we last met when I was on my weight loss plan. Don't you want to spend more time with me? Feeling a little embarrassed that I've seen through her intentions, Kana steps up to me, hugs my arm, and swings it from side to side. Just as I am about to agree to her, I am interrupted by a ringing mobile phone. The ringing sound is coming from the bag Kana is carrying. She looks at me apologetically, then gets up to take the call. [Kana Fujita]Manager? Yes, I've met up with PLAYER... Huh? Something is up? ...PLAYER is the only person around me, so I can talk... Huh?! What?! Kana's voice rises with surprise after listening to her manager's words on the phone. The sound catches the attention of everyone in the dojo, making them all look over at us, so I stand up and make an apologetic gesture while hiding her from their eyes at the same time. [Kana Fujita]I don't think anyone would believe that... Well, we're at a mahjong dojo. I'll send you the location after I hang up... Yes, yes, yes, I understand... Relax, I'll be careful. [player]Kana, what happened? Do you need my help? Kana speaks anxiously with her manager on the phone, as if something has happened. I quickly ask her what happened after she hangs up. [Kana Fujita]My manager said... someone posted many images of chat records with "me" on CatChat, implying that I had broken up with him. It's becoming a bad influence online as many netizens have seen the messages and spread them everywhere. [player]Huh? Surely nobody would believe something that's so obviously fake. [Kana Fujita]Haha, PLAYER, I knew you would say that. In fact, we both said exactly the same thing. I wish all my fans believe in me as much as you do. Although most fans are rational, some of them have still been affected. [Kana Fujita]My company has been trying to contact the blogger who wrote this CatChat post in the hope that they will speak out and dispel the rumor. My manager is worried that some fans who have been tricked by the fake news might do something radical, so she will pick us up and take us to my company. [player]That sounds like something that should be done to keep you safe. Wait a minute, did you just say... us? [Kana Fujita]Oh, didn't I tell you? My manager explicitly said she wants us both to come with her. She said she'll tell you why after we meet up. [player]...My instincts tell me that you may be short-staffed at the office, and she wants me to help out with some last-minute manual labor. [Kana Fujita]Haha, then do you want to escape before she arrives, PLAYER? Kana kindly indicates the direction of the exit to me, but I sense danger from her narrowed eyes, as if she is saying that she'll take the ticket back if I dare to leave. As they say, a wise person submits to the circumstances. I immediately sit down beside Kana and express my determination to solve the problem with her. [player]No way! I just want to say that we can gather some information on CatChat together while she is coming for us to save time. Kana is very satisfied with my answer. She picks up her phone and comes closer to me, then she opens CatChat and carefully checks the account she's logging in to. [player]"Gossip Harvester"...? Kana, that's quite an interesting account name you have there. [Kana Fujita]Now's not the time to pay attention to these trivial things. Let me see... #KanaFujitaRomanceExposed#... So it's already become a trending topic... Huh? The picture posted in the real-time message was taken at the... mahjong dojo?! [player]Let me see! [Kana Fujita]"It's been half an hour already, and there's still no response. It's probably true, so all fans should stop lying to themselves." [Kana Fujita]"Although I'm not a fan of celebrities, I enjoy seeing them fall from grace." [Kana Fujita]"Who's the person in a relationship with Kana Fujita? Judging from his tone, he shouldn't be very old. There's no information other than the chat record. The paparazzi who are chasing this news are the worst I've ever seen." Kana reads the comments on the Internet quietly. Most of them are extremely unfavorable to her, which alerts us of the seriousness of the situation. As Kana's whereabouts have been exposed, many fans who are worried about her are rushing over to her, but there is no shortage of people who just want to watch the situation unfold or are very emotional. In the current situation, it's obviously not a good idea for her to meet her fans privately.