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I have the impression that both the zoo and Soul like to lock up the living areas of animals with chains, which is a traditional and strong form of lock. [player]Let's go this way. It looks more likely to be a place where animals would be locked up. [Ciri]I agree with that.

Oumu takes a toolbox out of his backpack. After he opens it, I see all sorts of tools, ranging from slender steel wires to various types of screwdrivers. He picks up two slender steel wires and inserts them into the keyhole, unlocking the lock after fiddling around with them a few times. Oumu catches the slipping chain quickly with lightning-fast reflexes so that it doesn't fall onto the ground and attract the security guards. [player]The problem with this kind of lock is that once we enter this door, the security guards will definitely know it has been opened the next time they patrol this area. [Oumu]If that happens, there are only two possible outcomes. Either the security guard locks it again from the outside, trapping us inside, or they will notice that someone has entered the room and enter it to catch us. [Ciri]I prefer the second scenario because I'm confident in my fighting skills. It'll be more troublesome if we're locked inside. [Oumu]It won't be a big problem. Before coming here, the boss and I agreed that I'd send him a text message every half an hour. If we don't leave this place within two hours or if I don't send him a text message within half an hour, he will assume something has gone wrong and come here to save us. However... [player]However what? [Oumu]If that happens, both sides will suffer great losses. People are bound to get hurt or die in fights. [player]Please don't make something so terrible sound so commonplace. [Ciri]Now that Soumu's got our backs, we'd better not waste any time here. Let's try to find the red-crowned cranes before we get caught. [player]Well, if we can complete our mission before we're discovered, we can avoid having any direct conflicts. The scene that greets me after I push open the doors and enter the room is not what I expected. I quickly estimate that the empty room has an area of around 200 square meters, and there's a door on the wall opposite us. On the floor are some marks leading to the door. Ciri kneels down to check this out. [Ciri]This looks like the droppings of some kind of bird, but I can't tell if it's from the red-crowned cranes. [player]This is a good sign. At least we have a direction now. We run towards the door on the other side. This door is also locked with a chain, which is completely ineffective to Oumu. After we enter the next room, we find ourselves in an empty room that is about 200 to 300 square meters big. The only difference is that there are two doors, one on the wall in front of us and the other on our right, and there is something that looks like the droppings we saw earlier on the floor leading to both doors. [player]We found this trail again, but there are two trails this time. Could this be some kind of trap? Ciri walks over and inspects them carefully. [Ciri]This shouldn't be a trap. The droppings are darker on one side. Judging from the dryness, these droppings have been here for longer. The droppings on the other side are still semi-dry, so they should be relatively fresh. [Ciri]It looks like both directions may lead us to animals, but I'm not sure which direction is the right one... [Oumu]Time doesn't wait for anyone. Let's pick one randomly and see where it leads to. I think Oumu makes a lot of sense. We won't get anywhere just by standing here, so I choose...