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Although my calendar says it is already autumn, the scorching heat tells me otherwise. I retract my hand from the iron railing outside, which is hot enough to fry eggs on, and confirm that the hot spell during autumn this year is fiercer than previous years in One Han City.
There are very few things that can attract me to go out in such hot weather, but the performance of Soul is one of them. Of course, one reason is that Ryan claimed last week that he will perform a new magic show today, and he wants to dedicate his first show to the best onee-sama in the world.
So, to ensure that all citizens who will brave the scorching hot weather today to watch the magic show today can enjoy it, I...
Actually, not that I think about it, I didn't sacrifice anything and even gained a lot from this.
After all, the performances were far more exciting than I expected. The singing and dancing were as good as ever, and Ryan's magic tricks were amazing. I'm still reliving the performances even though the show has already ended for a while
The only thing that ruined my perfect experience was that Ciri and her partner Mojito the leopard, who always put on brilliant performances, did not perform on stage this time.
As I exit in an "orderly" manner with the crowd, I overhear two members of the audience whispering to each other.
[Audience A]Why did they change the program without notifying us in advance?
[Audience B]I know right! I came just to see Mojito.
[Audience A]Could something have happened at the last minute?
[Audience B]I hope not. I don't want anything bad to happen to my Mojito or Ciri.
[Audience A]I'll come again tomorrow. I hope I'll see them then.
Their conversation reminds me to take a closer look at the program and see that Ciri and Mojito were supposed to perform today. I recall the performances according to the order in the program, and remember that a number of song and dance performances were held in their slot. Is it possible that the program was changed so last minute that there wasn't even time to notify the audience?
The greatest advantage of following the crowd is that you don't have to consider which direction you're moving in because you have no choice but to follow the flow, which is why I wasn't successful in stopping to greet Sara when I passed by her at the exit. I shouted her name out twice, but she didn't seem to hear me.
Sara doesn't look like her usual self today. Her carefree cat-like demeanor has been replaced with a grave and slightly anxious expression. Having known Sara for so long, I rarely see her make this expression unless something is seriously wrong.