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Ask her if she actually doesn't want to recruit new members


[player]Maybe I'm thinking too much about it, but Ninomiya, do you... actually not want to recruit new members? [Hana Ninomiya]Eh... You... How did you find out? [player]When I was about to leave after washing my hands last time, I heard you say something like "things have been going well with just me anyway." That gave me a vague feeling that this might be the case. Anyway, your words indicate that I'm right about this. [player]Ninomiya, are you worried that you might not get along with the new members of the club? How to manage interpersonal relationships with newcomers is difficult both at school and in the workplace. As the president, Hana Ninomiya will need to consider how to communicate with others and how to create a good atmosphere in the club, which will inevitably make her feel stressed. [Hana Ninomiya]Well... I've always been doing everything at the gardening club by myself. It's a lot of work to take care of flowers and plants, and I'm worried that my juniors will think I'm annoying. I also don't know whether I'll be a good president who can lead my juniors to complete club activities smoothly. [Hana Ninomiya]But these troubles will only exist if we manage to recruit new members. Maybe no one will notice me when we are recruiting new members. That would be embarrassing, and... [Hana Ninomiya]What will I do if you never come back again... Hana Ninomiya is sitting down against the wall and hugging her knees with her hands while looking at me slightly sadly. Her words and her attitude leave me a little confused. [player]Why would you think that I would never come back again? [Hana Ninomiya]I know that you're proactively helping me think of ideas to recruit new members because you want to find other people to share my burden. I know you have good intentions... [Hana Ninomiya]But I can't help but wonder... if you're so eager to find other people to help me because you think that helping me with the gardening club is too troublesome... [player]Um... Ninomiya, you're worried about nothing. I'll come to help you as long as you ask me to. [Hana Ninomiya]I know I'm worried about nothing, but...! Once we recruit new gardening club members, I'll definitely get fewer opportunities to spend time alone with you like this... [Hana Ninomiya]Although it's very tiring to take care of the plants all the time, when I get to be busy with you during the vacation like this, I feel happy no matter how tough it is. After all... we have so many shared memories here... I-I really feel very happy... ...Yes, we have a lot of shared memories here. We have been busy here, been happy here, and even had one of our very few conflicts here. However, that conflict brought us closer to each other. [player]I also feel very happy that I have been able to tend to these flowers and plants here with you, Ninomiya. I dare say that I know better than anyone else how much effort you've put into tending to them... That's precisely why I think it's such a pity. [Hana Ninomiya]Such a pity? [player]I want to let more new students of Asaha High School know that they have a senpai called Hana Ninomiya who rebuilt the abandoned gardening club and single-handedly made these potted plants bloom so beautifully. Just like how beautiful plants should not be buried, a girl as outstanding as Hana Ninomiya deserves to be known to more people. [player]I promise you that I'll still come here to help out from time to time even if the club manages to recruit new members. We can let the club members take a break from club activities during school vacations, then we'll be able to take care of everything by ourselves like we are doing now. [player]Trust me, Ninomiya. There will be a lot of time that belongs exclusively to us in the future. [Hana Ninomiya]...You better keep your word. [player]Yes! It's a promise! I hope this promise will give Hana Ninomiya the courage to keep moving forward and make a fresh start... The first few days after the summer vacation ends Time flies like an arrow. The summer vacation ends in the blink of an eye, and even the first week of school has passed. After school on Friday, I ask Nana Shiraishi and Hana Ninomiya to meet me at a restaurant so I can ask them how the recruitment of new gardening club members has been going. [Nana Shiraishi]Junior, your idea is great! The effect of using the photo of Hana in that dress as the poster is amazing! [Hana Ninomiya]Geez... Should I say that it was too effective...? All the boys who came at the beginning were only interested in asking about the girl in the photo. [Nana Shiraishi]I get so angry when you mention that. Hana was sitting right in front of them... Are they blind?! [Hana Ninomiya]The shop PLAYER found is so unreliable. They went overboard with the editing. [player]I feel wronged! I only asked the shop to enlarge that photo and print it. All I can say is that Hana Ninomiya really is a lot prettier in a dress, especially when she is smiling brightly like in the photo, which makes her look completely different. I hope she can also smile so kindly at the mahjong table next time. [player]What happened in the end? Did you manage to recruit any new members? [Hana Ninomiya]We recruited three juniors who are interested in the gardening club and managed to meet the minimum member requirement. [player]How are you getting along with the new members? [Nana Shiraishi]Speaking of this, hehe, I never realized that Hana is such a natural at being the president. I heard that she scared one of the juniors so badly that she started crying on the first day. [Hana Ninomiya]That's not true! I... I just got a little anxious when I spoke because I didn't think she was using the right method. I apologized to her afterwards! I'll be more careful next time... [player]You're still an inexperienced club president after all. You'll need more time to get used to this identity. You can do it, President Ninomiya! [Hana Ninomiya]By the way, PLAYER, do you have the time to come to the club tomorrow? [player]Sure thing. What do you need me for? Is there a lot to do now that school has started again? [Hana Ninomiya]That's not it. I want to introduce you to our juniors. After all, you're... an honorary member of our gardening club! Other than me, you're the most reliable person, so we'll be relying on you to help out when I'm not available! [player]Whoa... You're even going to introduce me properly. I'm getting nervous now since it sounds so serious. But since this is the club president's request, there's no reason for me, an honorary member of the gardening club, to say no, right?