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HidekiAkechi's Story 願い 願い "Of course my wish is to make "Paradise Lost" a reality so that everyone can follow the most sincere wishes in their heart. White Night will also fight for the justice of his heart in this world!"
During a training session of the National University of Fuuchi mahjong club, someone mentioned the urban legend that Mahjong Soul Shrine can grant the wish of a winner of a mahjong game, so Natsuki Shinomiya gave his answer to this question.
Hideki Akechi, who was sitting opposite him started considering this question seriously too... Hmm, a world where people have no secrets from each other? That doesn't sound bad.
Seeing that the club president had no intention to stop them from talking during the training, all the members started to express their thoughts one after another about their wishes.
"I want to have my own flower shop as I will be able to give fresh flowers to my mother every morning. Yeah... I'll feel better if I do that, I think." —Hinata Takanashi's wish has a warm feeling to it.
"I want the school to give the research society more funding for experiments. The more the better!" —Mirai's wish is surprisingly pragmatic.
"... Do I have to make a wish? Then... I want to see my family again." —It's evident that Yui Yagi doesn't really want to take part in this topic.
Hideki touched and drew tiles skillfully while thinking about the possibility of these wishes being granted. It wasn't until silence filled the air in the bustling activity room and several pairs of eyes looked at him that he realized he wasn't just a bystander as he had been included in the discussion by the club members.
It had been a long time since Hideki had been competitive about the outcome of a mahjong game, so he naturally hadn't paid too much attention to the reward given to the winner. He froze for a moment and began to think seriously about his wish for the first time.
His eyes fell on the green grass of the playground outside the window, and the exuberant vitality reminded him of the wind whizzing past his ears on the racetrack. That was one of the few moments when he indulged himself... Would it be a waste to make a wish to take part in a horse race? Hideki thought about the idea but then shook his head and gave up on this idea.
Then I'll make a wish to lead the mahjong club to win the national championship, which is more like something I would say as the president of the mahjong club. But... it would be more meaningful if our members win the championship with their own strength, so there's no point to use the power of Mahjong Soul Shrine.
As if the breeze was aware of Hideki's thoughts, it crossed the window, overturned a sheet of A4 paper on the table, and whispered in his ear, telling him to express the deepest thoughts in his heart. He lowered his eyes to prevent others from prying into his heart.
Thinking selfishly, he wanted to make a wish for his parents to apologize to him, return to his childhood to spend more time with his grandma, return to the national championship and change his aggressive playstyle, and... He had too many wishes that he doesn't have enough fingers to count them.
Hideki suddenly understood why this legend is attractive to so many people. It's because people's desires will quickly expand even if there is only a glimmer of hope...
"Hahaha, Kan. President, it's your turn—"
The crisp sound of mahjong tiles colliding with each other brought Hideki back to reality. He raised his head and realized that he was still sitting in front of a mahjong table in the activity room.
The lively voices surrounding him refused to let him sink back into his memories that were filled with loneliness and regret. He realized belatedly that his memories were becoming more colorful, his laughter was becoming brighter, and even someone as lonely as he was surrounded by many friends. Everything has already become better. Rather than forcibly changing something, it is better to keep things as they are and enjoy these happy days for longer.
After understanding this, Hideki suddenly became enlightened. He raised his hand and pushed down his tiles. "I'm sorry, the victory is mine. Robbing a Kan, Fully Outside Hand, Dora 2, 12,000 points!"
The member who lost points reluctantly ran back to review the records. Hideki sat alone at the table and made a wish from the bottom of his heart:
I hope nature takes its course.
As for everything else, I won't be greedy.