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Use mind games to get her to come out.


I decide to use some mind games to trap this odd stalker, so I yell-- [player]Chiori Mikami's skill at mahjong is just average! [???]... ... [Chiori Mikami]You peasant! Let's have a match right now if you think you're up for it! The girl who suddenly springs up from behind the bushes has her hands on her hips, a completely unbelieving expression on her face. Good, it's her. [player]Haha, finally willing to come out, eh? My tone is too proud, and Chiori Mikami's eyes flash with pure fury. [Chiori Mikami]...Argh! You despicable, cunning, shameless, creep!!! [player]You're the one who followed me, hid when discovered, then pretended to be a cat when found out, no? [Chiori Mikami]...Nonsense. Clearly it's you, a strange commoner, who suddenly appeared in the place I was passing through, harboring unknown intentions! Your sneaky maliciousness seemed like you wanted to shove me in a sack, so of course I wasn't going to come out! [player]You're just making things up! [Chiori Mikami]You've got sinister motives! [player]Come clean! [Chiori Mikami]My business is none of yours! [player]See?! You still say you're not hiding anything from me! Let something slip? [Chiori Mikami]...Just wait until I go back and tell Riu about what you've said and your total arrogance. [player]I apologize, my lady. I raise my hand in surrender to declare a "truce". The wise adapt to the situation, and while mind games are useful, it's also wise to know when to stop. There's no point in doing things that will only hurt yourself. And anyway, now that Chiori Mikami's been found, it's better to let Riu Kujou know so she doesn't worry. I send a message to Riu Kujou. [Riu Kujou](Text message) Found her? That's great! Where are you? [player](Text message) It's just nearby. [Riu Kujou](Text message) Tell me the location. I need to confirm your safety. [player]Alright... We're... I stop as I'm just about to type and look around. There are no evident landmarks nearby. Recalling that Chiori Mikami lives in the area, I look at her. [player]Chiori? Chiori? Chioriiii?! [Chiori Mikami]I'm not talking to you if you're just gonna repeat yourself! [player]Uh, I mean, what is this place? Riu wants to confirm where you are. [Chiori Mikami]...This place... this... is a street near my house. [player]Huh? That description won't be of much help. Could you be a bit more specific? [Chiori Mikami]...A pretty narrow street near my house! [player]Come on, don't be like that. That's not what I meant by specific. Can't you tell me something like what direction it is from your house, or the street's name... Wait... I catch her flash of embarrassment, and it suddenly hits me. [player]So... Chiori, were you secretly following me because you're lost? [Chiori Mikami]... [Chiori Mikami]Vicious slander! I, Chiori Mikami, could never get lost!!!! Despite Chiori Mikami's ear-splitting denial, her sudden blushing betrays her. Unwilling to admit to being lost so close to home, preferring to "follow the familiar face" than ask for help... Since these are the facts, all I can say is--