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Well, it's me after all.


[player]Good thing I'm so smart. [Chiori Mikami]You? Smart? That's a joke. Now give it to me! Chiori Mikami stalks toward me, seething. I'm ready to defend myself against a vicious attack, but she suddenly reaches out and grabs my phone. She snaps several photos and sends them to Riu Kujou. [Chiori Mikami]Morons will be morons. Isn't this a more effective way of letting her know where we are? [Riu Kujou](Text message) Received. [player]...Fine. Chiori Mikami tosses my phone back to me in a huff. Now that I'm closer to her, I suddenly realize something about her is different from normal - her hair is a little messy, and there's visible dust on her normally-pristine skirt and sleeves. There's no way her hiding place would have made her that dusty. [Chiori Mikami]What are you looking at?! Turn around! Sensing my gaze, Chiori Mikami puts her hands behind her back in frustration. Apparently, being not beautiful enough is one of the reasons why she's unwilling to come out and meet me. But what actually happened to her? Could it be connected with that "scoundrel"? [player]Can you tell me where you just were, Chiori? How come you were lost? [Chiori Mikami]Shut it! There's no way I'm gonna tell you. You'd just laugh at me! [player]I'm not asking so I can make fun of you, Chiori, but because I'm worried. Your safety is my priority, so I'll force you out of hiding and make sure you're really okay, even if it makes you angry. [Chiori Mikami]...You've got a really smart mouth on you. Perhaps it's my serious tone, but Chiori Mikami only pouts as the rage in her eyes gradually subsides. [player]Please, won't you tell me? [Chiori Mikami]...Hmph, look at your pitiful face. I suppose that if I don't tell you, you'll probably not be able to stay focused and keep losing at mahjong. And if you, a fragile commoner, become so desperate over losing that you give up on life, it will only cause me more trouble. [player]You're completely right. So, you'll tell me? [Chiori Mikami]...I went to rescue a kitten. [player]A kitten? [Chiori Mikami]There's a calico stray cat in the park. She's pretty vicious and won't let me pet her, but she did give birth to a litter of kittens. They're totally exposed to the elements, so I come to feed them when I can. I was about to head back after feeding them today as usual, when I noticed that one of the kittens was missing. The mother led me to where her kitten was trapped, and I went to rescue it. [Chiori Mikami]And that's it. That's all that happened. [player]Huh? [Chiori Mikami]You'd better not say you didn't hear, and want me to repeat myself. [player]No, no, I heard! [player]Ahaha! So that's what happened. Look at you and your kind heart, Chiori. Does Riu know about this? [Chiori Mikami]I'm not a child! I don't need Riu to do absolutely everything for me! So that's how it is. From how much Riu Kujou looks after Chiori Mikami, if she knew about this trivial matter she'd probably immediately add "take care of lady's park kitties" to her daily list of tasks. [player]Okay, I understand. You do pretty well yourself. So, where's this kitten you saved? [Chiori Mikami]Its mother carried it off as soon as it was rescued. [player]Wow... so thankless. [Chiori Mikami]That's just how cats are. They won't be picked on if they're vigilant. After all, not everyone is as kind and lovely as me! [player]Hmm, I suppose you're right. Well, at least Riu and I can rest easy now... Having heard this much, and not just about Chiori Mikami getting lost, I have my own suspicions about Riu Kujou's "scoundrel". I'll have a chat with her when I head back later. [Chiori Mikami]I've already told you what you wanted to know, so stop making me stand here! Show me the way out! Index and I want to have a bath! Chiori Mikami commands me imperiously, while clutching her smudged plushie handbag. [player]Immediately! As you wish! Chiori Mikami's house We make it safely back to Chiori Mikami's house, and while she's in the bath I fill in Riu Kujou on what happened. [Riu Kujou]Phew... Can't believe that sort of thing happened... But anyway, thank you so much for your help. [player]Don't mention it. Anyone would do the same. [Riu Kujou]Oh yeah, speaking of the scoundrel... They left another clue. Come with me. [player]Okay. I've got my own ideas about their true identity anyway, so this might help verify. Riu Kujou and I go to the front door, where she takes out a cardboard box and opens it for me to take a look. Inside is a pretty large, dead mouse. [Riu Kujou]This time they left this right outside the glass door to Miss Chiori's balcony. I was worried that she might see it, so scooped it up and put it in the box. Really, so repulsive! [player]Oh... Could you show me the balcony, Riu? There might be something to confirm the culprit's identity. Riu Kujou hesitates briefly, then nods. Chiori Mikami's balcony [player]Aha! Seems I was right. Take a look here. I search carefully after following Riu Kujou to Chiori Mikami's balcony, and find the "evidence" on the girlishly-decorated swing - stuck in its chains is a pinch of multicolored... cat hair. [Riu Kujou]...Cat hair? [player]That's right. Felines have a habit of presenting their prey to benefactors. I suspect that the only one who can stealthily climb up to such a high balcony, spy without being discovered every day, and also leave such a "horrible" gift is... one of the cats that Chiori's insisted on feeding, the mother of that litter of kittens. [Riu Kujou]I see. [player]Right. One person's trash is another's treasure, but this seemingly ferocious cat's way of saying thanks really is a little hard for humans to accept. I feel kinda sorry for you, Riu, as I think you could find quite a few gifts like this for Chiori in the near future. [Riu Kujou]Got it. I'll take care of it. But instead of feeling sorry for me, I suggest you figure out your next steps. [player]What do you mean? [Riu Kujou]Miss Chiori just informed me that today you seemed to know things that you weren't supposed to. She was very firm that I must deal with you tonight. [player]...Objection! Didn't I bring her back after she'd gotten lost? Don't you think this way of repaying a favor is a little unreasonable? [Riu Kujou]That's a different matter. Miss Chiori has decided to let you stay for dinner as a token of gratitude. In the meantime, think carefully about how to beg forgiveness. Fine. It is what it is. Looks like I'm going to have to value the time I spend with the young lady, strive to make a good impression, and earn some leniency.