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I can still tell the difference between having one full meal and many full meals. If I'm inconsiderate of Chiori Mikami's feelings and tell Chiori Mikami's mother about embarrassing or bad things that she has done, damaging her mother's image of her, I think I will be in for a rough time in the future. Ahem, there are many memorable stories of our experiences since we met. In short, Chiori is very attentive, very lovely, and very sweet-natured. Chiori Mikami looks obviously relieved upon hearing this. ...Whenever I come over to visit, she will always prepare coffee and snacks for me like today. Hmm? She's also very intelligent and is very good at playing games. She guides me patiently every time we play together. If I'm tired, she'll even ask Riu to give me a relaxing massage that was originally exclusive to her. Oh, she even gave me a massage once when Riu was away... There was also a time when I accidentally got lost while we were feeding cats in the park, and Chiori patiently guided me back here and prepared a delicious dinner for me... As I speak cheerfully, the smile on Chiori Mikami's face, which had started to relax, becomes more and more stiff. Upon hearing me say more and more outrageous things, behind her mother's back, she quietly mouths the words: Ouch! Mrs. Mikami's attention is drawn immediately by her cry, successfully interrupting my story-telling. A hint of helplessness appears in Mrs. Mikami's eyes, and she looks down at her watch. Oh, it's almost time for the dental appointment. We can get ready to go now. ...Dental appointment? Chiori has been prone to tooth decay since she was a child, so she needs to have an oral check-up every year. I managed to come back just in time for her check-up this time, so I want to take this opportunity to go with her to learn more about her dental health from the dentist. I see, in that case... Just as I am about to say that I won't get in their way, Mrs. Mikami's mobile phone suddenly starts ringing. Excuse me. Mrs. Mikami picks up the call, interrupting my second attempt to leave. Hello... Sorry, I already said that I'm on leave. Can you get someone else to go... Director? Mrs. Mikami sounds a little surprised. She pauses for a moment, glances at Chiori Mikami, then hurriedly stands and walks to one side before continuing. ...What's happened...? I see... Chiori Mikami's eyes move back and forth between her mother and the pillow in her arms, as if she doesn't want to appear too concerned, but the downward-turning corners of her mouth betray her feelings at this moment. Leave in the afternoon? But I need to take my daughter to... Bits and pieces of the phone conversation drift into our ears. Although we can't hear what the other person is saying, this person's words seem to be gradually convincing Mrs. Mikami to change her mind. Her tone gradually changes from being serious to frustrated. In the end, she sighs. Sigh, I understand. About the plane ticket... It sounds like Mrs. Mikami has been asked to go on a business trip at the last minute. What about the dental appointment then...? Just as I was thinking this, Chiori Mikami suddenly puts down the pillow and walks up to the second floor without saying a word. Her footsteps are heavy and make thudding sounds. Mrs. Mikami obviously sees this too. She covers the microphone of the phone and looks at me apologetically. Can you check up on Chiori for me? Um, okay. I happen to also be worried about Chiori Mikami's current situation, so I agree just like that. As soon as I arrive at the second floor, I see Chiori Mikami walking out of her room with Index in her hands. She pauses for a moment when she sees me coming up. Chiori, are you okay...? What did you come up here for? You looked very angry just now. Is it because you heard that your mother needs to go on a business trip? Hmph... I'm not a child. I won't get angry because of something I'm already used to. Then why did you suddenly come upstairs and get Index? In Chiori Mikami's arms is a familiar-looking bear-shaped bag. I remember her proudly telling me many times that it was a birthday gift from her mother. You idiot. I'm getting ready to leave. Didn't my mother just say that it's time for my dental appointment? But your mother... Hmph, PLAYER, you're an idiot, a fool, and a dummy. Do you think I can't go to see the dentist just because my mother is busy? Chiori Mikami hugs Index tightly. Without saying another word, she quickly squeezes past me and starts walking downstairs. I hurriedly follow her down. Downstairs, Mrs. Mikami has just finished the phone call. When she sees Chiori Mikami running downstairs, she calls out to her. Chiori, about your dental appointment... Mom, I'll go by myself. Hmm? Don't you need to go on a business trip? I can go to the dental appointment by myself. Mrs. Mikami frowns and purses her lips. I just told the hospital to book a later flight. This way, we can still go to the dental appointment together, and I can go directly to the airport from there. We... It really isn't necessary, Mom. Chiori Mikami shakes her head resolutely again. She hugs Index tightly and smiles. You just arrived home in the morning, so you'll be exhausted if you run around like this. You should get some rest. I'll really be okay. I usually go there with Riu, so I'm very familiar with the process. You don't need to worry about me. ...But Riu isn't here today. You'll be all alone... Based on what I know about Chiori Mikami, I can tell that her calmness and composure are just a front, but she seems to convince Mrs. Mikami. I want to say something, but hesitate. It looks like Mrs. Mikami really doesn't know her daughter that well. Well, if you're really worried, PLAYER can come with me. PLAYER, you'll be happy to come with me, right? Chiori Mikami raises her head, grabs my sleeve, and looks at me. For the first time ever, I see her looking at me with a cry for help in her eyes. Shocked by what I see, I hold her hand and look at Mrs. Mikami. Yeah, I can go with Chiori. Everything will be okay. Mrs. Mikami's eyes linger on our clasped hands for a few seconds, then the look of hesitation disappears as she makes up her mind. Okay, thank you, PLAYER. After exchanging contact details with Mrs. Mikami, Chiori Mikami and I depart for the dental clinic. We'll come back as soon as we can. Maybe we'll make it back before she leaves. Shut up... I'm tired. Chiori? As soon as Mrs. Mikami can no longer see the taxi, the smile on Chiori Mikami's face disappears immediately. She huddles her head and pretends to sleep, and even refuses to talk to me. The atmosphere in the car feels thick like the air has solidified. All I can do is look at her long eyelashes trembling slightly over her stubbornly closed eyes and sigh quietly in my heart. Chiori Mikami... She is really sad this time. Dental Clinic We don't say anything else until we arrive at the dental clinic. After checking the appointment details, the receptionist tells us to sit outside the consulting room and wait for our turn. The clinic is very quiet, and the smell of disinfectant fills the air. While sitting in the waiting area, I notice that her eyes are staring at a young mother and her son sitting diagonally opposite us. The boy, who looks about three or four years old, is covering the left side of his face and complaining naively in his mother's arms. Mommy, it hurts. There, there. It won't hurt anymore after this. Can we not come here if it doesn't hurt? Of course. Then will you take me to the amusement park if we don't come here? ...Hmph. The girl next to me snorts softly with eyes filled with envy. At this moment, I don't think anyone can tell that this is the same Chiori Mikami who is known as the demon king who always shows off her might in mahjong dojos. At this time, she is just a child who has had a one-sided disagreement with her mother. Chiori, are you okay...? This is the third time you've asked me this. I'm starting to get sick of it even if you aren't. Oh, since you're fine, do you want to have a... plum candy? Chiori Mikami rolls her eyes at me, then she covers her ears and ignores me. Sure enough, trying to use candy to lighten the mood with a girl who has a decaying tooth isn't a good idea. Just as I am about to change the subject and start again, an explosion of noise breaks out around us. You caused this problem in the first place. Why do we have to keep waiting? I look up at the speaker. The person speaking is the mother who was holding her son just now, and the person she is scolding seems to be the dentist who had just come out of the consulting room. The dentist is wearing a mask, but I can tell how frustrated he is feeling at this moment from his dropping eyebrows. Yes, but you've come here too many times already. We've performed all the necessary examinations and repairs, but we can't find anything wrong with your son. Maybe another doctor will be able to tell you something we can't. You had best make a new appointment as soon as possible. How can you be so irresponsible?! I have taken leave many times to take my son to see a dentist! You have to fix this for me! You also need to repay me for the loss of my working time! The little boy who seems to be at the center of the dispute clings timidly to his mother's leg. The atmosphere becomes tense. It looks like a dispute between a patient and a dentist. Let's not... Chiori? To my surprise, Chiori Mikami suddenly walks away from me and towards them. She speaks to the dentist and the young mother. Hello, why don't you try another way to deal with this? It might resolve your problem. Huh? Oh, it's you, Miss Mikami. It looks like this dentist knows Chiori Mikami. He leans over and whispers in Chiori Mikami's ear, then he calls the young mother to one side and starts discussing something with her in a low voice. While they speak, the little boy sits on the chair, biting his lip and looking uneasily in his mother's direction. Then let's perform the inspection once more according to the procedure. Okay. Seeming to have come to some agreement, the young mother waves for the little boy to enter the clinic for another examination. Out of curiosity, I follow Chiori Mikami inside the room. The dentist looks at us, but doesn't say anything, which only makes me more curious than ever. John, tell me if it hurts, okay? The dentist asks the child called John to sit on a chair with his mouth wide open, then he turns on the light on one side and aims it at his mouth before poking his right cheek. There's nothing wrong with the filling we added here last time... Are you sure this is where it's hurting? Huh? Just now... I remember John was holding his left cheek when he said it hurt. To my surprise, John hesitates for a while before nodding. Okay. After this, everyone understands what is happening. John is lying. John, mom is already so busy. Why do you have to make a joke like this? How can you do something so childish like pretending to have a toothache?! Um... Um... Seeing that his lie has been exposed, John opens his mouth in manic, and his eyes are suddenly filled with tears. Um... I'm sorry, mom... I just want you to spend more time with me... As long as I have a toothache, you'll spend more time with me... You... Sigh... You silly boy... Why can't you just tell me what you want directly...? ... In the end, both mother and son calm down and apologize to the doctor together. After that, they come over and thank Chiori Mikami warmly. The storm subsided just like that. After watching the mother and her son leave, I give Chiori Mikami a thumbs-up. Hmph! Chiori Mikami turns her head around proudly. After helping them, her mood is no longer as heavy as it was before. The dentist leaves to clean up the consulting room and replenish disposable supplies and asks us to wait for a while. I take this opportunity to ask Chiori a question I've been holding back from since earlier. Chiori, since you were able to so acutely notice that boy's little trick, is it possible that you... have done that before? Huh? Have I been too gentle to you today? Is that why you're making up such rumors about me?! I'm not an immature child like that! Er... But your mother is always somewhere else. Don't you miss her? ...You're so annoying. I don't want to talk to an idiot. Can you tell me? I want to know what you think. ...My mother is a great doctor. She works to improve the health of humans, and her patients need her, so I won't waste my mother's time like that. Those patients need her, but you also need her. Chiori, I'm sure you're the most important child to your mother. You need to express your thoughts bravely. ...I know that, but I'm okay as long as I get to see my mother every once in a while like today... Really? But weren't you angry at your mother when you were still at home? Chiori Mikami gives me a stunned look. Your mother couldn't come to the dentist with you like promised. You're actually unhappy about it, right? You've just hidden your unhappiness. ... Excuse me, sorry for making you wait so long. Miss Mikami can come in now. We're really to start the examination. To some extent, the doctor's timely call saved Chiori Mikami. She thrusts Index into my arms and runs inside the room for her oral examination. Before entering the consultation room, she seems to think of something and turns around to yell angrily at me. ...W-Who gave you permission to try and guess what I'm thinking? PLAYER, you're a big idiot!!! But her aggrieved expression and the red tips of her ears made her angry roar completely powerless. I sigh quietly and look at Index in my hands. Like its owner, it always faces everything with a proud smile. Hey, little guy, you look really strong, but you must also be tired, right? Chiori Mikami's oral examination goes smoothly. (Text Message) She only needs a filling for one tooth. Everything else is normal, so you don't need to worry about anything. By the time I leave the dental clinic with Chiori Mikami, I had already sent a text message to Mrs. Mikami to report on the results of the examination. I check the time on my phone and notice that we finished earlier than expected. After thinking to myself for a moment, I ask Chiori Mikami something. Um, Chiori, there's still time. If we rush to the airport now, we might still have some time to chat with your mother. What do you think? ...I don't want to. Let's look for a mahjong dojo around here. It's been a while since I've come to a mahjong dojo in this area. I want to see if there are any strong newcomers! We can go to a mahjong dojo whenever we want. Don't you want to spend more time with your mother? She doesn't get to come back very often, and you don't know when she'll come back after she leaves this time. I already said I don't want to. She'll be leaving anyway, so an extra hour or two with her won't make a difference. Also, how my mother and I get along with each other is our business. We don't need to you arrange anything for us! Chiori Mikami reacts very strongly to my suggestion. What should I do next...?