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Good afternoon, everyone! Today is such a beautiful day, right?


Good afternoon, everyone! Today is such a beautiful day, right? Greeting everyone energetically with a wide and open smile, I radiate a sunny, cheerful, and positive aura as I walk into the mahjong room of the Mahjong Soul Shrine where I plan to have a fulfilling day petting cats and dogs, playing mahjong, and meeting many fantastic Jyanshi after sleeping in till now. However, an unusual aura fills the air after I find a table that seems to have good feng shui and sit down after greeting the three Jyanshi there. They tacitly stop what they are doing. I suddenly remember that I have some homework to finish. Sorry, I'll be leaving now. Wait for me! We can do it together. Sorry, I'll be leaving now too. Er... I also need to leave. Hey! You... You three... Wait up... Don't run away so quickly! Why are you even pretending to be young junior high school students when your hairline has receded so much already, you jerks!!! The three Jyanshi disappear without looking back. I glance helplessly at the now-empty seats and turn to look at the other tables that have empty seats. After meeting my gaze, the Jyanshi who are looking at me curiously all lower their heads and stare at the backside of their tiles like they are deep in thought, just like students who are afraid their class teacher will make them answer questions. Master, this is terrible, nyaa. Nobody wants to play with you, nyaa. Wanjirou, think of something, nyaa! Why don't you try writing the words Master, shall we give that a try, nyaa? It's okay... Instead of trying that nonsense... Why don't you two stay here and play with me...? ...Hey! Where's the dog?! Where's the cat?! The dog and cat strategist duo has instantly disbanded on the spot. I sigh and find myself unable to blame them. After all, today's situation is caused by a certain young lady who follows me around like my shadow. Ever since my relationship with Chiori Mikami became friendlier, she has started to see me as an interesting toy instead of a commoner. Although she hasn't said this explicitly, this is what her actions have been telling me!!! I know because I have noticed that she is a player in any game I play, whether it is a board game, mahjong, or even an ordinary game of cards. What's more, her goal seems to have changed from simply winning the game to defeating all her opponents, especially PLAYER. Over time, people started spreading a rumor that as long as I am playing a game, a blond girl will appear and dominate everyone who is playing, which has made it difficult to find strangers who are willing to play with me during this time. I look at the three empty seats again. Oh well, I might as well ask everyone in the group chat if they can play mahjong right now while I wait for Chiori Mikami to arrive. The only thing I have lots of in One Han City is friends. ... Any luck? I put down my phone and shake my head, looking apologetically at the two people who are sitting to my left and my right before looking at the empty seat opposite me. Who would have thought that I would find two players to play with so soon and that Chiori Mikami still hasn't appeared today? She and Riu are both not picking up. They'd have already arrived by this time in the past. This is strange... What a surprise! You two have always been inseparable, but are not together today. Haha. Well... to be honest, I'm quite surprised too. Junior, did you do anything to offend Chiori without realizing it? I... don't think so. But when I think of the Haha, you're obviously worried, PLAYER. Why don't you go and see how she is doing? Huh? But I'm the one who invited you here to play mahjong... Yeah, so hurry up and comfort the girl before thinking of how to make it up to me. I won't forgive you easily if you aren't sincere enough. Haha, I'll be fine. You can just treat me and my classmates to afternoon tea next time! Don't worry, I'll pick a day when more people are helping out at the club for you to make good on this promise! Haha, sigh. Okay, sorry about this. I'll meet up with you another day! That's one more future appointment to be honored. Every day I spend in One Han City is so busy. Anyway, no matter what, I think I'll need to see Chiori Mikami to stop worrying all the time. Chiori Mikami's house is in a beautiful villa complex in One Han City. Although this isn't my first time here, I'm still shocked by the luxuriousness of this place. For example, the movement-tracking electronic cameras around her house seem to be installed as part of a security system upgrade due to the previous uninvited guest incident. It doesn't look like anything has happened. Did I really make her angry by accident? Ding-dong I press the electronic doorbell at the entrance of Chiori Mikami's house and wait silently. Soon after, the camera of the electronic doorbell emits a green flash when someone checks who has come knocking. The strange thing is that the person answers the door silently without making a sound. I wave at the camera in confusion. Chiori? Riu? Click The only response I get is the sound of the call being cut off. ??? Um... Could something really have happened? A wealthy young lady living alone in a large villa in the city, whose parents are not home during most of the year, and a young maid who takes care of her daily life. If this combination were to appear in Getham City next door, they would have been coveted by various criminal gangs already. Suddenly my mind is filled with all kinds of crimes that could have happened, and I'm even ready to call the police. Suddenly, the door opens with a click. ... Good afternoon, PLAYER. Why have you come to see me today? ... The door is open, and Chiori Mikami looks very lively, but... her sunny and cheerful appearance at the door reminds me of the deliberate act I put up when I was trying to convince the mahjong players to stay this noon. It looks... extremely unnatural! Chiori, are you okay? Huh? I'm in my own home. What could possibly go wrong? Haha! You say such funny things, PLAYER. ... If you're here to ask me to play with you, PLAYER, then I'm sorry to say that I'm busy right now. Maybe we can play together another time? But you're so polite that it looks like something is wrong. ...Why are you still here? Chiori Mikami looks a little anxious. She moves closer to me and lowers her voice, making the expression she usually makes when she bullies me. She even waves her fist at me like Riu Kujou does. Ah, this is more like it! Feeling relieved, I think that it seems like she really might be busy with something she can't tell me about. Okay, I feel better now that I know you're fine. See you later. Yeah, see you later, PLAYER. Take care. As I prepare to leave, I hear the unfamiliar voice of a middle-aged woman from inside the house. Chiori, has a friend come to visit you? Stunned, I stop and turn around. My eyes are drawn above Chiori Mikami's head towards a neatly dressed woman who has just walked up to the door. She has the same dazzling golden hair as Chiori Mikami, but it's shoulder-length and tucked behind her ears, giving her a calm and intellectual appearance. Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Chiori Mikami's mother. ...Oh, hello! Chiori Mikami's House Chiori Mikami stands in front of me, holding a fine tray with exquisite snacks and hot coffee on it. She then starts to transfer them onto the coffee table in front of me. Here you are. The sugar and milk are on the side, so please add them if you want. Um... Thanks, Chiori. You. Are. Welcome. If I can ignore the murderous look in her eyes, her stiff smile and sweet voice make me really want to take out my phone and record the scene of Chiori Mikami serving me politely... That is, if I can also ignore Mrs. Mikami sitting next to me. Sitting prudishly on the sofa, I quickly go over everything Chiori Mikami has told me about her mother in my head. She is an internationally renowned surgeon, a professional at the top of her profession who travels around the world all year round and is just as busy as her husband, who is a physics professor. As a result, they can only hire a maid to take care of their daughter. She is a very capable career-oriented woman. I didn't expect her to be at home today. That would explain why Chiori Mikami didn't follow me to play mahjong today. It looks like you're Chiori's close friend. What's your name? Hearing her question, I quickly sit up straight, then I introduce myself to her briefly and explain the reason for my visit. I see. Thank you for caring so much about Chiori's safety. She hasn't really been on her phone today, and I think Riu didn't pick up either because she is taking an exam today. I heard that it's a make-up exam for a special training class, so I haven't seen her either. Oh, I see... I understand then. Thanks again for caring so much that you came all the way here to check up on her. Don't mention it. That's what friends do. However, my unexpected visit seems to have interrupted your time together with Chiori. Haha, that's fine. I'm delighted to have the opportunity to meet one of Chiori's friends. In fact, I'm quite surprised. The last time I was here, Chiori stayed at home with Riu for the entire day... Chiori, why didn't you tell me you made such a close friend? ...T-There's nothing special about it. It's not like we're thaaaat close. We're just normal... Hmm? Hmm? We're just normal friends. We're definitely not close enough to spend every day together! Mrs. Mikami looks back and forth between me and Chiori Mikami thoughtfully with a hint of curiosity. Although her gaze is still kind, I feel like she can see right through me in close detail. Oh...? So what you're saying is that you don't have to, but you do actually spend every day together? ... ... Although she isn't wrong, something sounds strange about her words. For a moment, Chiori Mikami and I are unable to say anything to refute her, and we both look at her anxiously. Haha, you don't need to be nervous. I'm really glad that Chiori has made a new friend, but... I rarely get the opportunity to hear about what Chiori does with her friends. If it's okay with you, PLAYER, can you tell me more about that? Huh? Of course, you can just say what you can. I'm sure that besides the secrets between you, there are stories that you can share with your parents, right? Oh, o-of course... I agree with Mrs. Mikami and think about what to say. At this time, Mrs. Mikami's mobile phone starts ringing. Sorry, I need to take a phone call. Mrs. Mikami stands and walks over to the dining room beside us to answer the call. The room suddenly becomes quiet - so quiet that we can hear what she is saying. Hello... I'm on leave today. Hmm, no, I'm on leave... On the sofa, Chiori Mikami's eyes follow her mother who is speaking on the phone. After hearing their conversation, she sighs in relief, then turns her head and gives me a quiet good-natured warning. You're not allowed to say anything strange to my mother! You're suddenly afraid that I'll tell on you? Isn't it too late? I also heave a sigh of relief for now and whisper a retort back at her. Just as Chiori Mikami opens her mouth and wants to say something, Mrs. Mikami returns and sits down again. She looks at me expectantly and asks me to tell her some interesting things about Chiori Mikami. I look at Chiori Mikami next to her, who is glaring at me with a warning look in her eyes. What should I say?