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Nadeshiko's father takes a motorcycle key out of the pocket of his oil-stained overalls and tosses it to her.
The key is old, and its plastic case is worn and tattered. In her memories, her father has started up this dark, reliable motorcycle with this key countless times to drive her to and from home, school, and the repair workshop.
Today, this old buddy is a witness to a "decisive battle" between her and her father.
Nadeshiko clenches her fists tightly and lets its edges hurt her slightly.
Nadeshiko's mother passed away when she was young, so her father, who is a mechanic, raised her all by himself. Metal parts scattered all over the floor, the smell of engine oil in the air, and the loud and boisterous voices of mechanics are all part of Nadeshiko's deepest memories.
Nadeshiko's memories of these times, which are associated with the feeling of the wind against her face, continue from Nadeshiko's childhood until her first day of high school at the age of 16.
On that day, Nadeshiko, who had lots of wild fun during the summer vacation, took off her helmet at the school gates and threw it at her father before running quickly into her new school. However, before she could find friends to share her joy with, she became keenly aware of surprised looks coming her way from the girls around her. Nadeshiko was confused by this until she looked into a mirror in the school building and finally noticed the stark difference between her and the other girls around her age.
Her hair was messy from wearing the motorcycle helmet, she was wearing an oversized sports jacket, and she had stern facial features. What's more, all this was paired with the dull complexion given to her by the harsh summer.
The reflection she saw in the mirror was in stark contrast to the beautiful girls walking by who looked like pretty flowers. After being oblivious to these things for 16 years, Nadeshiko blinked and fled from the mirror with a whoosh, running upstairs in just two or three steps.
Her awareness of her appearance and the need to groom herself, which came later than her peers, suddenly sprouted and grew wildly.
As she has always been a person of action and is a quick learner, she soon set herself the goal of "having just as much feminine charm as the other girls."
Nadeshiko was bursting with confidence at the very beginning. She let her hair grow long, started wearing glasses to hide her rigid eyebrows, and bought a full set of skincare and cosmetic products. After learning that her senior, Ayane Kisaragi, was popular with everyone, she even tried to copy how she dressed.
However, her efforts were fruitless. It's true she had learned a lot during this time, but she also grew taller. At 18 years of age, Nadeshiko was taller than all the girls around her and even some boys who were the same age as her. She was so tall that the photographer would deliberately get her to join a row of boys when taking class photos, which made everyone laugh out loud.
Although she knew they weren't being mean, she was really irritated about it.
After taking her graduation photos today, she came to the workshop to help her father out. Her father belatedly noticed that something was off with her, which prompted Nadeshiko to share her troubles with him. And now—
"Feminine charm? I was wondering why you no longer let me drop you off at school and pick you up from school! So this is the reason! Hahaha!"
...Nadeshiko subconsciously clenches the wrench tightly in her hands.
"...It's because I'm always doing these jobs for you that I'm not as charming as Ayane senpai!"
"Really? Is that what you think? Do you think you can become more womanly if you never touch a motorcycle again or if you stop doing these jobs?
"...At least I'll be more womanly than I am now."
"No, I think you just need to be the real you."
"What is the real me?"
"That is obviously for you to find out yourself!"
Nadeshiko looks even more depressed after her fruitless conversation with her father.
After observing her for a moment, her father pulls out the motorcycle keys and says he will give her a chance to "fight" for what she wants.
"If you can ride the motorcycle one lap around the training grounds, you'll never have to do these jobs in the future."
"...Okay, it's a deal."
Nadeshiko agrees readily, as if she is trying to vent some kind of profound emotion.
Motorcycle sports and being feminine are contrary to each other, so she cut motorcycles out of her life in the past few years. However, she grew up with motorcycles all around her and knows the theory inside out.
She inserts the key, starts the engine, shifts to the right gear, and steps on the acceleration... The natural balance and responsiveness she displays as she drives the motorcycle make even her father marvel at her prowess.
Nadeshiko, who is driving a motorcycle for the first time, empties her mind of all thoughts. She clenches the handle tightly and concentrates on the road in front of her. As she listens to her heart beating, for some reason, her heavy heart seems to become lighter.
...I know! It's the wind!
As the wind caresses her face again after three years, Nadeshiko can feel the things holding her back in life disappear. Her long hair, which she combs carefully on weekdays, flies wildly in the air, but she doesn't bother to tidy it because she can feel a voice call out from her heart...
...That's right! I already have something I'm good at. How can I let what other people think make me forget this carefree feeling? Nadeshiko has already completed the challenge to drive one lap, but she has no intention to stop. She drives lap after lap until she suddenly remembers the purpose of this challenge.
She steps on the brake and looks at her father.
"You can do whatever you want from now on. You don't have to help me with these cold machines anymore." Her father stands up and pats the dust off his pants, then steps up to take the keys.
Nadeshiko holds the key tightly for some reason. In her heart, she vaguely feels that she doesn't want to return it to her father. She can't describe her feelings, so she doesn't say anything.
Like he knows exactly what she is thinking, her father pulls out his mobile phone and waves a photo in front of her.
"Oh right, I took a photo of you driving the motorcycle just then. Hmm... Since you don't think you have any feminine charm, I'll keep this photo and appreciate it myself!"
Seeing the cunning look in her father's eyes, Nadeshiko realizes that she has fallen for his trick.
"...Send it to me NOW!"
But she doesn't care anymore.