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Um... Nyaa... Does anyone feel like the atmosphere has been strange in One Han City recently, nyaa?

Nyaa... I don't think so. If it was, Mai would be the first to notice, nyaa!

I remember now! It's almost time for that festival! I almost forgot to prepare for the store event.

Nyaa?! Why are you making it sound like I'm very strange too, nyaa... Hmph! Since you said something bad about Ichihime, I'll let you experience my poison-coated claws! Nyaahahahaha!

Don't worry, I've prepared your candy a long time ago.

A reversed tarot card... Holidays are often accompanied by accidents. If you have any concerns, you are welcome to consult me online.

I caught you in the act! You sly fortune teller, tell me what you're really up to!

Did drinking papaya milk have any effect? PS: Drinking papaya milk does not improve one's figure.

Eh... Isn't it normal for some small accidents to happen occasionally over a period of time? Besides, there are still a few more days before Halloween.

Shush! We have to save some face for our senpai in public and watch out for scandals and gossip!

I watched an immersive theater performance with Master today. I didn't expect there to be a dress-up photo session... Although I was quite embarrassed, I promised the store to help them with the promotion... If you're interested, you can go and have some fun too. I think... it's quite interesting.

Whoa! It's actually the "Heart of Samuel" theme that Liisa Liisa wants to experience the most! You actually managed to grab a ticket! So impressive!

Mmmm! PLAYER didn't bring me! That's so unfair! If I went, I would get to see Mai wear this set of clothing in person!

Yeah! But I'm a little slow and not good at interacting with the NPCs. Master helped me clear all the stages.

I think you're the best, Master! I... I want to become just like you in the future...

Good work, Yagi! So many people came to have fun today! Haha, although we had to work overtime, the good vibe just makes me so happy!

I saw you too, senpai, but a lot of people have been trying to clear my storyline... It's such a shame we couldn't meet.

Ichihime has been yammering on about how the Mahjong Soul Shrine needs some holiday vibe during Halloween, and this is all she could come up with?

Haha, isn't this the pumpkin I moved to the shrine for the priestess? So it was prepared for you.

Wow! This scarecrow outfit is perfect for Mr. Wanjirou! Liisa Liisa can sit on Shaun and cosplay as another scarecrow!

Bingo, PLAYER! Ichihime said this pumpkin would watch over Mahjong Soul Shrine in her place. I was just too lazy to expose her, woof!

Hmph, ignorant young one, when I was in my prime, I could stand on one leg on top of a tomato, let alone a pumpkin, woof!

I can testify to that. Wanjirou really was strong and healthy back then... But it's like what he said, that was way back then...

Mastema is really restless tonight... Maybe it's because it can sense others of its own kind...
After all, humans can't tell true demons from false ones on this occasion, which makes it the best time to blend in...

Ehhhhh? Are you just saying that to match today's atmosphere? Otherwise, that's just too terrifying!!!

How strange, no one seems to have ever doubted my identity as a fortune teller. Why is that?

Damn... One day, humans will understand that clever words are useless! It's just a matter of time!

I can prove that Yuzu is a real witch. The Red Panda Squad found my lost phone for me, and it's only because of them that I'm able to keep scrolling CatChat now! So grateful...

Huh? My teacher does have a potion that can do that, but I don't recommend using it. Your ex... shouldn't he be dead to you from the moment you break up?

D-dead? Is he already...?

I can testify that the witch temperament of Yuzu is unique, and no one can copy it!

Hehe! PLAYER, as expected of someone who has paid a painful price. It looks like you now have a basic understanding of witches. Congratulations!

Halloween... When I was on the subway last year, I remember someone asking me what I was dressing up as. I was just reading on the subway... Why did someone think I was a monster?

Ehhh... Someone mistakenly thought I was dressing up as a witch a few days ago too! On some level, Halloween truly is fearsome because it can make humans lose the ability to tell true from false...

You're still reading a physical book nowadays? Don't you think it is heavy?

This immersive theater experience... I walked out of there half an hour ago, and my head is still buzzing... All I can say is that the things you young people do for entertainment these days are getting more and more demanding, both physically and mentally.

I knew you were only pretending to be weak. That fire in your eyes wasn't something you can pretend just by putting on a costume! Let's have a showdown!

How many showdowns have you had this month... Geez, can't you let my old bones get a rest...?

Well, if you say it like that I guess I'll have to keep you company next time, PLAYER, but can we choose a theme that lets us sit down without moving?

Ha... The days when anyone could challenge and provoke me under the pretense of Halloween are finally over! I thought that only the peasants on the islands would celebrate Halloween... I didn't expect the people of One Han City to like it so much too... It's so noisy...

Hehe, I was also shocked too when I first arrived. I didn't expect to experience such a familiar holiday atmosphere. One Han City is such a wonderful place.

In that case, we will need to make the people of One Han City fall in love with hunting too.

Yeah... but where would the people of One Han City hunt? You're not allowed to hurt the animals in the zoo...

Calm down. I know Mr. Zechs is actually a very gentle person. I saw PLAYER petting your tail, and you didn't get angry at all, ehehe!

Damn... That sneak attack was only successful because I wasn't paying attention! It wasn't voluntary!

We don't really celebrate Halloween. This is just a custom of those people on the nearby islands. It's really unsightly to see a bunch of demons dancing everywhere... That being said, the people of my clan would hold a large event around the same time since it is the time of the autumn bumper harvest. I'll show you next year!

It makes me wanna laugh whenever I think of all those people who were asking where you got such a high-quality tail from!