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Displaying 1601 - 1800 of 11882
  • Ryan Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Onesan, your eyes... They're so pretty. I bet you look really cute when you cry and have a tinge of red around the corners of those beauties.
  • AyakoMorikawa Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 I don't like school... But if you like it, I will try to come to school... Because... I want to stay with you...
  • NatsuhikoTakigawa Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 I'm well-versed on the topic of love, because besides soccer, it's pretty much all my teammates talk about. By the way, I voted for you in the "most desirable partner" vote last time. Because whoever gets lucky enough to be your partner must be the happiest person on earth, haha!
  • KazuhaSaionji Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Geez, stop addressing me as the "sword saint"... Same goes for the word master! It makes me sound so old. Just address me by my name, please.
  • Nadeshiko Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 I didn’t expect you to beat me today. Well, you better keep it up in the next match, because I hate to admit losing.
  • Kaguyahime Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Oopsie, you look like you really like me, don't you? Uhehe, I like you too... No way! Look at that happy face of yours. As a mortal, it's never easy to have the favor of a goddess!
  • Eliisa Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Kyaa… Stop…hahaha… Stop tickling, Mr. Wo… Hahaha… Stop tickling Liisa Liisa! Liisa Liisa is getting angry!
  • HidekiAkechi Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 What's my wish? ...I hope one day I can break away from the shackle of my family and enjoy a carefree life, just like the time I spend with you.
  • OsamuSaitou Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 "I don't care what you think. It's what I think that matters." Since when did you also learn to use such a childish argument? Well, I can let you walk this time, not because I agree with what you said, but because adults should occasionally compromise on trivial matters.
  • Ein Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Don't worry, you can run wild in the "hunting ground". I've got your back.
  • RenKisaragi Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Who do I like more, you or the president? What, are, you talking about? Stop it! I just can't hate the president enough. But, as for you... well, I don't dislike you. So stop asking me to compare you against other people, because none of them is comparable to you.
  • UsumiIshihara Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Hey, if you keep poking at me, I won't let you go today!
  • ShigeruAkagi Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 People reveal their true color when in danger. Understanding this fact is the key to victory.
  • IwaoWashizu Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Wait. Sometimes you just need to wait, even when you have a winning hand, especially when facing fearless and unpredictable opponents. Only patience can help you catch up and end them!
  • 小野寺七羽 メイン6 絆レベル4 I thought that my dreams couldn't possibly be achieved, but it seems that the situation has changed. If you can show different aspects of yourself as I wish...
  • Sammir Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 It seems that in every place I've traveled, the people play Mahjong. Although different places play by different rules, such differences bring their own kind of fun. Maybe people in One Han City will start playing more variations of Mahjong one day.
  • KaguyaShinomiya Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Hmm... Out of these ten questions, what makes you think that I was thinking of the president…? That's simply false! The answer is Pes, the pet dog of Secretary Fujiwara! I can't blame you, though; there are definitely some similarities between Pes and the president!
  • MiyukiShirogane Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 I'm dating Kaguya? Ah, what nonsense. Just ignore them... It's... it's just that if Kaguya wants to date me, I wouldn't mind giving it a go... But what if she never confesses to me? N-no way... It's just a matter of time...
  • AiHayasaka Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Why do I play tricks on my lady? First of all, that is an overstatement. I just couldn't stand her showing off just because there is some progress in her love life. It's nothing but a counter-reaction... It's just that she's now getting ahead of herself without standing in my shoes. Like, come on, I'm the only one who listens to her stories... The least she should do is to appreciate me! Am I right?
  • KeiShirogane Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 I once told Dad to not waste his time live streaming. But I never thought that... You can actually earn money by doing so?! And I just showed my face in the live stream from time to time, and it got me $100? Recently, I've been hit up by famous streamer Hibiki Himekawa for a streaming collab. She thinks it will attract more viewers and I could make money while having fun too. I'm still not sure if I should accept or not...
  • Yuzu Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 As a matter of courtesy and trust, I think I shall introduce you to the Red Panda Squad. They seem to want to get to know you... Guys, let's line up and introduce yourselves to PLAYER! (Cho-cho, Choooo, Chooo-chooo) ... Now that you've remembered their names, please be nice to each other!
  • Zechs Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Hmph! Caught you red-handed! Such a simple-minded ambush is not effective against me. Next time, remember to... Hey! It's not a big deal to foil your sneak attack. There's no need for a long face! Look, I'm the one who got ambushed and still maintained my composure... Hey! Don't tell me that you're actually mad...
  • LilyKitahara Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 You know, I am really proud of my long, blonde hair! I couldn't help but notice it also suits you really well, especially when it's wrapped around you.
  • HisaTakei Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Not long ago, Kaavi warned me to be careful when walking downstairs. She didn't really tell me why, but since it was a reminder from a fortune teller, I better be careful. After all, the tournament is just around the corner, I can't afford any accidents...
  • MihokoFukuji Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Ain't little Haruna cute? She reminds me of Kana's sisters. Playing with such a spirited kid makes me feel energetic, too.
  • AkoAtarashi Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Wah... Ah, you... you didn't hear that. No funny faces! Seriously... Come on, I was scared back there. It's not like I can control it...
  • TokiOnjoji Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Wow... Just one demonstration and you can already erect the Riichi Bets stably. You're quite talented. What do you think? Standing Riichi Bets are pretty cool, right?
  • FuyumiShinomiya Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 What else can an ordinary middle school student do anyway other than go to school, go back home from school, and go shopping with friends? I guess if I had to include anything else, I also like playing Mahjong at home with my family on weekends and holidays. Would you like to play Mahjong at my place next time? My father is especially bad at it and makes deal-ins all the time!
  • QingLuan Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 The body itself does not matter. Your true value lies within your soul.
  • Mirai Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Uwah! You can't go in here! Absolutely not! Ah... you saw everything...! S-So what? Can't a beautiful girl who is busy studying the world forget to tidy the things in her room?! Since you've learned this secret, hehehe... let me find my hammer of amnesia... Don't even think of running away!
  • AyaneKisaragi Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 A healthy body is as sweet and alluring as a fruit from the Garden of Eden... Naturally, it won't be damaged easily because of its strong healing ability, especially your body. I really love your body because it feels so firm and bouncy to the touch. It is obviously perfect for my experiments... Are you sure you don't want to reconsider? The drugs I've developed recently are developed through proper means, have perfect effects, and are completely harmless to the body. All I need is someone to collect data from!
  • LelouchLamperouge Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 When Nunnally and I first met Suzaku, it was also in a shrine like Mahjong Soul Shrine. Back then, Suzaku and I always got into arguments. Unlike how he is now, he was quite rough back then, which is why we were always at odds with each other. It didn't take long for me to realize that he was just so upright that it made him seem stupid. He then became my first friend.
  • C.C. Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Lelouch? Our relationship involves a promise he made for the future—for a future to fulfill the contract...
  • SuzakuKururugi Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Euphy has always been able to surprise me. She surprised me when we first met, when she announced she's a princess, when she decided I shall go to school, and when she made me her knight. However, she always manages to enlighten me when she surprises me, so I'm very grateful to her.
  • KallenKouzuki Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 I don't particularly like Lelouch. Although he looks good, I feel he is playing critic as he views the world from the side. I originally thought he was a decent person.
  • Ransei Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Revolving... M-Master?! When did you come? Is your knee still okay...? I don't know why my kunai always hurts other people's knees, which is why my father always reminded me to practice in a place where no one else is around. I didn't expect you to come here... Please let me take care of you until you recover from your injuries!
  • Ling Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 I am quite a geek, but please don't treat me like a child who doesn't know much about the world... At least I'm the same as other healthy male high school students in terms of common sense. So if you keep poking me here, you need to think carefully about what will happen next and what responsibility you'll need to take...
  • KuroneToujou Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 I went out at the east gate, where there were as many beauties as the clouds. Although there were as many of them as the clouds, it is not on them that my thoughts rest.
  • Hannah Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 PLAYER! These fish are for you. I caught them in the river when I went on an outing with Emma earlier. Hehe, as I expected, food foraged from the wild just tastes better!
  • Musa Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Hehe... Purr... Keep touching my ears. I like it.
  • Kutsuji Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 I heard that you've been quite close with Soumu recently. It's not good to be indecisive like this. Tell me—what can he give you that I can't?
  • Illya Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Hi! H-Have you seen Kuro anywhere?! That girl... I already spoke to her about it many times, but she is still playing pranks while pretending to be me! This time, I'm going to teach her a good lesson with my dignity as an older sister after I catch her!
  • Miyu Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Did you forget to bring your wallet? You can use my card for now. Although I don't know why, I seem to be able to withdraw funds normally from the banks over here... Don't worry, my wages are quite high.
  • Kuro Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Hmph! Of course I know more than ordinary grade school students. In fact, I know more than even college students. After all, I was born after being adjusted like this...
  • Gil Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Finding a way to leave this Mirror World? I'll sit out and let someone else worry about that. You don't want me to leave that early either, right?
  • EveKrist Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Why are members of Ares here in One Han City...? Hmm, it looks like a storm is brewing in One Han City. PLAYER, if it becomes necessary, please let me protect you personally. Can you... trust me with all your heart?
  • LinLang Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 PLAYER, why are there sea overlords in an inland area like One Han City? I want to be an overlord of the sea too.
  • YuanFeng Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Haha, that's enough. Stop looking already. Here's my phone... Take a look for yourself. You're the only person I'm following on CatChat. After all, you never taught me how to follow other people... Haha, I'm just joking. The main reason is that your content is more interesting than the content everyone else posts. You're such a curious person.
  • シロコ メイン6 絆レベル4 All the bike accessories I want are so expensive... I need to cut down on my spending!
  • ホシノ メイン6 絆レベル4 Stop working so hard, would ya? I want to slack off, but you're making me look bad, {var:player_nickname}!
  • アル メイン6 絆レベル4 This is amazing. I want to buy a set for the office...
  • ムツキ メイン6 絆レベル4 I went overboard, didn't I? Ugh... Looks like I'll be the one getting scolded this time.
  • Leia Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Childishly contradicting one's teacher to prove one's maturity is something cute that young people do. I can pretend not to notice this wayward behavior as long as it doesn't exceed the bounds of my patience.
  • Cynthia Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Whether it's at work or in life, the most important thing is to find your own way to enjoy life. For example, one of the best ways for me to relax is to watch a live stream of a panda eating bamboo shoots on my smartphone. Do you want to join me?
  • 二階堂美樹 メイン7 絆レベル5 Make sure you train hard today~ I'm waiting for you to beat me.
  • KanaFujita Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Sometimes, I want to have a break too. Let’s sing Karaoke together!
  • 二階堂美樹 メイン6 絆レベル4 Ah...You look a little sleepy. Do you want to lie on my knees...? Oops? Why are you suddenly so awake?
  • KanaFujita Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 I didn't expect you to be so charming when you’re playing Mahjong~ For a second there I was attracted to you! But it was just for a moment only! Haha~
  • 一姫 メイン7 絆レベル5 My favorite toys are - Mahjong and master!
  • YuiYagi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 ...Here you are... It’s a combo I recently discovered, celery, mayonnaise and chips... I have never seen such a pale face of yours, senpai. Let me take a photo.
  • RiuKujou Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Hah... I have never worn such a soft maid costume. But it actually feels good moving in it.
  • MaiAihara Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 You don’t look very well today, master. Are you feeling sick? Having a bad mood? If you need to let yourself out, feel free to come to me.
  • 三上千織 メイン7 絆レベル5 You don’t look too annoying. Well, Chiori is very kind, she can let you win this one.
  • Xenia Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 In their recent letter, my parents told me that they started to play mahjong from time to time, and it seem they are enjoying the game. My parents wouldn’t have changed so much had you not come along with me last time. Thank you.
  • Kaavi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Umm... You may have bad luck recently. Do you need my exorcism service? 100,000 coppers will do.
  • KiraraFujimoto Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 This is Nana, she's my bestie. This is Kaori. This is... They are all my best friends. Make sure you remember their names! Huh? Why? You really are dumb sometimes...
  • ChihoriTerasaki Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I've got some headline news from a live report. It says the genius Go player, who stayed on top of the world's global Go player rankings for 40 months consecutively, has just won the World Mahjong Championship. Now THAT'S what geniuses do! Maybe you can do that, too, like staying on a losing streak for 40 months… Just kidding. If that makes you upset, I'll have to think of something special to make it up to you.
  • Wanjirou Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Hmm, I shall allow you to pet my head for a little bit... To the left... A bit further down... (Sounds very comfortable) ...Woof-woof
  • SoraIchinose Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Rubik's Cube? I played it in front of everyone when I was little, and they all came to me saying "wow you are great". So I thought, since they liked me playing Rubik's Cube, it must be something that could bring me friends. That's why I keep playing it until now...
  • NatsukiShinomiya Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Why did I create "White Night" in the beginning? It was probably my most genuine wish. If I could be a thief that was capable of everything, maybe I could even steal someone`s heart... Just kidding. I only wanted to steal the original works of a cartoonist.
  • Sara Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Dear guest, could you just sit next to me and watch me? You only have to watch. As long as I can feel you around, my senses seem to be sharper than usual.
  • HanaNinomiya Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Here you are, I grew this flower on my own. It's different from those I planted previously... If you don't mind, could you give it a name?
  • Keikumusume Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I feel like a different person with my hat removed? What are you talking about?
  • HinataTakanashi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I always felt sorry when I win from others, but recently I start to understand. To respect my opponents, I must face victories and losses with an open heart. Am I right?
  • NanaShiraishi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Hehe, recently, I had become much better playing against the veterans at Mahjong house. See? Even as your senior, I'm still constantly growing, so you must not fall behind, junior!
  • Joseph Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Pff, hahaha! Forget about it, tobacco is just too early for you. Don't push yourself too hard.
  • HarunaIgarashi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Where shall we go today... Let’s just stay home! As long as you are with me, I won’t feel bored even if we just chill for the entire day.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Question: Jyanshi, do you come to KR-976 everyday because you have no other friends to play with? No, I'm not hating you, but... KR-976 is concerned about your normal social activities. But it now seems that you really don't have many friends.
  • SawakoKitami Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I have a lot of hobbies and they often change. But I also have some long-term ones, like card games and board games. When I'm free, I would study how to play them. I may not look that way, but I'm actually very good at it. Wanna have a game?
  • MomoHina Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Mr. Rabbit, did you say you wanted to hear Momo say good night in person? Sure, got it. "Chu— Mr. Rabbit, good night!" ...Eh? Did I get it wrong? But "saying good night in person" means a kiss before saying good night, doesn't it?
  • ZanTsukimi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I guess most people don't like Monday... Eh? What do you mean by "you are not working anyway"? Even if I don't have to work, I still hate Monday because fewer people would be playing Mahjong at the club. Do you know the pain of missing that one last person for the game?
  • SakiMiyanaga Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Nodoka... She is not just an important friend to me. She's more special than that.
  • TeruMiyanaga Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 How do I look... Still very exaggerated? I just can't get it... Ok, one more time. Hope my smile can be more natural.
  • NodokaHaramura Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Do you want to get strong? The only way is to study, think and practice. Also, pay attention to details and do not make mistakes. And don't let the so-called luck interfere with your own judgment.
  • KoromoAmae Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Koromo likes the night. I feel very relaxed when the whole world is engulfed in darkness and the moon slowly rises...
  • FuJi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 It looks like the newcomers of Ichiban City are not very aware of the rules here. How dare they wreak havoc in my territory like "quack"! You...are not like them, right? You will be good and listen to me, right?
  • QiXi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Here, hold my hand. Need to be comforted by a kid? Useless. I feel embarrassed for you...It's just a loss in a mahjong game. Next time, I will bring you with me and send them home with a 10-win streak!
  • YumekoJabami Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 You finished handsomely with the winning play. Defense is certainly important, but the key to success is the courage to bet on everything.
  • MarySaotome Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 You've made some progress. But, since you have been following me for so long, it's only natural that you are slightly better than other rookies!
  • MidariIkishima Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Look, it's already empty. But every time I feel pleasure, it still brings pain. That pain reminds me to enjoy the pleasure. The more pleasure, the more pain, the more pleasure, the more pain... Hehehe, hehehe, hahaha—!
  • KirariMomobami Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Ever considered joining Hyakkaou Private Academy? You... Are the type that can survive in my "aquarium", hehe...
  • ReinaNanami Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 My uncle has always wanted to keep a pet in the coffee shop, yet he still couldn’t make a decision on what pet to get. What do you think about rabbits? The fluffy little creature will surely become the shop's most popular "superstar waiter".
  • A-37 Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Complex emotions do nothing but hold me back... Critical decisions like this are never made easily.
  • HibikiHimekawa Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 ... Ah, we're already in the new era, yet why are there people who think the bigger, the better? Instead of focusing on something that gets saggy sooner or later, why don't these people focus on some hardcore content? It's just a matter of size... I can just modify the model to have things like that!
  • Ryan Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Onesan, can you call my name a few more times? Ryan... Ryan... Ryan... Something like this? I love it when you call my name. It's like I'm the only apple of your eye, hehe.
  • AyakoMorikawa Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Ever since I met you, I have made... More friends. The black-haired is Sadako, the silver-haired is Reiko... It's really great to be with you all.
  • NatsuhikoTakigawa Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Will you come to watch the game tomorrow? Ah, never mind, just forget about it... Not sure why, but I feel nervous just thinking about you watching it.
  • KazuhaSaionji Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I've never thought that rock paper scissors can be so tricky... Perhaps my father was right? Simple things may be the trickiest to master, and I have yet to win in such a game.
  • Nadeshiko Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 My wish is that one day I will be able to travel the world and leave my footprints...and yours on foreign land...
  • Kaguyahime Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Ah... Help, help me... Ahem, as a goddess... I have s-stayed in the human world for too long... My power has exhausted. The only way to s-save me is to give me objects full of power... What kind of objects? Ahem, they must be shiny gems that have absorbed sufficient moonlight... You must... hurry...
  • Eliisa Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 It's time to brainstorm with Liisa Liisa! Question: There's Shaun and multiple students in the classroom. There are 27 heads and 60 legs. How many students and sheep are in the classroom? A scary punishment awaits if your answer is wrong... Hehe...
  • HidekiAkechi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Grandma taught me that, "the most important thing about Mahjong is to enjoy the game process". Thinking back now, I really should have visited her more often instead of trying all unscrupulous means to bring her victory. I did win, but grandma left... "Lucifer of Mahjong", what an ironic name.
  • OsamuSaitou Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I'm not good at making nice promises to make you happy. But I can guarantee you that whatever I have promised, I will do it.
  • Ein Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Would you also like to touch my tail? It actually feels pretty good!
  • RenKisaragi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 How dare you point fingers at my behavior? You even need help to do your own housework. Hmph, before questioning me, you should ask yourself why is there rice on the dishes you washed the day before yesterday; why is the laundry you washed yesterday still in the wash machine; and why is your bed still not made today... Did you just sneak away again? Next time, I will make sure I lecture you until you correct all those problems.
  • UsumiIshihara Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Hey, wanna skip the boring work together? Just let Ren handle the students' union. Let's sneak out for a date. Life would be incomplete without the occasional excitement!
  • ShigeruAkagi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 This tile... And this one... There is nothing special about them. I'm just listening to my gut. If you wish to survive the competition, trust your instincts.
  • IwaoWashizu Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Stay with me...! The divine...! The devils...! Keep... Keep blessing me!
  • 小野寺七羽 メイン7 絆レベル5 I don't mind calculating points myself, but it'd be better done by a trustworthy person like you. Please.
  • Sammir Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I've heard all kinds of stories: some happy, some tragic, some unbearably dark. If it's okay, I'd only like to share the happy ones with you. Someone as radiant as you shouldn't be shrouded by the world's darkness.
  • KaguyaShinomiya Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I'm a huge fan of dogs. Cats are too cunning. They only play cute for their own benefit. Such manipulative creatures... Don't get me wrong. That doesn't mean that I have hard feelings toward Ichihime. I may hate cats, but I don't feel the same about cat ears. You see, cat ears just make everyone look really cute, especially... the president with cats ears. OMG, so cute...!
  • MiyukiShirogane Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Money matters... Since I'm from an impoverished family, I know how it feels to want something you can't have. Well, instead of squandering in ground zero, why not muster some energy and work! Just like I said, hard work gets everything done. If you're willing, I don't mind recommending you to some of my side gigs. Working part-time is never a bad thing. Not only will you feel a sense of achievement, but you'll broaden your horizons. Oh yeah, you know what? Ein just told me about some new gigs. I say we partake in those later!
  • AiHayasaka Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Indeed, the president and my lady come from totally different family backgrounds. But after getting in touch with him, I can somewhat understand why my lady would fall for him. Perhaps a guy like him suits my lady the best.
  • KeiShirogane Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 My brother is getting extra gross lately. He's always giggling while on the phone, and he does it all night long. But I'm more concerned about the familiar voice on the other side of the phone. Maybe I'm being paranoid... But are my idiot brother and Kaguya together now? Like "together" together?!
  • Yuzu Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Kaavi? Why would I get involved with that twerp? We may have learned sorcery together, but we do not share the same ideology. Listen up! The Law of Witches No. 13: No matter how broad their chest is, as long as they have rabbit ears, they cannot be trusted!
  • Zechs Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Hey! You might want to keep up the pace when there's a crowd. You may be weak, dumb, and useless in a fight, but you are actually kinda cute and popular by human standards. I don't want to go through any trouble if someone else takes you away from me.
  • LilyKitahara Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Words of affirmation are the perfect icing on the cake. I mean, who could resist such intoxicating words? Come on, tell me more about how you love me.
  • HisaTakei Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Mihoko is indeed nothing short of extraordinary. Not only is she a thoughtful person, but she's also an excellent chef and Mahjong player. It's only natural that the students of Kazekoshi would be dependent on her. Not to mention her two beautiful, gem-liked eyes... I wonder how could I even forget about such a wonderful girl...
  • MihokoFukuji Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 "Blue sapphires and red rubies are made from the same element." ...Although we have become closer, Hisa has still yet to tell me the meaning behind this quote. Well, it's okay, though. We still have a long way ahead of us. I believe one day, she'll eventually give me an answer. And before that day comes, I'll keep pondering what it really means.
  • AkoAtarashi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 You've been staring at that gift box for so long. Having trouble decorating it? That's my forte, so just leave it to me! Let me think. First... let's use some colorful stickers to create a pattern!
  • TokiOnjoji Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Previously, Miss Miki cordially invited me to try her lap. She was so enthusiastic so I gave it a shot, and then... To be honest, I was really astonished. Although not as good as Ryuka's, it was still such a high-quality lap pillow nonetheless... It seems the world is indeed full of wonders... and great lap pillows...
  • FuyumiShinomiya Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Stay away from me! My powers, they're out of control! Run!!! Haha, did I give you a fright? Although I don't really know what those lines mean, I saw them in my brother's notebook. You know, you look pretty cute when you're surprised.
  • QingLuan Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 This child is called Yellow Tea. Don't touch him... or you might be hurt.
  • Mirai Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Let's go to the library together tomorrow! Huh? What will we do there? Study, of course! Let's swim together in the sea of knowledge! What else can we do at the library? Oh, I see... why don't we ask Akechi? He should know since he's at the library every day...
  • AyaneKisaragi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Relax! I'm just performing an inspection on you. We need to take preventative action often even when we're not sick... Lie down over here. I'm going to start the checkup now. It's time for you to witness my true power as a doctor!
  • LelouchLamperouge Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 You can see all of One Han City from here. Yet... Why did we come to this world? There should be a reason for this...
  • C.C. Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 If I win the tournament at Mahjong Soul Shrine, will it be possible for me to get all the pizzas in the world? I'm interested now! I'll get a little more serious then.
  • SuzakuKururugi Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Both Lelouch and I have changed a lot over these seven years. He said I have become more reliable, and I think he has become less approachable. However, this change is necessary so that he can still live with his sister Nunnally.
  • KallenKouzuki Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Suzaku's words just sound good. I disagree with him about not resisting and accepting the status quo of Britannia's occupation as peace. If he insists on this, I will fight him to the end and kill him one day.
  • Ransei Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 My favorite hand is Thirteen-wait Thirteen Orphans. My reason is... Master, please copy what I'm doing. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart like this, relax and inhale, feel your ribs open, bulge out your waist, and tighten your abdomen slightly. Now, say "Secret Technique: Thirteen-wait Thirteen Orphans" out loud! How does that feel? Can you feel how amazing it is?
  • Ling Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Are you sure you want to take action with me? No, I have nothing against you, I just think that things get more difficult when you have teammates...
  • KuroneToujou Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 You seem a little absent-minded, like there's something on your mind. If you are willing, why don't you share your troubles with me today?
  • Hannah Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 The sun is so warm and comfortable... Ah! T-That was close. I almost fell asleep. I'm at work right now, so I'll do something to wake myself up... I know, I'll read a book. Miss Onodera said that I need to read more books to become a lady... I'll read a book... Zzz...
  • Musa Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Honey is sweet... You are sweet too.
  • Kutsuji Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 You know, the reason you keep coming to me every other day is so obvious that it's really difficult for me to pretend not to know. It's extremely dangerous to try to tame a wild beast that's used to freedom. You might even lose your life... Are you sure you're okay with that?
  • Illya Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I always think of Mama when I see Miss Sawako. Mama is just as beautiful as her. Let me show you her picture... Huh? Why is Papa's face missing in all the photos? Hmm... now that you mention it... This is so strange. I can't remember Papa's face either.
  • Miyu Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Is this city near the ocean...? *Laughter* Ah, I'm okay. I just remembered some nostalgic and happy things.
  • Kuro Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Call me Kuro-onee-sama if you feel lonely. I'll pat your head to comfort you anytime.
  • Gil Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 I assemble tiles naturally and effectively, gather all the Doras in front of me, and have an extremely high Ippatsu rate... It's only natural for the king to have this level of luck.
  • EveKrist Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 This tile looks like a bird in courtship. We rarely see such brightly-colored birds in the Northland as most birds there are white or gray-brown to better hide from their enemies in the heavy snow that falls all year long... Huh? Me? Um... I'll still choose red because it allows you to easily spot me at a glance.
  • LinLang Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 No! Don't! I won't leave the bathtub today even if you cry, PLAYER. The land... is so dry... My tail is starting to crack.
  • YuanFeng Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 "You'll be rich and powerful for the rest of your life." This is something every fortune teller likes to say and every customer likes to hear. How can something this great be called a lie? The only difference, if any, is that everything I've told you is true. With me helping you, even bad luck will become good luck, so you'll become rich and powerful even if you don't want to.
  • シロコ メイン7 絆レベル5 Miss Nadeshiko showed me a great fishing spot. Do you want to go with me next time?
  • ホシノ メイン7 絆レベル5 I met that strange fortune teller again today, and she said the same thing she always does. I have terrible luck with money. What's the deal? Do I have a look or something?
  • アル メイン7 絆レベル5 You fraternize with organizations like Strix and Raven. Do you honestly think I'd believe you're an ordinary Jyanshi? ...Relax! I'm not judging you. I admire you! Now, let's go make some trouble together...
  • ムツキ メイン7 絆レベル5 Go, PLAYER! You can do it! Finish your work fast, so we have plenty of time to play!
  • Leia Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 No, not that. You're a smart child, so you should know that what I want to hear is that you're sorry, not a reason... Yes, that would be enough.
  • Cynthia Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 You came to my filming site on the street and messed up my schedule! Do you miss me that much? Well, I'll let it slide this time. What did you come to see me for? ...Why are you stammering? Did I guess wrong?! I see... hehe, why don't you tell me which model you're looking for? Tell me her name so I can HELP YOU FIND HER!
  • KanaFujita Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Here’s a special sleep therapy voice for you. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four... ZZZZZ...
  • 一姫 メイン8 絆レベル5 Nyaa~...Snacks always taste better when they are given to me by someone else. I want more!
  • 二階堂美樹 メイン8 絆レベル5 The Moon beautiful...
  • YuiYagi Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Senpai, if you don’t mind, how about a Mahjong game? With me.
  • RiuKujou Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Are you tired? Come sit down for a rest. I’ve got tea and snacks prepared for you. You want a massage? Hohoho, sure, let me give you a GOOD one... Wait, why are you running away?
  • MaiAihara Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Please hold my hands while you’re praying this time... Hmm... (expresses happiness)... (suddenly snaps out of it) Oops, sorry, I forgot my lines!
  • ChioriMikami Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Why do you keep looking at Chiori's pudding? Do you want to eat it? Really? What a pervert. Fine, open your mouth... You can have a small bite~
  • Xenia Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 You want to spend time at home instead of going out? Haha, that’s good from time to time, a quiet world between the two of us... How about doing something special together?
  • Kaavi Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Want to have a match against my mentor? I advise you to give up such ideas. She is much worse than me to some extent, for instance... she will do whatever it takes to show you all the possibilities.
  • KiraraFujimoto Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Girls are only young once, so no matter how bankrupt, I must dress up and look gorgeous and brilliant. That's my "Gal Way"!
  • ChihoriTerasaki Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 The future is always there, even if you don't think about it. But it's a good thing to have some expectations. This way, I won't get lonely or bored even if you are not around!
  • Wanjirou Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Ouch, why is that cat here? AIBO, don't tell anyone that you have seen me. Wait, do you have cologne? I gotta cover my smell...
  • SoraIchinose Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Hmm... Why do you play this tile? Apparently, the other tile is more efficient! Although you are older than me, you don't seem to be smarter. Well, I guess it's time for me to teach you how to play with efficiency in mind.
  • NatsukiShinomiya Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Would you like to go to the event next week with me? I've already thought about it, nobody fits the assistant of "White Night" better than you!
  • Sara Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 I have always been living on my own feet. Sometimes, I too want to rely on someone else. Dear guest, what do you think?
  • HanaNinomiya Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Recently, I can feel more attention on me, especially from boys. Have I changed? ...Have you done anything to me?
  • Keikumusume Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 What am I reading? "How to Maintain Hats", that's the title of this book.
  • HinataTakanashi Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Let's go somewhere else to hike the next time! I'd like to get closer... Oh, I didn't mean it, I mean getting closer to the nature...
  • NanaShiraishi Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Boys are stupid because they always try to figure out what girls are thinking. Girls are stupid because they enjoy watching boys trying everything but still having no clues whatsoever.
  • Joseph Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 There seems to be a new Mahjong Club in town. Looks like our "vault" will have more treasures soon, partner.
  • HarunaIgarashi Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Hey hey hey! Listen to me! Haruna has now remembered all the 1-han Yaku! Soon, I will be able to remember all the 2-han ones! What do you think? Isn’t that awesome?
  • AnjuSuzumiya Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 To make myself more human-like, KR-976 was programmed to generate fear reactions. So it is, completely normal, for me to be scared. But KR-976 will never tell you what I fear!
  • SawakoKitami Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Mahjong or afternoon tea? You're such a kid. You know, as an adult, I would choose to have both. Well, give me one sec so I can make some tea and snacks, then we can play Mahjong together!
  • MomoHina Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Mr. Rabbit, Momo, Momo finally understands what "liking someone" means! That's why... Momo likes Mr. Rabbit a lot... no... the most!
  • ZanTsukimi Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 If you think the world is too big and you are too trivial, how about changing a perspective? The world is vast, but to someone who likes you, you are his entire world... Haha, don't you think I am very philosophical today? Of course I got that line from elsewhere just to please you. Speaking of it, which book did I read that from...
  • SakiMiyanaga Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Ah... When I stay with you, I can have peace of mind like when I'm with Nodoka. Just looking at the clouds almost makes me fall asleep... Zzzz...
  • TeruMiyanaga Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 On the Mahjong table, no matter how unfortunate you are, good luck will come eventually. I wish life can be the same.
  • NodokaHaramura Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Saki said you found Etopen for me, is that so? Thank you, I really can't imagine life without him.
  • KoromoAmae Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 When Koromo was the only one winning, everyone was very upset and I couldn't enjoy myself either. But people here are different. They enjoy the game no matter they are winning or not. Koromo is very happy too!
  • FuJi Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 After some deep thoughts, I've realized that there's no difference between being an idol and a god! You know, they bring people hopes like "rhaaa", and they let people fancy them like "chua, chua", and finally make people spend tons of money supporting them like "splash", for if they lose, they lose their face as well as popularity...Wait, is this the reason some idols are called goddesses? Aha, how unexpected. They have already realized this.
  • QiXi Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Ahh! Don't you dare to touch my hair! ...No, stop, or else I can't grow any taller! I'm warning you, I bite when I get mad. And...and I wallop, too!
  • YumekoJabami Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Cheating isn't a foul. In my opinion, that's just a way to succeed. To be honest, I don't hate cheaters. After all... Isn't the determination to pursue success fantastic?
  • MarySaotome Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Friends? If this was in the past, I probably couldn't care less since they just block my way to success. But now... Maybe they don't sound so bad.
  • MidariIkishima Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Be it an early Riichi or a Triple Calling, attacking more or less means no turning back. Gambling with no possible retreat... Do you want to walk away from such pleasure? You... Are not that kind of person, right?
  • KirariMomobami Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 The key to winning streaks?... There is no such thing. Losing all the way even if you have tried your best is what gambling is. If there has to be an answer, I would say that those who hold the fate of victory win, something like that.
  • ReinaNanami Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Umu, it has been a long time since Reina visited a theme park, but Reina will try not to be a burden! If... If we are in a haunted house, Reina will try to protect you... Reina is not scared of anything, for real, because ghosts only exist in books, not...not in real life!
  • A-37 Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 You are the most troublesome person I've ever met... Don't be like that next time.
  • HibikiHimekawa Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Ah! Told ya not to play that tile! I've told you a million times that you have to pay extra attention when it comes to this kind of situation!Tsk… Brace up! Remember that I personally taught you!
  • Ryan Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Do you ever think about someone else when you're with me, onesan? If you do, I must not be treating you good enough. If that's the case... (Kiss) Am I the only one on your mind now, onesan?
  • AyakoMorikawa Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 This potion can boost my luck. If I drink it before exams, I will definitely pass... For sure...
  • NatsuhikoTakigawa Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 You're so cute. I say it all the time, but that's because it's the truth, haha... Ah, don't blush. You-... You're making me feel like I said something weird...
  • KazuhaSaionji Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Dogs are samurais' most loyal companions, yet I wonder why they are reluctant to get close to me... On the other hand, the wild kittens in my courtyard seem to like me a lot. Such a perplexing turn of events.
  • Nadeshiko Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Playing Mahjong in person is much more fun than online, since you can see your opponent's movements and expressions. ...Don't be so nervous! You're much cuter when you're relaxed!
  • Kaguyahime Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 How foolish! Can't you see my real intention behind all the All Simples? Listen, this is the only way to highlight your awesomeness when winning a big hand! That's the strategy of a goddess... What strategy? Hmm... um... right! It's the strategy to make you the best Jyanshi in Ichiban City. If you play better than a goddess, of course you are the best! How about that! Are you shocked by my genius idea?!
  • Eliisa Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 About dozing off in class… Well… Books always smell like grass and wood. They remind Liisa Liisa of the naps taken on ranch meadow. Naturally it leads to…
  • HidekiAkechi Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Are you interested in the ancient Yaku? Let me teach you. Grandma showed them to me when I was little, so I often make ancient Yaku without realizing. Many of them are quite interesting, actually. It's a shame that they are no longer used.
  • OsamuSaitou Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Do I look more approachable in casual wear? ...Indeed, one's dress can easily influence others' impression of him. But the fact that I want to get close to you has nothing to do with what I wear. Still don't get it? ...Keep thinking, idiot.
  • Ein Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Zzz... Sorry, I'm feeling a bit tired these days. Can I lean on you and sleep for a while...
  • RenKisaragi Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 Ouch—stop poking there! Are you a little kid? I've had enough of this poking game you play every day. I, I admit that I can't take the itch... But isn't that normal? I said no! If you do it again, I won't hesitate to give you a tickle too... Don't run!
  • UsumiIshihara Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 What are you to me? ...It could be the caramel in a pudding, the icing on a doughnut, or the fresh cream on a parfait... Don't get it? What I want to say is, I am complete because of you.
  • ShigeruAkagi Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 The money I had? I spent it all in less than 3 days. And that's why I work here, kekeke...
  • IwaoWashizu Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 The timing is important. To find out where, when, and how to win, and to seize the "chance to victory", you need to fully concentrate!
