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Joseph's grandfather passed away when he was 22, so Joseph and his parents returned to their village for the first time in many years to handle the funeral.
"Is this... Mom, is there an old VCR downstairs?!"
When he was going through his grandfather's belongings, Joseph found a dusty iron box under the bed. Inside was an old videotape, the word "Youth" still visible on its yellowing sticker.
"That's probably the title?" Joseph thought to himself.
When his parents went out after lunch, Joseph stopped what he was doing as he intended to watch the videotape by himself. This wasn't because he thought there were some clandestine secrets hidden within, but simply because he wanted to be the first one to watch it. Young men like him are often competitive, and want to be one step ahead in everything.
As for what was on the tape, he guessed that it was some kind of homemade family documentary, probably opening with the classic shot of "a kindly old man smiling and waving at the camera".
What played on the screen was an old movie called "Fortunes of Adventure", and it was certainly not the sweet, gentle sort of thing that Joseph had envisaged. He knew about this movie, which told the story of an archaeology professor named John Grace, who led an exploration team deep into a jungle. However, due to a variety of reasons they were forced to abandon their serious research work and engage in a thrilling and courageous battle of wits against a group of ruthless treasure-hunting bandits. In the end, of course, the good guys won and returned with both lost treasures and beautiful women.
Cracking open a bag of chips and a bottle of soda, he settled in and began to appreciate the classic movie, with its cliched plot and textbook example of the genre. As the story progressed, Jospeh started wondering why on earth his grandfather would have hidden this movie under his bed?
"Men should live for romance! And is not exploration the most romantic thing to a man?!"
Joseph still hadn't come up with an answer by the time the closing line was spoken, but by that time he didn't even care anymore.
As a wave of nostalgic melancholy washed over him, Joseph recalled watching this movie with his grandfather when he was little, alongside even more memories.
Of the images which bubbled up in his mind, many were of him straining to hear every word as his grandfather told a story. The old man had once been a sailor, traveling the vast oceans of the world and gaining a wealth of experience and knowledge before a leg injury forced his retirement. He had seen many exciting things, and his experiences were always the young Joseph's preferred bedtime stories.
"The aurora... Fairy rings... Underwater waterfalls..."
His favorite stories were those his grandfather told about the wonders of nature. He would often say he wished for the day he could see such things for himself, could experience such marvels as his grandfather had... No, he wished for adventures far beyond anything he'd been told!
But life had gotten in the way, and he never had gotten to travel or realize his dream.
"...Go on an adventure."
Suddenly, the idea of going on a faraway expedition struck him, of going to the jungle that his grandfather had always wanted to visit but couldn't, due to his leg injury. Joseph thought this adventure could be a fitting tribute to his grandfather.
When he had this idea, Joseph actually felt that it was a little ridiculous. He hadn't had a proper conversation with his grandfather in many years, after all, and the two had been almost like strangers before the abrupt wave of nostalgia had hit him.
This is what humans do. They're surprised to realize that they still care about certain people or things only after losing them.
"...Go on then. Adventure awaits."
He lit a cigarette, and sat there mumbling to himself.
He recalled his grandfather also liked doing exactly that, too.