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RiuKujou's Story Playing Maid Playing Maid "Once upon a time, a golden-haired lady and a red-haired maid grew up together in One Han City and did everything together. Although they were master and servant, they got along extremely well until... they both fell in love and drifted apart after starting their own families..."
Riu Kujou fell asleep peacefully while nestled in her mother's arms, listening to her stories about the past. Tomorrow is the first day of kindergarten, and under the influence of her mother, she has learned to not only dress herself, but also to help others get dressed. She wanted to be an elegant, calm, and considerate professional maid, just like her mother. She felt like she was ready for this. All she needed was... a young lady she would like to serve.
"Will you be my master in a role-playing game?"
At the kindergarten, Riu Kujou looks expectantly at the little girl in front of her. She has already lost count of how many times she has asked someone this question today. Eventually, another child comes up to her and asks to play this game with her.
"Wow, you really want to be a maid? You're so strange... but sure, I'll play along with you. From now on, you're my servant, and you have to do everything I tell you, got it?"
Riu Kujou hesitates slightly upon hearing the girl's words and looks at the rather domineering girl in front of her.
The girl's appearance is messy, her bearing is lacking, and she has trouble speaking clearly because she is missing her front teeth... but that can't stop Riu Kujou from trying to help her become a lady in the true sense of the word, right?
"Okay, we'll see how it goes!" Riu Kujou graciously agrees.
However, things don't go well for them.
"Riu Kujou, pour me some water. It has to be exactly 37 degrees and neither cold nor warm!" "Understood!"
"Riu Kujou, give me all the strawberries in your bento box." "Okay... then."
"Riu Kujou, I want the doll that person is holding. Go and get it for me now!"
Riu Kujou's head spins from all the commands she has been given, and she clenches her little fist again and again. Finally, she decides that she has had enough. Holding her skirt, she walks up to the little girl who had just taken a toy from another child in their class and throws a crayon drawing she had been working on all day at her.
"Take this."
"Whoa, you frightened me. What's this?"
"A dismissal letter. I'm firing you right now."
"Y-You're firing me?"
The girl suddenly raises her voice and makes an ugly expression.
"You're the servant, and I'm the master. What gives you the right to fire me?!"
"Because you're not worthy."
Riu Kujou points at her drawing and starts explaining her illustrations out loud.
"This one is you being picky and refusing to eat carrots during lunch. You get a point deduction for this."
"This one is you drooling while secretly sleeping during our drawing class. You get a point deduction for this."
"This one is you hogging the teddy bear, and you didn't wash your hands before..."
More and more children gather around them as Riu Kujou explains herself loudly, and the bursts of laughter make the girl's face turn red with embarrassment.
Before Riu Kujou can finish speaking, she angrily snatches the drawing and throws it on the ground. Stepping on it forcefully, she shouts: "No! You're the one who is unworthy! Who wants to play this stupid game with you anyway! You're so clumsy and can't do anything properly. No one will want to hire you as a real maid in the future!"
"Hey! You're not allowed to say nonsense like that! Your punishment is to say that again!"
Finally, intimidated by Riu Kujou's powerful punch that sent the teddy bear flying, the girl tearfully returned all the toys she had snatched to their original owners. As she cried loudly, she also said that she would never do this again.
Riu Kujou blows a puff of air onto her extraordinary fist and puts her hands on her hips proudly as everyone watches her admiringly. At this moment, she feels that her little maid dress is more beautiful than ever.
"It's alright. Although I couldn't find a worthy master this time, I'm sure I'll find the world's best lady to be my master!"
In her heart, she secretly swore this oath to herself.