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One Han City is hosting a high school table tennis competition


One Han City is hosting a high school table tennis competition. All eligible schools in the city can participate in it. There is a shortage of staff due to the size of the competition. They have to find student volunteers, and Ren Kisaragi is one of them. But for some reason, his news & media team is struggling to find other volunteers. [Ren Kisaragi]Somehow, you are always surrounded by a large group of people. After careful consideration, I think the best option is to ask you to help find volunteers. The vice president was known for his serious attitude. I never expected him to think of me as so popular. Well, I should probably lend him a hand since he had high expectations of me. The moment I walked out, I "accidentally" bumped into Anju Suzumiya. Honestly, I don't think this is a coincidence. She's been appearing a lot around me recently, it would be a surprise if I don't see her some day. [Anju Suzumiya]…… [Ayako Morikawa]…… [Anju Suzumiya]…… [Ayako Morikawa]…… [player]Hey, sometimes you really should greet other people when seeing them... [Anju Suzumiya]Answer: KR-976 is a passive social artificial intelligence and will not respond before receiving an invitation.