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[Mia]PLAYER, this way!


[Mia]PLAYER, this way! Because of Kana Fujita, I am quite familiar with everyone on her team as I go to her company office frequently. Sometimes, the staff or the other two members of W.I.N also help me out. For example, I'm currently following the staff into the venue through the entrance used by the organizers, which allows me to see the setup of the Rainbow Light Concert several hours earlier than other fans. The stadium, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, has been refreshed with a new look. Pink, red, and dark blue, the support colors of the three members, are intertwined, fully highlighting the vitality and enthusiasm of the girl group. I respond to Mia with a wave, then I walk to the first row of the VIP seats, carefully avoiding the tangled wires under my feet, and sit down beside her. [player]A staff told me you are doing the final rehearsal right now. Why is Kana the only one on stage? Don't you and Akane need to go there too? [Mia]This is the captain's solo song. She asked our manager if she could familiarize herself further with where she needs to move on stage. If you came just a little earlier, you would have seen us perform our chorus song. But... it's probably good to save that surprise until the end. [player]Hmm, saying that makes me more curious about it instead. [Mia]Hehe, the captain said you shared some really tasty fried chicken with her. If you buy me some, maybe I can leak some information to you first... Ouch! As soon as Mia stops speaking, Akane, who is sitting on the other side of her, taps her forehead lightly. She ignores Mia's accusatory eyes and looks at the stage. [Akane]Shush-- Kana's rehearsal is about to start. I sit up straight and look at the girl dancing to the music on the stage. Like an elf who has inadvertently made her way into this world, she is able to easily touch the heartstrings of human beings and give rewards to her most loyal followers. Immersed in the world created by Kana's dance, I didn't realize that the performance was over until I hear the sound of applause. [Mia]Whoa! What a brilliant dance! I support you, captain! The cheering from the audience stand attracts Kana's attention. She makes an apologetic gesture when she sees me standing among the audience and indicates that she will watch the camera recording of her performance with her manager, so she can't come over and greet me yet. [player]It's okay. The concert is more important, so you should do what you need to do first, Kana. [Akane]Let's go together. [player]Huh? [Akane]In terms of performing on stage, there's no doubt that Kana is the best on the team. Mia and I can really learn something from her. What's more... you want to get even closer to her, don't you? Akane sits there supporting her head with her chin resting on both hands. Her beautiful eyes glance at my toes that are facing Kana. By seeing through my intentions, she makes an excuse for me and also holds back Mia, who is smirking beside her. I cough lightly in embarrassment. As I run away under their playful gaze, I hear their friendly laughter behind me. [Kana Fujita]Manager, I think it's better to get the videographer to capture the freeze-frame shot of this pose as a panoramic shot. [Manager]You're right. This movement will look even more valiant with the stage lighting. Director, please record this. [Kana Fujita]Um... And here, my position seems to be a little off... I'll watch out for that. [Manager]Is the volume of the in-ear monitors okay? [Kana Fujita]It feels just right, but maybe it can be turned up a little more just in case the audience cheers too loudly. [Manager]Then we'll adjust it according to the situation after the audience enters. Akane, Mia, you two will also need to watch out for this. [Kana Fujita]Oh, I have one more question. Miss Manager, I think... In order to not disturb their rehearsal, I deliberately hide myself behind the staff. Although I don't really understand everything they are saying, I generally understand that everyone is working hard for this concert. Kana is checking the pre-recorded images of each frame and discussing ways to make them better with her manager and videographer. Probably because this is the first concert of the tour, she is extraordinarily serious and determined to do her best in every detail. [Kana Fujita]That's it then. I don't have any other questions. After an unknown period of time and being bombarded by a barrage of professional terminology, she finally says the words I've been waiting for. However, that doesn't mean I will be able to chat leisurely with Kana. The girl wipes away the sweat on her forehead and starts urging her team members to get on stage. [Kana Fujita]Mia, Akane, it's time for your rehearsals now. Mia, pay attention to the timing and your position so you don't move too quickly. Akane, you need to interact with the camera actively, especially when the videographer does a close-up of you. [Kana Fujita]Oh right, they'll need to use the lifting platform for this song. The choreographer has the version with our finalized positions, right? We also need to check the equipment again... Kana is always acting cute or laughing in front of me in a lively and adorable manner. This is the first time I've seen her make such a serious expression. She even looks somewhat similar to her manager next to her. I never realized that there would be so many things to work out at the concert. Hearing the series of requests from her also makes me feel nervous. [Kana Fujita]Oh right, we need to hand out cheering sticks to the fans. That also needs to be checked! I'll... [Manager]Wait, Kana. Kana's manager pats her arm to stop her from walking off. [Manager]Kana, instead of helping the concert director and staff out, it's more important for you to get some rest now. [Manager]I'll be with Mia and Akane during their rehearsals, and we have professionals checking the stage equipment. [Manager]You're too nervous right now. I worried that the nervous energy will work against you. Go backstage and have a good rest so that you can perform at your best during the concert. Kana's manager proves once again that there's a reason she's a top manager in the industry as she notices why Kana Fujita is acting so strange in one glance. [Kana Fujita]But...