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Who can say no to durian? Of course I'll take it.


As expected of an information dealer. He even knows that I like durian. But come to think of it, they've investigated me thoroughly, and my love for durian isn't a secret at all. I receive a "cardamom" from Kutsuji and take a bite. The unique sweetness of durian fills my mouth instantly. This snack is filled with chunks of durian flesh, which has an ice cream-like texture after chilling. One bite of this snack is enough to fill a person with satisfaction and happiness. It is a treasure in this world. I am filled with satisfaction after eating two pieces in a row. When I look up and see Kutsuji deliberately keeping his distance from me, as well as the look of disbelief on his face, I suddenly realize something. [player]You don't eat durian? [Kutsuji]I don't eat it... I have no idea how anyone can like this type of thing. [player]What? Durian is so tasty! [Kutsuji]Tsk... [Kutsuji]Ning tricked me into taking a bite when I was little... It tasted like a scallion pancake that had gone bad for a week. [player]Who's "Ning"? [Kutsuji]She's the person who raised me. [player]Is she also a member of Strix? [Kutsuji]Yes and no. [player]Oh, you should try some now then. I think there might have been something wrong with the piece you ate back then. [Kutsuji]That won't be necessary. [Kutsuji]Oh and I'm not the only one who doesn't eat it. Nobody in Strix eats durian. Suddenly, Kutsuji moves closer to me while pinching his nose and speaks in a low voice. [Kutsuji]There's something you must remember. [Kutsuji]It's a serious crime to eat durian inside Strix. Something terrible will happen. [player]Is there some sort of punishment? He smiles strangely. It is a smile that feels... very threatening. [Kutsuji]You're welcome to find out. [player]No... It's not like I'll get anything even if I do it. After listening to Kutsuji's words, the "cardamom" on the plate is no longer appetizing to me, so I push the plate slightly further away from me. [player]Forget it. Let's change the subject and talk about the next part of our transaction. [Kutsuji]Speaking of our transaction, the parade is about to start. It won't be too late to tell you after we finish watching the parade. I follow his gaze and look downstairs, only to realize that it had become quiet downstairs at some point. Everyone stops making noise and looks at the entrance of Countless Springs expectantly. When the time on my phone reaches the hour on the dot, the doors of Countless Springs opens amidst a burst of loud cheering. Several men wearing the same outfit walk out holding wooden signs in their hands and stand on both sides of the road. On the wooden signs are the emblem of Countless Springs and some words, but the words are too small for me to read them clearly. Immediately after that, six girls wearing exquisite costumes line up on both sides, holding flower baskets as they exit the door in two lines. As they walk, they grab flowers in their baskets and throw them to their side, and the flowers land on the ground in the path between them. Accompanied by the sound of rhythmic drums and music, I see a foot wearing white socks and high clogs stick out from the door, drawing a half-moon arc before hiding behind the door again, like a playful goldfish wagging its tail in the air after jumping out of the water. After this repeats several times, a splendidly-dressed woman exits the door and walks slowly along the flower-paved road, maintaining a goldfish-like pace. Due to the distance and because she is wearing a veil that seems to be made of a beaded curtain, I can't see her appearance clearly. Kutsuji casually taps the window frame and gives me a reminder. [Kutsuji]That's Kurone Toujou. Kutsuji taps the window frame rhythmically along with the music below and seems immersed in the performance. When Kurone Toujou walks directly below us, he suddenly turns his head to look at me. [Kutsuji]I'm thinking of telling you something before we continue with the transaction. [player]What is it? [Kutsuji]I'm guessing that you must want to know why I got you to participate in the auction and everything else that happened after that, right? [player]Yeah, because I felt like I didn't get any particularly valuable information. [Kutsuji]No, the fact that you went is already a piece of valuable information. [player]What do you mean? [Kutsuji]What if I told you that you would be able to meet Kurone Toujou no matter which flower arrangement you managed to get? [player]Is it because all three flower arrangements are hers? [Kutsuji]No, it's because she wants to meet you. [player]Huh? [Kutsuji]At first, I made this guess based on the information I gathered, but your actions afterward helped me verify my guess. Kutsuji's words make the question mark in my head grow larger. Based on my interaction with Kurone Toujou, I can't figure out why she would want to actively approach me. [Kutsuji]Our previous transaction is still valid, but I can change its terms for you. From now on, you have two options. [Kutsuji]Your first option is to ask me about Ciri like we agreed, and I will tell you what she's been up to recently. [Kutsuji]Your second option is to ask me about Kurone Toujou for yourself, and I will tell you selected pieces of information that are useful to you. [Kutsuji]I'll give you some time to think it over. I hope you'll make the decision that satisfies your true inner needs. I think deeply for a moment after hearing Kutsuji's words. Emotionally and rationally, I should ask him about Ciri's matters since that was why I approached him in the first place and the matter I was entrusted with. On the other hand, I really want to know Kurone Toujou's reason for doing that. Now that I think about it, there seems to be a deeper layer of meaning to the things we talked about on that day. Some things that I consider ordinary and mundane might not be as simple as I thought. I think about it for a long time but have difficulty deciding. Sara and Ryan's worried expressions appear in my head one after the other, but I can hear Kurone Toujou's soft and pleasant voice in the background. [Kutsuji]You know, you can be a little selfish sometimes. No one would blame you for that. In that case, my decision is...