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There are three primary concerns in life: what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner


There are three primary concerns in life: what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.//nJust as I was seriously thinking about the menu for dinner, I suddenly received a call from Miki Nikaidou. [Miki Nikaidou]Today, I will cook the dinner myself to reward you for your excellent performance recently. You-can-look-forward-to-it~ I had known her for a long time but never had a chance to taste her cooking. Plus, her offer also solved the question I had been struggling with for the last half an hour. I headed toward Tenhoukaku with a lot of expectation. Tenhoukaku [???]Nyaa! I bumped into a panicked Ichihime at the door of Miki Nikaidou's home. She gave me a complicated look. [Ichihime]Master, run! Now! Ichihime ran away immediately after saying it. [player]Ichihime—— I wanted to stop her and ask what was going on, but she started running even faster and disappeared within an instant. Why did Ichihime ask me to run? Did she do something bad and was afraid that Miki Nikaidou might find out? [Miki Nikaidou]Oopsie, you came earlier than I expected. I haven't finished cooking yet, what shall I do now? Miki Nikaidou suddenly appeared when I was thinking of Ichihime's action. Unlike what she said, she didn't look concerned at all that the dinner wasn't ready. I took a closer look at her and realized it was the first time I saw her wearing an apron. Compared to her normal sexy look, she looked more feminine and graceful. [player]That's okay, I can help with the cooking. [Miki Nikaidou]No need for that. Do you not trust my cooking skills? I had known Miki Nikaidou for a long time, but she still loved to mock me every now and then. Fortunately, I had developed some immunity. [player]I always trust you, Nikaidou. [Miki Nikaidou]Hehe, should I give you some reward for that? As she slowly approached me, I awkwardly stared into the reflection of myself in her eyes. Did she just think of a new trick to mock me? When that thought came to my mind, I took a step back and rejected her. [player]N-no thanks. [Miki Nikaidou]Eh? But I bought some cookies today when I went out. I thought you would like them. I followed her inside and saw a box of cookies on the coffee table in the living room. [player]The cookies are real... [Miki Nikaidou]Hmm? [player]Nothing... I should change the topic as soon as possible. [player]What dishes are you cooking tonight, Nikaidou? [Miki Nikaidou]Speaking of that, I would really like to hear what you think. [player]About what? [Miki Nikaidou]Nothing complicated, just some taste preferences. For example, do you prefer stir-fried tomato and eggs with or without sugar?