

It's obvious that Hideki Akechi has trouble with topics related to pop music. The lengths to which he is trying to hide it makes me feel mischievous and want to see the embarrassed look on his face when he can no longer hide it.
And also this is a rare opportunity where I get to know Hideki Akechi better, and I obliviously don't want to miss it. So I start discussing this pop song again instead of changing the topic.
[player]Hideki, have you really heard of this song before?
My unexpected question freezes the smile on his face for an instant. He blinks and stops smiling, then he looks outside through the window.
[player]Um... Looks like I guessed right then.
[Hideki Akechi]Um...
The background music of the café changes again. The melody of the piano fills the small space and seems to greatly slow down the flow of time.
He opens his mouth but doesn't make a sound, as if he doesn't know what to say. Seeing him being so uncomfortable, I sign inwardly. As I'm about to drop the topic, Hideki Akechi tilts his head and starts speaking hesitantly.
[Hideki Akechi]I just didn't want there to be a gap between us, PLAYER.
[Hideki Akechi]Although we have traveled together, we meet at the mahjong club of the university most of the time. I'm good at managing the club, so I might have given you the impression that I'm someone who can do anything.
[Hideki Akechi]I thought that if you realized that there's something I'm not good at, you might get disappointed... or even lose trust in me.
After saying this, Hideki Akechi raises his head and shows me a familiar smile.
[Hideki Akechi]But that's okay. If you want to see this side of me, I can keep showing you this.
He said it in such a matter-of-fact way that it takes me a few seconds to realize what he really means.
[player]But rather than seeing you perfect in all aspects, I want to get to know the real Hideki Akechi more.
[Hideki Akechi]But the real me might not be that perfect. Is that okay?
[player]Of course. I have all sorts of shortcomings, but that hasn't made you alienate me.
His translucent and clear blue eyes flicker as if they can talk.
[Hideki Akechi]Sorry, I don't know much about pop music. I know more about classical music. That band called Red-crowned Crane and that song... I've never heard of them before.
[player]Haha, both pop music and classical music are just ways people use to express their feelings and emotions through musical notes. If I had to compare them, I would say pop music allows us to express our feelings more openly. I would like to show you if we get the chance.
[Employee]Excuse me, here are the two signature set meals you ordered.
The arrival of the employee with our food interrupts our discussion about classical music and pop music. I rub my stomach and find that I really am a little hungry. However... the employee seems to have brought us something more than our coffee and desserts.
[Hideki Akechi]...What's this?
[Employee]This is a mascot that we're giving out as merch for our collaboration with the Wild Music Festival. Each customer who orders the signature set meal gets one. At the same time, you can also go to the front desk to draw a prize after dining. There's a first, second, and third prize, as well as participation prizes. The top reward is two tickets to the music festival.
[Hideki Akechi]Wild Music Festival?
[Employee]It's basically an outdoor pop music performance event. Established bands and up-and-coming pop stars will perform on stage during the event. If you want to learn more about pop music, this is a great opportunity for you to go "wild" at the music festival. I think that's everything you ordered. Please enjoy your meal.
[Hideki Akechi]Thanks.
Hideki Akechi's eyes linger on the music festival mascot for a while. After a moment of hesitation, he raises his head and looks at me.
[Hideki Akechi]In that case... PLAYER, will you go to the Wild Music Festival with me?
[player]Haha, you've already decided that you'll win the grand prize before drawing for it? Wouldn't you feel embarrassed if you don't win the tickets?
[Hideki Akechi]I want to invite you to go with me even if we don't win the top prize. It would be a perfect invitation. Besides, the prize draw seems like a good reason to invite you to have coffee with me again since the chance of winning the prize is doubled if there are two of us.
His half-joking words make me feel that Hideki Akechi is no longer as unreachable as he used to be. Instead, he feels closer, like a neighbor.
[player]Sure thing. Then I'll be the one to enlighten you about pop music.
Hideki Akechi smiles after hearing me accept his invitation, but there's something different about his smile this time. If I had to describe what's different about it, I would say this smile is from the heart.
Oh right, the music festival... There won't be an emergency power outage this time, right?