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Milk tea


[-] There's nothing that soothes the soul more than a cup of hot milk tea in the morning. [player] Thanks, I'll have milk tea. [Riu Kujou] Okay. Five minutes later [-] The aroma of tea coming from the kitchen awakens my dormant sense of smell... I walk over to the kitchen with a piece of a snack in my mouth. Watching Riu Kujou adding milk to the tea and then stirring the tea smoothly is a delight to the eyes. Ten minutes later [-] The fragrance of milk tea gets stronger and stronger, but the tea mixture seems to be getting thicker and thicker. Is she making it stronger for me because she saw me dozing off earlier? Twenty minutes later [-] ...Riu Kujou is staring at the pot of tea with a very serious expression. She must have a reason for cooking it for so long. Thirty minutes later [-] She might have a reason... but isn't she cooking it for too long... Hmm? I think I can smell something burning... [Riu Kujou] ...Huh? Is something wrong with today's tea? Why can't I smell anything after brewing it for so long? [player] ...Huh? [player] ...Huh??? [player] Umm, turn off the stove now-- [Riu Kujou] Phew... so I just lost my sense of smell because of my cold. I'm so happy there's nothing wrong with my tea-brewing skills. [player] ?? [player] Is it right to use "just" and "I'm so glad" in this situation? [Riu Kujou] I'm sorry, I'll make you a new pot of tea. [player] Wait up, that's not important. I think your cold is quite serious. Have you taken any medicine yet? [Riu Kujou] I don't need to take any since I just have some insignificant symptoms. I've got a lot of work to do today, and I think I'll get drowsy if I take cold medicine. [player] But Chiori said you need to rest properly. [Riu Kujou] I will rest. I was thinking of mopping all the floors in the house twice today. [player] What about now? [Riu Kujou] I'll only mop them once. [-] That's not called resting properly!!! [player] I don't think that's appropriate. [Riu Kujou] Hmm? What isn't appropriate? Are you telling me to do nothing at all? Are you questioning my ability? [player] Don't put words in my mouth. That's not what I mean. [Riu Kujou] Fine, just you wait and see. A minor cold like this won't affect me at all! [player] That's really not what I meant!!! [-] It's too late to explain now because Riu Kujou's fighting spirit has already been ignited. In the living room half an hour later [-] I watch silently as Riu Kujou mops the floor slowly and resist the urge to speak. [Riu Kujou] Phew... It feels like the house is particularly big today. [player] Maybe it's because you're more tired than usual. [Riu Kujou] ... [player] Umm, let me do it for you. [-] I take the mop from Riu Kujou. In the garden one hour later [Riu Kujou] This is strange. Why is this pot already wet? [player] Maybe it's because you've already watered the plants in this row already. [Riu Kujou] ?! [player] Don't go over there. I've already watered the row you forgot to water earlier. [-] Ding-dong! The person delivering the ingredients Riu Kujou ordered online glances at us strangely and leaves after wiping off some sweat. Riu Kujou and I are stunned as we look at the bags of ingredients of various sizes on the ground because there are enough ingredients to cook up a massive feast. [player] Although I'm glad you invited me to stay for lunch, don't you think there's too much food? [Riu Kujou] Ahem... I think I entered the wrong quantity when I was ordering... [-] Riu Kujou's face turns red. [player] Sigh, that's why I said you should rest properly. [Riu Kujou] That's not necessary. I'll be okay. [-] I step forward to stop Riu Kujou when I see her bite her lower lip and start to carry the ingredients to the kitchen. [player] Riu, I think you can't go on like this...