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Lantern riddle


Lantern riddle [Narration]Mai and I come to a booth with lantern riddles. [player]Hi, we want to guess some lantern riddles. [Nanaha Onodera]... Sure, help yourself. [Narration]Nanaha Onodera is busy reading and doesn't bother to look our way. [player]...Um, Nanaha, aren't you in charge of this lantern riddle booth? [Nanaha Onodera]Welcome. Please select any lantern. [Narration]...It looks like she has no intention to look up at the customers at all. Forget it, it's not like this is the first time I've met her. You just have to get used to it. [Narration]So, I let Mai choose a lantern. She took a look at them and then takes a lantern with the character for "tea" on it. [Nanaha Onodera]The first riddle is: "There is a pot at the mouth of the well and a pot at the bottom of the well. In the middle are a handful of mung beans and flowers blooming in the water." [Nanaha Onodera]The clue is the character on the lantern. [Mai Aihara]The character on the lantern is "tea." Does this mean the answer is related to tea? [Nanaha Onodera]Yes. If you can't think of anything, you can ask for more clues. [Mai Aihara]I... think I know the answer. [player]Eh? Already? [Nanaha Onodera]The less time you need to guess the answer, the greater the rewards. So, can you tell me your answer? [Mai Aihara]Um, it should be "a lidded tea bowl," right? [Nanaha Onodera]Correct... You've solved this riddle faster than everyone else so far. [player]That's amazing! Mai, you're so good at guessing riddles. [Mai Aihara]N-Not really... I just know a little more about tea. Grandpa taught me how to make tea with a lidded tea bowl, so I thought of it immediately. [Nanaha Onodera]Choosing a topic you're good at is also a secret of success. Let's move on to the second riddle. [Narration]After we answered all ten riddles, we went to the prize-giving area to choose our prizes. [Mai Aihara]Master, what should we choose? [player]How about that round fan? I think it suits you. [Mai Aihara]Eh? The r-round fan? [player]You contributed the most when we were guessing the answers to the riddles, so it'll be a gift for you. [Mai Aihara]B-But... [player]You don't like it? Then you can choose something else. [Mai Aihara]No, it's not that! I'll take it! I... I'll take this fan. [Narration]After saying that, Mai claims the fan. This is strange... Judging from her reaction, does she like it or not? [Nanaha Onodera]This is a hehuan fan... According to traditional customs, this is usually given to others as a token of love. [Nanaha Onodera]Mai loves reading romance stories, so she must know what it means. [Mai Aihara]Master, thank you for this gift. I... love it. [Narration]Mai returns with the fan, and I see the blessing "Together Forever" written on it. I... I seem to have accidentally made a bold decision. [Narration]After that, I continue to wander around everywhere with Mai. [Broadcast]Hello everyone! The Kagura dance performance will be starting in 30 minutes at the square of the Temple of Moons. Please come and watch! [Mai Aihara]Ah... I need to go backstage to prepare. Master, thank you for showing me around and having fun with me. [player]You don't have to thank me. I enjoyed myself too. [Mai Aihara]To thank you... Master, I hope you'll come to watch the Kagura dance. [player]Of course! How can I miss out on your performance? I'll be there. [Mai Aihara]Thank you! Well... I'm going to the dressing room to prepare. [Narration]After that, I continue to wander around the festival and only prepare to go to the square when the Kagura dance is about to start. [player]Ugh! [Little Girl]... Sorry. [Narration]Rushing to the stage, I end up bumping into a little girl around four to five years old. [player]Are you okay? [Narration]I help her up, only to realize that nobody is chaperoning this little girl. [player]Where are your parents? [Little Girl]... [Mai Aihara]... [Narration]The little girl looks quite depressed and doesn't seem to want to talk to me. [Little Girl]Mommy is missing. [player]Missing? Are you lost? Hmm... Where did you get separated? [Little Girl]I don't know. [Narration]This is troublesome. She must have gotten lost in the festival. I look around and see more visitors here than before. Perhaps it is because the performance is about to start, but the road is very busy with people walking everywhere. [player]...Either way, I can't just leave a child here alone. What should I do?