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Invite her to team up


Invite her to team up I see Sora moving the joystick to choose the second option, so I stop him quickly. [player]Sora, I think you should choose: "Invite her to team up" here. [Sora Ichinose]Coughs But... according to the hint given earlier in the game, I'll get 1 heart of Affinity if I win the prize and give it to her, while I'll only get half a heart if I choose to team up with her. [Sora Ichinose]A happy ending is guaranteed once you get five hearts, so wouldn't it be the better option to not team up in this case? Sora Ichinose picks up his pen and starts to calculate something busily. As the tip of his pen moves, line after line of numbers appear on the paper like a scale that measures people's hearts.//nRational, but cold. Before Sora finishes writing the last number, I grab his hand gently and take the gel-ink pen from him. [player]To help you understand, I think I'll put these things away for now. [Sora Ichinose]Huh? But I haven't finished making my calculations. [player]It's very easy to choose the correct answer. Sora, you just need to ask yourself what you would do in that situation. [Sora Ichinose]Ask... myself? [player]Yes. Don't treat this as a game. Treat it like something that is happening in real life and listen to your heart. Maybe that's the best answer you're looking for. [Sora Ichinose]... The afternoon sun shines into the room, dyeing the whole room with a warm color. This kind of warmth is able to reach all the way to the bottom of one's heart and temporarily pulls Sora away from the world of probabilities and calculations. He lowers his head and considers this question seriously. [Sora Ichinose]Coughs If it's with you, PLAYER... we only have about a 50.70% chance of winning if we team up, the possibility of significantly improving our performance via pre-competition training is not high, and we will probably be eliminated in the preliminary stage... [player]I'm going to interrupt you. I can almost hear a "but" coming up. [Sora Ichinose]Coughs But... I'll still choose to team up with you. [Sora Ichinose]It's just that I can't represent everyone. It doesn't mean that the decision to team up is the correct decision. [player]There isn't a perfect formula that can be used to calculate human emotions, and things never develop according to preset plans. [player]Just like when we entered the Halloween fashion show of Aotsuyu Middle School. You chose to wear something that wasn't supported by data, but you still managed to get good results. [Sora Ichinose]Coughs Is that so... Under my encouraging gaze, Sora skeptically chose "Invite her to team up." Before long, it is the day of the preliminary selection, and "Sora" and "Ryuushi" arrive at the venue early to face their opponent. [player]As expected of a romance game. Even the venue of a gaming competition is decorated so romantically. It gives me the feeling of an idol drama. [Sora Ichinose]There seems to be some clipping on the ground in the lower right corner, and all the NPCs freeze when they pass by. No one is better than Sora when it comes to destroying the atmosphere with a comment. ["Ryuushi"]Help! Help! The opponent's assassin is coming again... ["Sora Ichinose"]There's a healing pack under the tower. Quickly—Urgh, it's too late. Before "Sora" can finish talking, the hero "Ryuushi" is using has been finished off by the opponent's blade. The scene of her defeat with the "I... I refuse to accept this..." voice line from her character makes her look quite miserable. Buzz A red light turns on, mercilessly announcing the fact that they've been eliminated. ["Ryuushi"]I'm sorry, I dragged you down. ["Sora Ichinose"]You did way better than you usually do during practice. ["Ryuushi"]To thank you for training with me during this time, I'll take you to the amusement park around our campus tomorrow. It'll be my treat! Um... I mean, if you are free. ["Sora Ichinose"]Ahem, of course... I have time. Bang Beautiful fireworks special effects fill the middle of the screen, and the system prompt pops up to tell us that a secret date story has been triggered. [Sora Ichinose]They didn't win any prizes, but the heroine somehow seems even happier... Is it possible that the game has a special stage-clearing algorithm? [player]Haha, this has nothing to do with algorithms. There are no guides that can help us when it comes to emotions, and every piece of interaction is important. Taking this part of the story as an example, we've been training with "Ryuushi" every day, so it's normal for them to develop feelings for each other. [Sora Ichinose]But we didn't provide any actual help. We didn't even pass the first round of the gaming competition. [player]The point here isn't what we end up winning, but who we spend our time with. You need to explore things for yourself to experience the things that make the romance interesting. I deliberately answer him vaguely to avoid influencing him excessively. Given Sora's usual personality, I thought he would keep asking me questions about this, but he holds the game thoughtfully for a while before ending this topic himself. [Sora Ichinose]I think I understand a little of what you're saying. Sora Ichinose picks up his pen and starts to calculate something busily. As the tip of his pen moves, line after line of numbers appear on the paper like a scale that measures people's hearts.//nRational, but cold. It's the New Year in the game, and "Sora" and "Ryuushi" are meeting together in the commercial strip. These two youths who are celebrating the New Year away from home for the first time have come together, and the fireworks above them create an ambiguous and romantic pink atmosphere around them. When the "Confess your love now" option pops up on the screen, I take out my phone and get ready to record the moment Sora clears this game for the first time. However, I wait for a long time and watch as he keeps moving the cursor back and forth between the two options without selecting either of them. [player]Sora? [Sora Ichinose]... Um, PLAYER, what would you choose here? [player]Hmm, there are fireworks, it's the New Year, and you're on a date... There are so many romantic factors here that you shouldn't even have to hesitate right? Of course you should choose to confess your love! [Sora Ichinose]You see... We've only got four hearts of Affinity here, which means there's a 20.00% chance of failure. Sora sighs and reaches out habitually on the desk for the pen and paper I put away earlier, as if he wants to further calculate the success rate of the love confession. [Sora Ichinose]I tried the method we used earlier, but... it seems even more difficult here. [player]Eh? Why is that? [Sora Ichinose]Because I care about her, I'm even more afraid of taking risks than usual. I don't want even the slightest risk of losing her. Sora signs and looks at me for help.